
Chapter 9

"you never know..."


It's 4:23 pm and I drank all of Champagne's drink, but don't feel a hint of the alcohol she mixed into it. The first time in my life I regret, that I have braught my own metal straw and can't chew on a flexible plastic straw. I found out, that Chay and Amy went to the same primary school and yet how Champagne builds her sentences in Amy's audience I mention, that the friendship of them both needs to be some kind of a partnership of convenience, the purpose of which I haven't been quite able to fathom. Amanda instinctively gets closer to her boyfriend when Champagne leans at Cham's shoulder and I really didn't think she'd be a jealous person. That's something making her hateable, I think, even though it's not fair, but I can't help it. I don't like her. I thought I'd do, but I changed my mind.

What am I even doing? I don'hate her, I hate him and he's not that hot. Cham's quiet and Max or rather my One-night-stand is also quiet and the word One-night-stand even sounds disgusting, when I say it in my mind. Sometime I can't do that anymore-sitting here, thinking my thoughts- , so I excuse myself and go to the restrooms. Well, no it's a toilet, can't call it restroom, but anyway...

When I come out again I nearly get a heartattack and Imean it. Because first I just saw inthe mirror I don't look that bad, so secondI was able to give myself a little more self-confidence about my reflection,but third it all doesn't bring me anything,because I was not expecting, that he'dstand right in front of me, when I come out oft he toilet and look up from thegrey, dirty floor-tiles. And on top it all I directly look into his grey eyesand my gaze gets lost for a moment until I try to overplay, that I've even seenhim and stare back onto the grey floor tiles. It's offensive that I've seen himand he just needs to touch my arm for short, that I turn back and look at thoselips I kissed just two nights before. And I might not blush from the outside,but on the inside I can feel heat