
Reverend Sovereign

“Remember my name. In me, shadows of obscurity give way to the light of enlightenment. I am the whisper that will grow into a roar, the flicker that will blaze into a conflagration. From an unassuming nobody, I shall rise.” In a world where magic is the essence of life and one's social standing is determined by their mastery of mana, a young man named Klaus awakens with no memory of his past. Dungeons and dimensional gates dot the landscape, spawning fearsome creatures that pose a constant threat to the magical realm. Society thrives on the power of mana, yet Klaus finds himself an anomaly in this world, unable to harness the mystical energies that others control so effortlessly. Fate, however, has greater plans in store for Klaus as he embarks on a journey to uncover the truth of his origin. Witness Klaus's meteoric rise as he emerges from the shadows of obscurity and ascends to the pinnacle of power. From an unassumed nobody to the Reverend Sovereign.

AshenShade · 奇幻
70 Chs

Rising Tension: Margaret’s Plan

Margaret's eyebrow arched in surprise as she absorbed Keira's response. Crossing her arms over her chest, she watched as the smile gradually faded from her face, replaced by a furrowed brow.

"A-Aunt..." Keira stammered, her cheeks flushing crimson. She struggled to find her voice, her mouth opening repeatedly, but no words emerged. The shock on her face was palpable as her gaze remained fixed on Margaret.

Taking a slow, steadying breath, Keira finally found her voice, though it trembled with softness and an air of bewilderment. "Why, Aunt?" she questioned, her face etched with confusion and puzzlement.

Margaret, sensing Keira's disarray, leaned forward slightly, her tone gentle yet probing. "Don't you desire to be with him?" she inquired.

A weighty silence enveloped Keira as Margaret's words hung in the air. Keira was caught off guard by Margaret's inquiry, her thoughts racing as she grappled with the weight of the question. She attempted to respond, her lips parting, but the words eluded her.

Margaret's brows furrowed, her tone growing more insistent. "Keira, it's a simple yes or no question," she stated firmly. "If you're not interested in him, let me know, so I can explore other options."

Keira's curiosity was piqued, and she couldn't help but inquire further. "Other options?" she asked.

Margaret paused, choosing her words carefully as she revealed her intentions. "I will search for someone suitable to be tied to Klaus," she explained, her voice carrying a hint of determination.

"I desire a connection built on more than mere convenience or a mentor-student dynamic. I seek something deeper, a bond that encompasses his extraordinary talents, limitless potential, and the loyal support I require."

Her words hung in the air, and Keira's face betrayed a mix of surprise and contemplation. The weight of Margaret's ambitions became apparent, her desire for an ally of Klaus's caliber evident in her resolute expression.

"I had hoped you would be the one I could bind to him," Margaret continued, her tone laced with disappointment. "However, since that seems unlikely, I shall look elsewhere. Perhaps Valeria would be a suitable candidate."

At the mention of Valeria's name, a flicker of displeasure crossed Keira's face. She shook her head vehemently, unable to mask her objection. "No, it can't be Valeria," she blurted out, her words driven by a mix of defiance and protectiveness.

Keira shook her head ever so slightly, a hint of disbelief coloring her expression as she listened to her aunt's resolute words. "I can't guarantee you that, Aunt Margaret," she countered, her voice carrying a touch of sadness.

"Valeria may be your student, but that doesn't automatically make her the right fit. There must be another way to align Klaus with your goals, something that doesn't involve arranging his marriage."

Margaret's stance remained unwavering, her determination etched onto her face like a mask of unyielding resolve. The weight of her words hung in the air, leaving little room for doubt or negotiation.

Her niece's plea tugged at her, but Margaret remained steadfast. She believed in her plan, convinced of its necessity and the benefits it would bring.

Klaus's talents were too exceptional, his potential too immense to be left unclaimed.

"There is no other way, Keira," Margaret replied with unwavering conviction. Her voice echoed with a mix of certainty and a tinge of regret.

"I need someone close to me, someone I can trust implicitly. Valeria, being my student, is the most suitable candidate among all the women I have considered for this arrangement with Klaus."

Keira's gaze remained fixed on Margaret, searching for a glimmer of doubt or hesitation, but finding none. The weight of her aunt's decision settled heavily upon her, the reality sinking in that Margaret was resolute in her course of action.

"Why, Aunt?" Keira's voice wavered, her eyes pleading for an alternative solution. "There must be another way to bring Klaus to your side, to align his interests with yours. And how can you be so certain that he will consent to this arrangement?"

"He will agree to it," Margaret stated with a disconcerting level of certainty.

The conviction in her voice caused Keira's brows to furrow instantly, a mixture of surprise and concern etching itself onto her face. She couldn't help but wonder if Klaus and her aunt had already discussed this matter in secret.

Keira's mind raced, searching for a glimmer of hope, a sliver of doubt that might sway Margaret's unwavering resolve. "But Aunt Margaret," she interjected, her voice tinged with a hint of desperation. "Have you truly spoken with Klaus about this? Have you considered his feelings in all of this?"

A knowing smile played upon Margaret's lips, her eyes glimmering with a hidden agenda. "My dear Keira, Klaus's consent is not my primary concern," she replied, her tone betraying an unsettling level of detachment.

"While he may be the initial focus, my true endgame lies beyond him—within the child that will come from this union." Margaret continued.

The revelation hung in the air, a heavy silence punctuating Margaret's words. Keira's eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and disbelief coursing through her. This revelation painted a chilling picture of her aunt's motivations, shedding light on the depths of her manipulations.

Margaret's smile widened, her voice laced with a chilling determination. "Bloodline strength," she emphasized, her words carrying an unsettling weight.

"That is my true objective. A lion will never birth a dog, and I intend to secure a lineage that matches Klaus's potential, whether I claim him directly or not."

Keira stood before her aunt, her heart pounding with a mix of shock and disbelief. As Margaret's words reached her ears, her entire being trembled with a surge of emotions. Her hands, balled into tight fists, betrayed the anger that simmered within her, while her face contorted into a mask of seething rage.

"Aunt," she managed to utter, her voice barely above a whisper.

Although her words were soft, they carried an air of controlled fury, emphasizing the turmoil churning inside her. Keira struggled to process what she had just learned, grappling with a flood of conflicting thoughts and emotions.

Sensing the storm brewing within her niece, Margaret spoke, her voice calm but tinged with a hint of understanding. "I can see that this revelation has deeply upset you, Keira. But this is the reality we face."

Keira's eyes locked onto Margaret's, the intensity of her gaze betraying her inner turmoil. She listened intently, her anger momentarily overshadowed by a growing curiosity about her aunt's reasoning.

"Klaus is an invaluable asset," Margaret continued, her voice gaining conviction. "His abilities surpass what you can even begin to fathom. The sky is the limit for him , if I'm being honest."

Margaret's words hung in the air, their weight sinking into Keira's consciousness. A mixture of astonishment and apprehension played across her face as she grappled with the implications of her aunt's claims.

"You promised to protect him," Keira finally responded, her voice laced with a blend of accusation and resignation.

Margaret met Keira's gaze, her eyes filled with a resolute determination. "And protect him I shall. Klaus is not merely someone we cast aside. He holds immense potential, and I will ensure that no harm befalls him. That is my duty."

Keira's expression remained unyielding, etched with unadulterated contempt. Her silence spoke volumes, a mere facade veiling the seething rage that surged within her.

With every passing second, her anger intensified, threatening to consume her entirely.

Margaret, nonchalant and seemingly impervious to the storm brewing in her niece's eyes, shrugged her shoulders. Unaffected, she pressed on, her voice steady and unwavering.

"I understand that you may perceive this as manipulation or taking advantage of him. But let's face the reality, Keira. It is what it is. Opportunities like this don't come knocking every day."

A flicker of frustration passed through Keira's eyes, her lips twitching as she fought against the urge to unleash her pent-up emotions. Margaret's casual dismissal only fueled the fire within her, intensifying her contempt.

"Whether you choose to seize this opportunity or let it slip through your fingers is up to you," Margaret continued, her tone tinged with a blend of certainty and warning.

"But mark my words, if you allow someone like Klaus to walk away, you will carry the weight of regret for the rest of your days. Individuals of his caliber are a rarity, and when they cross your path, you seize that chance."

Within the charged atmosphere, Margaret's voice carried a mix of conviction and determination. "We're talking about an emperor-grade potential here, Keira. While you may choose to remain here, passing judgment from the sidelines, I refuse to sit idly by until his powers fully manifest and the world resounds with his name. I'd rather secure him now, before it's too late."

Keira's expression underwent an instant transformation upon hearing Margaret's words. "Emperor-grade potential," she murmured, her voice barely audible, as if grappling with the magnitude of the revelation.

The realization hit her like a bolt of lightning, for only a select few individuals possessed such extraordinary promise. Margaret's unwavering certainty left little room for doubt, and Keira's gaze locked onto her aunt. She inhaled deeply, attempting to steady her racing thoughts amidst the whirlwind of emotions.

"I'm sorry, Aunt. I'm still not interested " Keira finally spoke, her voice tinged with a hint of regret, yet resolute in her decision.

"Okay," Margaret replied, her voice carrying a sense of acceptance and finality. With a deliberate turn, she shifted her attention toward the crumbled corner of the room, her expression unreadable.