[The story has been completed.] A failure guy who failed in everything and gave up from his dreams. He once dreamed to be a great basketball player like his big brother but from wrong people, he left from it and walked on the wrong path on which he even left those people who loved him. With a lot of sadness and regrets, he decides to end his life at once and for all and he finally died. But wait... The boy gets 12 years back from which everything started and he has got a chance to fix the things!
Ishan and Jiyu again came at school too early to play with Era but he was not found at the ground and gate of the school. They stepped towards the courts and it was open and Era was waiting for them.
Era said, "Oh, good morning, Ishan and Jiyu."
Ishan and Jiyu were confused and said, "Good... Morning, Era. Is the court again open? Didn't the guard keeper stopped you."
Era said, "No, he just asked that if we are from a team or not. Because I guess, team members are allowed."
Ishan and Jiyu kept their bags and said, "Then it is good."
And Ishan, Jiyu and Era began the game.
With playing for two hours with Ishan and Jiyu, Era has improved a lot in basketball. He is capable to give a good combat to Aid in face to face in basketball. Ishan and Jiyu were also happy that Era is improving as well as they are also.
Then, as routine, they played till the students started coming and then they went to their classrooms and had classes and then, at remedial classes, they with Eiro, Aid and Ro gathered at the basketball court with Miss Naya for training.
"Oh! Ishan!"
Ishan turned towards the voice and Cyet was there.
Everyone was shocked by seeing him in the school. He was in his normal clothes and he arrived on Ishan called him yesterday.
Ishan said, "Yo! Long time no see. Miss Naya wanted to talk to you so I called yesterday at night."
Ishan exchanged the number with Cyet that day on which he saved him.
Back at last Friday
"If you ever want to talk with me, you can." Said Ishan with a smile and Cyet was shocked for a second but then smiled and said, "Hm!"
Back at present
"Yes, I said him to ask you that if you really want to play basketball in the team?" Said Miss Naya.
"Ishan, I guess you are close to Cyet, so if you can, then please bring him to school during remedial classes at the stadium."
Back at present
Cyet said, "Yes, although I am suspended for this week but I want."
Miss Naya smiled and said, "Nice to hear. Now, listen. Even if you are suspended for this week, you can come to the court at remedial periods which are last."
Ishan and Jiyu became happy that Cyet will be able to play with them from nowards and he was also happy.
Jiyu said, "Oh ho! Well done Ishan. And welcome, Cyet to our team."
Cyet smiled and said, "Thank you"
Ishan was happy that Cyet will be able to play with them.
"Era, can you pass the ball?" Said Ishan.
As Era was standing most near to the basketballs so he took one and threw to Ishan.
"Thank you"
Cyet was a little bit surprised about something and suddenly started running towards and reached in front of Era.
"So... You are Ear, right?"
Era suddenly became angry on being insulted on his name and said, "My name is Era! Not ear, Era!"
"Huh? But I will call you Ear only." Said Cyet with smiling and making fun.
And with this their friendship started.
Ishan, Jiyu and Eiro were just watching and laughing on them but if they continued with this only, they can't practice so Ishan called Era and Cyet to end the fight and start the practice. And so their practice began.
Miss Naya was just watching the game but can't see a good game because she knew that they can't play well until a good pressure of winning, like in a competitive match is put. So she took a leave for something.
Whereas girl's team in which Sara and Hemi were there, arrived with fun. Boys were deeply concentrated on the game so didn't noticed about the girls coming with a coach which Mister Ken has hired for!
Sara looked at Ishan, how fun he is having in the game and smiled. And on another hand, Aid looked at Sara.
When Ishan became tired, he said to continue the game to his companions and sat on the floor of the court on a side.
Suddenly Aid also arrived and sat next to Ishan. Ishan was just going to ignore him and come in the match but suddenly Aid said something
"Where are you going? Why do you not want to talk with me for a while?"
And Ishan, standing, stopped to hear what Aid wants to say.
"I would truly like to say that... You are an impressive guy. You managed to take Era and Cyet to enter team. It is like you trapped you well... No, trap not because there is no loss of Era and Cyet as well, so yes."
And Ishan was stunned by hearing what just Aid said. How does he know that these all things were his goodness but also a kind of plan.
"What do you want?" Said Ishan directly.
Aid smiled and said, "Nothing but just wanted to say that... I like Sara."
And this thing only Ishan didn't wanted to hear.
But Ishan smiled and then said, "Like love? Nice joke but how do you look at Sara shows me that you don't like her, but you are obsessed for her look. And it is lust... Not liking or love."
And Ishan with with his deep and dark eyes turned towards Aid and smiled.
Ishan continued, "You are like someone who tries to show that you are tough guy and doesn't make any reaction on faces. But... You are somehow weak from inside. It is sure that you are just obsessed for Sara not in love but I am afraid for those who will or who actually loves you now. Because... In the end you will never find a light until you didn't try to find at dark rooms, who knows that you will get the brightest star in your life."
And now Aid was stunned by Ishan's words. He was deeply lost in thought that somehow, Ishan is saying kind of true!