

BDNSW · 奇幻
12 Chs

Chapter 12

The figure with the eagle mask moved with purpose, his footsteps echoing in the silence of the cave. It was a place shrouded in darkness, its walls covered in a thick layer of dust. As he approached the dimly lit corner, a figure seated there raised his head, recognizing the newcomer.

Lord Nedumba, a man of great wisdom and mystery, studied the masked individual with curious eyes. His voice carried a hint of intrigue as he spoke, "Noyora Nokaye, what brings you to me in this forsaken place?"

Noyora, his determination evident even through the mask, stood tall and resolute. "Lord Nedumba, I have come seeking vital information. I need to know about the Camayora Crystal. It has vanished, and I believe you may hold the key to its whereabouts."

The mention of the Camayora Crystal sparked Lord Nedumba's interest. Leaning forward, his piercing gaze met Noyora's masked face. "Why do you seek this knowledge? What is your motive, Noyora Nokaye?"

Noyora hesitated for a brief moment, his gloved hand reaching up to remove the eagle mask, revealing his face to Lord Nedumba. "Lord Nedumba, I come with a purpose. The fate of my people, the Nokayes, depends on finding the Camayora Crystal. It holds ancient secrets that can restore balance to our world, and I am determined to uncover them."

Lord Nedumba studied Noyora's face, recognizing the burning determination and sincerity reflected in his eyes. After a contemplative pause, he finally nodded. "Very well, Noyora Nokaye. I shall share with you what I know about the Camayora Crystal."

The scene shifted abruptly to another location.

In the dimly lit room, XaXa and Kyamin stood unmasked, their identities exposed to one another. Tension crackled in the air as they faced each other, their gazes locked in a battle of wills.

XaXa's voice trembled with a mix of anger and betrayal. "I know it's you, Kyrolkar! Enough of the games! You've deceived us all!"

Kyrolkar, his face hidden behind a mask, approached XaXa with measured steps. His voice was calm but laced with an undercurrent of intensity.

"Do you truly believe you know everything, XaXa? Have you not considered the weight of the choices you've made?"

XaXa's eyes narrowed, his anger flaring. "Choices? Is that what you call it? Manipulating us, tearing our family apart?"

Kyrolkar leaned closer, his voice filled with regret. "I did what I had to do to protect you, to protect Pmachua. But you, XaXa, you've strayed from the path, blinded by your own desires."

XaXa's anger melted into confusion, and his voice softened. "Why? Why would you do this? We were supposed to be a united front, fighting together."

Kyrolkar's voice tinged with sorrow. "XaXa, my son, it was never my intention to hurt you. I thought I was protecting you, preparing you for the challenges that lie ahead."

XaXa's voice broke, his eyes welling up with tears. "Protecting me? You've only brought pain and suffering upon us! I can't trust you anymore."

Kyrolkar's voice turned gentle. "Trust is a fragile thing, XaXa. But believe me when I say that I've never stopped caring for you, for our family."

XaXa's resolve wavered, his eyes filled with uncertainty. "I miss our family, Kyrolkar. I miss the unity we once had. But I can't continue like this, in the shadows."

Kyrolkar reached out, his hand trembling slightly. "And you don't have to, XaXa. We can find a way to bring our family back together, to rebuild what has been broken."

A flicker of hope danced in XaXa's eyes. "How? How can we mend what's been shattered?"

Kyrolkar removed his mask, revealing his weathered face. "We start by acknowledging our mistakes, by embracing our shared purpose. Together, we can save our lost siblings and reclaim what was stolen from us."

XaXa's gaze shifted, his eyes widening as a figure emerged from the shadows—it was Melirin, their small sister, now a formidable weapon designer.

XaXa's voice quivered with disbelief. "Melirin... Is it really you?"

Melirin's voice was stern, filled with determination. "It's been two long years, XaXa. Two years of searching, waiting for you to find your way back to us."

XaXa's voice trembled as tears streamed down his face. "I-I thought I was protecting you all by keeping my distance, by not involving Pmachua."

Melirin's voice softened. "You were wrong, XaXa. We needed you. We needed your strength, your expertise. But most importantly, we needed you as our brother."

XaXa's tears flowed freely as Melirin approached, enveloping him in a tight embrace. "It's time to put aside your doubts and fears. Rejoin Pmachua,

XaXa. Let us reunite as a family and face our challenges together."

Kyamin, witnessing the emotional exchange, stepped forward, a mix of confusion and curiosity etched on her face.

Kyamin: What should I do in all of this?

XaXa turned to Kyamin, his voice filled with determination.

XaXa: Stay here, Kyamin. Wait for me. I will find my missing siblings, and then we'll decide our future together.

As silence settled in the room, Kyrolkar interjected, breaking the somber atmosphere.

Kyrolkar: XaXa, I will be leading an attack on G.O.A.T Earth in the next 24 hours. We're leaving Paulia in two hours. Join us at the last moment, for the sake of your brother and our family.

XaXa's eyes blazed with a newfound resolve as he reached out, taking a mask from Kyrolkar's hands.

XaXa: All Hail Pmachua!

Kyamin watched the exchange, her confusion giving way to determination. She would wait for XaXa's return, ready to face the challenges ahead and forge a new path alongside her newfound family.

And so, the stage was set for a daring rescue mission, where the bonds of blood would be tested, secrets would be unveiled, and the shattered fragments of their family would begin to mend.

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