[The story has been completed.] A failure guy who failed in everything and gave up from his dreams. He once dreamed to be a great basketball player like his big brother but from wrong people, he left from it and walked on the wrong path on which he even left those people who loved him. With a lot of sadness and regrets, he decides to end his life at once and for all and he finally died. But wait... The boy gets 12 years back from which everything started and he has got a chance to fix the things!
And Lisa didn't understood that why they want to hurt her on losing her ability but tried to do it.
'This moron thinks that she has lost her ability of reading minds but she has got the power back from a month.' thought Ishan and Lisa was shocked with widening her eyes because... She actually read his mind!
"Are my ears wrong--"
Ishan said, "This moron thinks that she has lost her ability of reading minds but she has got the power back from a month."
And Lisa was shocked.
"Your ears are not wrong... Your powers are back to you. Smile like you used to do, be rude to me like you used to be, I am your buddy. Don't fade away your smiles, excitement and everything. You are special for us."
And... Lisa started crying, she started crying with happiness that her ability is actually back! And ran towards Ishan and hugged him.
And Ishan started laughing and patting on Lisa's head and said, "We became friends because of your mind reading... Why would I want to destroy our friendship?"
And Lisa started crying loudly and said, "Thank you, thank you so much! Thank you!"
'Don't thank me, I asked for a wish from a God... Thank him.' and Lisa looked at Ishan after hearing this but didn't left the hug.
And Mahi came and seperated the hug and said, "I and Sara came only hug Ishan like this."
And Lisa started laughing but suddenly recognised something shocking.
"Did... You told Mahi about your previous life?!"
And Mahi said it on her own, "He told me... So you can't blackmail him anymore about it."
And Lisa was surprised but suddenly started laughing.
"Yes, yes."
'I like her like this only. Smiling, excited, rude to me and always to ready to fight with me. This is the Lisa I know.' thought Ishan and Lisa started staring at Ishan.
"Oye! Ishan! Why don't you stay settled at two?! You are liking me?!" Shouted Lisa and Ishan replied, "But as a friend... You are my buddy, but nothing ahead."
And Lisa continued staring and got a sad face on realising that Ishan actually just loves her like a friend.
And Ishan started teasing, "So do you wanted me to love you like I do to Sara and Mahi?"
"Shut up!!! That's not like that!"
And Ishan and Mahi got a laugh.
"And I am married now."
And Mahi was shocked.
"Wh-When?! And why you didn't invited us?!" Shouted Mahi but Ishan could expect why.
Lisa continued walking and replied, "Cyet didn't wanted to see Ishan and was giving two choices, whether he come or they get married. Sister Elisa punched him regularly to not do that but when he didn't stopped from what he wanted, Brother Ivan stopped Sister and finally agreed to not bring him. So sorry for that."
And Mahi understood their problems and just moved on from whatever has happened before.
"By the way... How many are now married?" Asked Ishan with curosity and Lisa replied, "Era has married with Sia, Aid with Ahi, and... Jiyu and Eiro are going to marry this year with whom you can expect on your own."
And Ishan smiled that his old teammates are now married with whom he wanted.
And Lisa stopped and said, "Here we are."
Ishan and Mahi turned straight towards the hou-- It's not a house but a whole mansion Ivan has made!
And Ishan and Mahi were shocked!!!
Lisa laughed and said, "You both are shocked, huh? Your big brother actually made a great and lovely house."
And Lisa started entering and Mahi continued following her.
"Hey! At least hold one bag! I am holding three from so long!" Shouted Ishan but Lisa didn't hear it and Mahi also because she has got her best friend back.
And Lisa opened the door and entered with Mahi.
And there were shocked Elisa, Jiyu, Era, Eiro, Cyet, Aid, Ahi, Sia, and Sav already. Ivan has told them and have just said that someone is coming.
"Um... Is no one happy to see us?"
And Elisa ran towards Mahi with happiness and said, "Long time no see Mahi!!! How good you played in the World Championship and your latest song was awesome!!!"
And Mahi smiled and said, "Thanks sister."
"You all... Are definitely going to hell... I am going to curse you all!"
And all the eyes at the door again and Ishan entered with holding all the two luggages and one bag! The most toughest work was holding and climbing the stairs together!
And Ishan kept his bag and also the two luggages and streched his back and did some warm up to set his body back to original.
And Jiyu and Eiro got a more larger mouth with being shocked and suddenly ran towards Ishan and hugged him and said, "Sorry Ishan!!!!!!!"
And Ishan fall on the ground with them and was trying to stand but Jiyu and Eiro were crying loudly and not even allowing him to stand.
"Hey! Let me stand!"
"Sorry!!! Sorry Ishan!!!"
And Ivan with Noah and Ruhi arrived and Noah greeted, "Yo, long time no see, Ishan."
And Ruhi was shocked to see Mahi and ran towards her and said, "Long time no see Mahi!!! I loved your game which you played in the World Championship!!!"
And Jiyu and Eiro finally stopped crying and left Ishan and he stood.
"But... Sara must be sad on losing her title again." Said Ruhi and Ishan and Mahi were shocked to hear this from Ruhi.
Ishan said, "... Are you serious? Do you seriously think that, Senior Ruhi?"
"... Am I wrong?"
And Ishan shouted, "Definitely! Sara lived with Mahi from the night Mahi got her title back and for almost 10 days! And I have to live with Curv in his room... Where he never cleaned his room and I have to do it. They not just did that! They went for shopping every day with my debit card..."
And everyone was shocked that Sara and Ishan are now treating normally with each other.
".... Yeah, but I didn't minded that they spent my whole bank account money together but... They also went to cinema and restaurants together everyday."
And everyone was now more shocked that Sara and Mahi are friends?!