

The nextday, Roya gotready to go to school, she went outside only to find a lamborghin truck parked infront of her house.

Riya....Wow! Where did this come from? Is it mine?

Dano....Yes its yours.

Dano arrived, Riya looked away because she was still embarassed to face him.

Riya....I never asked you for a car.

Dano....Yes you didnt, but please take it, and am also sorry for everything, excuse me.

His workers arrived and he left with them.Riya drove her car to school which left wveryone speechless.

Keren....Wow! You've upgraded boss, that suits you well.

Riya....You think so? Thanks.

Keren....Anyway, your AD with Dano is trending and every girlis dying to know about him which has led to high sales.


She looked at his seat but he wasnt there.

Riya....(Where could he possibly be? What now Riya? Are you concerned about him? Dont, his hot and everything...but....urgh, whatever! He even bought me a new car, is he showing off his money? I didnt know he was this rich yet he part timed for me as a model for our AD.)

Riya had alot on her mind but it was all about Dano.After school, she went to work with Keren.

Riya....(Was i so mean to him? But i wasnt, i was just...normal, yeah, i acted normal.)


John....Riya, can you hear us?

Riya....Huh? What? Did something happen?

Zoe....Is something bothering you? Youve been zoning out since you came.

Riya....Excuse us guys, i need to talk to you Zoe.

They all left.

Riya....Why would a guy buy for you a fancy car after....you know.

Zoe....Oh, i get it.Maybe he was very pleased or satisfied.Unless he tried a move on you after that.

Riya....Yes he did, he kissed me and the way he talks to me changed.


Riya....He uses a deep soft calm tone while talking to me and he looks me straight in the eyes, like his trying to say something.

Zoe....And? Do you like it?

Riya....I dont know, it just keeps popping up in my head and its out of control.

Zoe....Well said Riya, that is love.He is in love with you and so are you, but maybe his still afraid to confess because you brush him off.

Riya....I doubt.

Zoe....Dont doubt your heart, men easily fall in love than us women.So, a guy is the one who gave you that car?

Riya....Well, yeah.

Zoe.....And who is this guy we talking about?

Riya....Its a secret.The guy is Dano and his my neighbour.

Zoe....What? That hot model? Girl, he was the talk of the day when he came here.Your lucky if his after you, i wish i was you.

They talked everything but Keren was eavesdropping and heard everything.She ran to the washroom and started crying.

Keren....Dano was mine first, but that wicked witch managed to steal him away from me.I will get him at any cost, he belongs to me, me alone.

After work, Riya went back home.

Riya....Should i go over to their house? I havent seen him today since morning, i want to see him.Wait....did i say that i want to see him? I must be out of damn mind.

At last, she went to their house and knocked, Ora let her inside.

Riya....How are you doing mrs Ora?

Ora....Am good.Thanks for coming over, i wont eat dinner alone.

Riya....What about Dano? Where is he?

Ora....His out of town for some business.

Riya....What? When will he be back?

Ora....In two days time.

Riya....What? Okay, anyway good night.

Ora....I thought you came for dinner.

Riya....Sorry but i have to go, good night.

She went back to her house.

Riya....Why did he have to leave? Am not concerned, i just wanted to thank him for the car.Urghhh!!! This is killing me, i should forget about him and do my homework instead.

She got her p.c and started her online lessons, but still, her mind was thinking about Dano.

Riya....Get out of my head you boy! Why does he have to be so handsome to mix my head up? He better come back before my birthday party.

On saturday, it was Riya's 21st birthday and she invited all her friends and family.After two days, Dano came back.Riya saw him through her window since she was waiting for him, she rushed to their house and knocked, he opened the door.


Riya....On saturday its my birthday, your both invited, good night.

After that, she ran back to her yard panting.

Riya....I've never been scared to talk to someone before,my heart is racing now.Why am i even afraid of him?

Dano was suprised, he went to his room.In the morning, everything was set for her birthday party.People started arriving in the evening but she was waiting for Dano.

Henry....Nice party.

Claire....Your house is so big and cozy.

Riya....Thanks, enjoy the party.(Where is he? The party has already begun, he better not miss it.)

Keren....Boss, the Seasons drink is here, very cold as you asked.

Riya....Good! Take it inside and serve it to everyone.


Keren left, Dano arrived that very moment.Riya's heart started racing.

Dano....Hi Riya, happy birthday.


Dano....Here is your present, and this is from aunt Ora.

Riya....Oh, thanks guys.

Dano went inside, Keren rushed to him on seeing him.

Keren....Hi Dano, you came.

Dano.....Ofcourse, i was invited.

Dj....Okay guys, this song is for those in love.So, hold your partner and dance to this beautiful song.

Keren....Shall we dance?