Aria Callaghan is not an easy person to come by, but at the same time she's very effective at what she's doing. However, due to her ways she meets on her way Chyler Toussaint, a quite by-the-book detective. Their cooperation seems impossible to be maintained in a good way, given different approaches both of them have, but a lot can change given what they have to face together. After Hellblades mob starts killing people in British Columbia, Aria and Chyler would have to move to Saskatchewan to investigate why Hellblades had gotten so bold. However, the killing mob is not the only problem they will encounter on their way.
"What the hell am I doing here again?" she asked, sitting down on a small bulwark and looked at her interlocutor. He sighed and shrugged.
"Thought I'd thank you in person. If it wasn't for you and your friend, I'd probably be… you know." He gestured towards his throat as if he was slitting it. Aria huffed.
"Ye, I got the memo, but to be honest that doc of yours barely looked trustworthy."
"It's the only one I could go to and for the pigs not to be called." He shrugged again. "Look, I'm really grateful, man. I'd offer you another baggie, but… I think you deserve a bit more."
"More?" she raised her eyebrow. "Dude, I'm not sure your boss, whoever the fuck that is, will be happy to know you gave me a kilo of meth. Also, where am I supposed to shove it? Up my ass? I can't pretend I got four months pregnant in an hour."