[The story has been completed.] A failure guy who failed in everything and gave up from his dreams. He once dreamed to be a great basketball player like his big brother but from wrong people, he left from it and walked on the wrong path on which he even left those people who loved him. With a lot of sadness and regrets, he decides to end his life at once and for all and he finally died. But wait... The boy gets 12 years back from which everything started and he has got a chance to fix the things!
Ishan, Jiyu, Era and Eiro were totally excited because the team was going to be formed! But Aid and Ro were not excited a lot.
Whereas Cyet was as he has got a suspension for a week so he was not in the school, he was at home watching television and thinking about Ishan and basketball team.
Whereas Sara was also in the basketball court because she was from the woman basketball team and it already had required number of members. Just sports teachers and principal have to come to officially form the team.
The sports teacher arrived and said, "Oh my. There are plenty of members in girls team. But..."
"Wait, sir. Aren't you thinking that we are having very less members so you will not form our team?" Jiyu panicked.
"Sir, we have one more member in our team but he is absent for a week. It will fully cover 7 players which is required." Said Ishan with confidence.
"Hm? Why your seventh member is absent? I don't have any name of the seventh."
"Um... He is suspended for a week and I guess he forget to put his name. Cyet, Cyet is his name."
The sports teacher was a little bit surprised that after a long time, in the school a boy's basketball team could be formed.
"Um... Ok."
And soon principal also arrived. He was confident that girls team will definitely be created and many teachers will be interested to invest in them but when he got to know that boys team is also going to be formed, he was surprised but expected that no teacher will show some interest in them as usual it was.
And Ishan, Jiyu, Era and Eiro started playing without thinking about anyone else. They were feeling a little bit sad that most probably no teacher will like to invest in them and the team before being formed will be disclosed. But without thinking of it, they continued the game.
Soon Aid and Ro also joined. Whereas Sara and her team were playing on another court.
Principal came to teacher's office where most of the teachers were talking and doing their work, and told about the basketball team.
Most of teachers were interested in it but for only girl's team. For boys team, they just thought that boys can't play well with of other schools.
One raised his hands and took the responsibility of girl's team with confidence but for boys, no one.
"Um... I would like to take responsibility of boy's team."
All the eyes on that only one teacher. She was none other than Ishan and Jiyu's class teacher!
"Ishan, Jiyu and Eiro are pretty good at playing so I can expect from them for a victory."
"Ma'am they three can buy basketball is a team game. What about the rest? Even if Ishan is Ivan's small brother but still, like the way his team was created and managed, nobody else could ever do."
The teacher became a little bit sad that others think like this even if they have never saw them playing.
"So... What is your final decision? Will you like to take responsibility of boy's team?" Said the principal
"Of course, no doubt, sir. I will still stand. They are just kids and it is our responsibility to raise them. I am not going for a victory, but for their enjoyment."
And all the teachers were shocked that Miss Naya (Ishan and Jiyu's class teacher) still wants to give a try.
"Students! Congratulations because I am going to own your team!"
And the ball fall on the ground from Era's hands and everywhere silence. Miss Naya has actually taken responsibility of them!
Whereas girls were already happy and their team owner took them for an ice cream treat.
"Ma... Ma'am, are you serious? The team is actually going to be formed?" Said Ro with not believing.
Naya ma'am said, "What about "going to"? It is already formed! I can't give you all ice cream treat like Sir Ken give but soon we are going on the work of basketball uniform of our team!"
And Ishan, Era and Eiro were shocked but Jiyu became totally happy and started running here and there in happiness.
"Thank you, Ma'am Naya!" Said Jiyu with excitement and happiness!
Ishan came in senses and smiled and said, "Yes, thank you ma'am for taking responsibility of us. I was... Not expecting of it but yes. Thanks a lot."
"You are welcome"
Era and Eiro also thanked and then Aid also did but Ro was not interested a lot in basketball so he just took like it is ok.
Ishan, Jiyu, Era, Eiro, Aid and Ro started leaving the stadium because the school and they left.
Ishan and Jiyu on their path and Era and Eiro on their path and Aid and Ro have already left.
Ishan and Jiyu started walking towards their room with a huge smile of happiness on their faces.
"Finally! The team is created, what a relief." Said Jiyu.
Ishan smiled and said, "Yes, finally we got the fruit of our hard work and dedication."
Suddenly Sara with running also arrived and said, "Can't you both wait for me?!"
Sara also joined the walk with Ishan and Jiyu and they all were happy on their teams.
Jiyu said, "Do you know, wecare going to have a basketball costume for the matches, I am too much excited!"
"Our sir has said that sizes and everything of costume will start from tomorrow and a few days later, we will get it." Said Sara.
Suddenly something came in Sara's mind and said, "And one more thing, when the school vacations will start, we are going to have a campaign for 15 days in another school. And there we will meet with other basketball teams of two other schools and we will also have matches with them! I am super excited for it!"
"Huh? Why didn't we got to know about it? Maybe Miss Naya will also tell us about it tomorrow." A thought in Ishan and Jiyu's mind.