
Saskatchewan: XXV & XXVI

Four hours, eight rounds of trivia, and one round of Pandemic later, Chyler was in the middle of Call of Cthulhu one-shot. She needed to admit she had fun so far. Both, she and Callaghan, were vigilant all the time, but it wasn't in expense of what the convention was offering them. Chyler had to admit that she had not had that much fun in ages, started finally to loosen up, feeling a bit less out of place than in the moment she entered the convention.

"Okay, Sierra, what are you doing?" the Game Master asked her when her turn came. She frowned.

"I think I will want to try to move the closet. It seems weird with the etched marks." She admitted. A tall, very thin guy with long hair and glasses smiled, nodding, and then he pointed at the dice.

"Then roll for Strength. You have 40, so the chances are pretty low..."