[The story has been completed.] A failure guy who failed in everything and gave up from his dreams. He once dreamed to be a great basketball player like his big brother but from wrong people, he left from it and walked on the wrong path on which he even left those people who loved him. With a lot of sadness and regrets, he decides to end his life at once and for all and he finally died. But wait... The boy gets 12 years back from which everything started and he has got a chance to fix the things!
Era, Eiro and Sia continued their walk towards their houses, but firstly a shop for Era which Eiro has promised for.
"What do you want?" Asked Eiro and Era smilingly said, "Ice cream" with happiness.
"Which one?"
Era looked at Sia and whispered, "But buy two."
"For me?!" Asked joyous Eiro that Era even wants to eat with Eiro together!
"No, someone else."
And Eiro's face faded again and started walking towards the shop with saying to Era to stay and went to buy two cone ice cream which are pretty expensive.
Sia started leaving but Era stopped her saying, "Um... Will you like an ice cream?"
And Eiro came with two ice creams and saw Eiro and Sia sitting together and Eiro was expecting that she would've left but... The second one was for her only.
Eiro smiled and said, "Finally he must be moving on from whatever Sia said and forgive her." And started stepping towards them.
Eiro gave the first one to Era and as well the second one and left running already leaving Era!
Era was shocked and started regretting and said, "How... How can I forget that he is nothing less than a spy like Ishan! He understood everything and left in this situation like..."
"If you don't want then I am leaving." Said Sia and started leaving.
But suddenly Era caught her wrist and said, "Sorry, take it."
And Sia turned back and Era gave the ice cream in Sia's hand and said, "Then let's go."
And Era with Sia continued their walk towards their houses with eating the ice cream.
"So... You have forgave me?"
"How many times I have said I have forgave you. Any thing I will need to prove that?"
Sia stopped so Era also stopped and Sia gave a hand and said, "Let's become friends again."
"..." Era thought and said, "When we were either?" And Era started leaving without the handshake realising that it's hard for him to do. He is afraid that if they become friends once again and Sia did it the same, it would not just break his believe in Sia but he will not be able believe in anyone, whether it's Cyet, Eiro or even Ishan, he would be broken once again.
And Era started leading towards his home.
But this time, Sia's eyes became full of tears and she shouted, "You are the worse!!! How many times I have said sorry?! How many times I have said I will not repeat my mistake?! You..."
And Era was surprised for the first time on Sia's this emotion but kept his heart like a stone and said, "You would have never say this if Ishan and others wouldn't be with me. I am this much capable now just because of them, otherwise I am still the broken heart which was broken by someone who never cared about me but I admired her too much."
And Era left and went to his home leaving Sia broken.
"Uh... Ishan is always in favour in any situation of us. Even if we know him very well, after this point, it still feels like we know about him nothing." Thought hiding Eiro stalking and seeing the seven but started leaving when Sia also went to her home with tears in her eyes.
"How mysterious he is, same like the moon glowing but keeps lots of secrets inside her. We will need a mind reader to know." And laughed Eiro with realising that mind reading doesn't exist.
"I... I am not the same which I used to be." Sia remain crying in her room and wants to become Era's friend once again but will not trouble him but will support him at his all situations and phrases of life.
The Saturday arrived and Summer Vacations were just a week far and the Sports Event has started.
And the week was just going to pass with sports so there will be no exams or studies which was the most happiest part for the students!
And as usual, Ishan wake up early, got ready and left the house early and started moving towards school.
Everyone from basketball team were taking a break from school for Saturday so, they were just sleeping at their home but do you think Ishan will be the same? No way! He will go! Although he has joined chess tournament as well and today is his match as well.
Ishan came to school too early although some students were in the ground so, the school was not closed, it was opened a few minutes ago only.
Ishan with a smile continued his walk towards his destination! He skipped the stadium and was moving towards the library to read books!
Ishan came to library and saw Lisa sitting on the seat of librarian.
"Good morning"
Lisa was looking sleepy and after hearing Ishan's voice, she stood and said, "Just take care of library and become librarian for today."
Ishan started moving towards his choice of genre book and said, "I don't want to become a librarian."
"Just do as I say. I am going, will take some fresh air and saw the tournaments. Do you are in any sport?"
"... Chess."
"Today is boy's chess... When it will happen I will tell you and you can leave and I will comeback on charge. See you then later." Said sleepy Lisa and started leaving.
'Huh? She... She is my ordering over me?' thought agressive Ishan but he knew that not too much will come to library so it will not be hard for him so he just sat on the librarian's seat with his selected book and started reading.
Three hours passed and Ishan finished half of the book.
Whereas Lisa was watching matches of different sports and even she was in football.
Ishan was just enjoying by the peace and silence and reading the book with the open window feeling the winds blowing.
"... What are you doing here, Ishan?"
Ishan raised his face from the book and Miss Naya was there for a book.
"Oh, Lisa gave the charge to me. She might be watching the match."