[The story has been completed.] A failure guy who failed in everything and gave up from his dreams. He once dreamed to be a great basketball player like his big brother but from wrong people, he left from it and walked on the wrong path on which he even left those people who loved him. With a lot of sadness and regrets, he decides to end his life at once and for all and he finally died. But wait... The boy gets 12 years back from which everything started and he has got a chance to fix the things!
Ishan came to the school after three years now and started stepping ahead.
And Lisa saw Ishan and ran towards him and asked directly, "You have written 1001 Love Letters?"
And Ishan was shocked that how Lisa knows and said, "... No?"
Lisa stared Ishan and Ishan realised that Lisa can read minds and with a sigh said, "Fine... I have written it... For Sara. I am upset from Mahi for exposing my identity."
"So you could actually never move on from her?"
And Ishan and Lisa started walking together and Ishan said, "... If that's the meaning of move on for you all... Then I could never. How will I be even able to do that? I can't stop thinking about her, I can't let myself stop loving her. Love is like an endless ocean, once you have jumped in it, you can never escape and just keep on drowning and reaching the depths of it."
"I wrote that." Said Lisa and Ishan started laughing and said, "Yeah, in my previous life you wrote it. And you must have written it already and going to publish soon."
Lisa continued staring at Ishan with suspicious eyes and said, "... Smart boy."
And Lisa turned opposite of Ishan with a smile.
"Where are you going?"
"... I have to get ready for the party. Everyone is invited... But not you, I guess they don't know that you have came."
"Oh, Sister Elisa was talking about it. So you go, I will meet with some teachers."
And Lisa left and Ishan continued wandering in school buildings to give some greetings to the teachers.
Ishan came to the stadium and no one was remembering Ishan, but suddenly someone jumped on Ishan from back.
"Big brother!!!"
Ishan turned back and said, "Li, don't jump on me all the time."
"How was your college days?"
"Um... Pretty good, I made some music beats and also took physical training, and how yours? You must also be in college currently, right?"
"I am in Third Year and now I am in a national team!!!"
And Ishan patted on Li's head and smiled and said, "Very good, I am proud of you."
"Thank you big brother." And Li smiled brightly which made Ishan more happy.
And Li and Ishan came out of the stadium and Ishan saw Sara leaving and said, "She must also be invited in the party."
"Oh, by the party I remembered that I have to attend one." Said Li with remembering and continued, "So see you big brother next time." And she left.
And Ishan was feeling a little bit awkward that everyone is invited but he is not?
Ishan walked around the whole school three times and now it was going to be night so Ishan was finally going to leave after walking at stadium for the last time.
But suddenly Ishan bumped with someone and immediately said, "Sorry"
The man saw Ishan and recognised him immediately and said, "Sir Ishan! When did you came?!"
And all the eyes at Ishan. And Ishan started sweating.
"Um... Can you please stop calling me sir?"
"How can I do it sir?! You... You have scored 50 points sole in all the matches in all the leagues where you have participated! You are so honoured and respected person in the basketball world that those who knows you always salutes you with honour to meet you!"
And gossiping started, but actually Ishan has this honour and respect, he has scored 50 points sole in all the matches he played and never lost a single game! He was always between at the highest because if he is in a team, it's a guarantee that that team will only win!
"Uh... You are making me embarrassed... Please, can we talk silently." Said sweating Ishan.
"I didn't invited you in the party as a guest... Sir, you will have to come." And thean started dragging Ishan away and Ishan was apologizing to everyone for spoiling the Reunion Party.
"Huff..." Ishan was now in a party room which was looking pretty big but there was no one except Ishan and some servants working and arranging the party.
Ishan was being bored so he also started giving some helping hands to the servants. Such a nice boy he is.
"Hey, the guests and attenders are going to come!" And servants settled everything and pushed Ishan to open the gate with another servant? They think that Ishan is actually a servant!
But Ishan didn't minded it really and opened the gate with the another servant and guests and attenders started coming and entering.
And guests were sitting at the stage seats and Ishan realised that why is he considered as a servant, because all the guests were wearing white costumes but he is wearing a black one!
And Ivan, Elisa, Cyet, Lisa, Era, Sia, Mahi, and almost everyone was coming and Ishan was taking his face off to surprise once again!
And Sara also arrived and all the guests seated. And the man who dragged Ishan in it was the speaker and started finding him.
And, there was also Uri, Curv, their teams and even the captain of School Ik!
And the captain of School Ik stood from his seat and came in front of Sara and bended his knees and said, "Please marry me Sara!!!"
And everyone was shocked.
And suddenly Curv recognised Ishan and Ishan also realised that Curv has recognised him but tried to say to be silent.
And Curv started laughing on the stage but by hiding his mouth and whispered about Ishan to Uri and he shockingly saw at Ishan and he also started laughing from inside. Ishan was completely angry and swear that he will take revenge from them on laughing.
Whereas Captain of School Ik thought that Sara couldn't deny in front of such a crowded place so he is confessing there.
"No, I am sorry but I am not interested in you." Said Sara directly and everyone was shocked.
And Lisa smiled and said, "If Ishan would be here, he would beat you again. Don't interfere in Sara's matter." And laughed.
And the speaker finally saw Ishan and shouted, "Sir Ishan!"
Ishan tried to stay a secret but the guy has caught him.
And Ishan finally showed his face and said, "Hi.... Um, actually I didn't knew and the speaker dragged me in. He didn't even told me that costume is fixed to be white."
"I am sorry sir."