"I will talk! Just… Just don't hurt him!"
Those words were like honey to my ears.
"It's nice to be dealing with someone sensible," I replied as I turned back around and took a step closer to the girl.
I then reached out and brought one of my fingers to her chin, gently raising it up, as it forced the girl to look straight in my face.
"So you are going to tell me everything I want to know? Even if that might mean bringing doom to all your friends back at the camp?"
In theory, probing this poor girl like that was counterproductive. For what reason I could be trying to explain the consequences of fessing up to someone I was about to interrogate?
For one reason and one reason only.
Because I needed to figure out whether what she would tell me had anything to do with the truth. And judging her reaction to my probing was my only, relatively easy way of figuring it out.