
Reverend Insanity- Mystery Prying Immortally Venerable

David, a normal 17 year old boy is transported to another world after his death. Little does he know, that this world, is the cruelest of them all.

Moist_BedBugs · 作品衍生
23 Chs


Something happend :(


1.What is the lamest path in existence?

2. What is the coolest path in your opinion?

Thank you to,

Lead_top_zuuuu (1 power stones)

Enzo Rousselot (2 Power Stones)

BleakMoon (2 Powerstones)

Spectre_1919 (3 PowerStones)

BlankWriter (3 Power Stones)


"Where am I?...."

When Wei Huan opened his eyes, he woke up in a dusty old caravan, the cobwebs hanging from the ceiling almost getting tangled in his hair. Around him were large wooden crates, Wei Huan laid infront of these crates almost as if he was some kind of good.

The fact that the carriage was damaged with scratch marks and chips in the wood all through out spoke of it's history. Smelling the dusty carriage, reminiscent of an old, abandoned basement, Wei Huan thought:

"What is this place? Am I dreaming or what?!"

Wei Huan attempted to spread his legs apart to stand up, he felt a strong force binding him. He attempted to move his hands instead, they were also bound by some kind of rope. His mouth was dry and chaffed as it was gagged and had been for a long time.

He felt like his throat was being scratched by rusty nails and his stomach was being crushed by a large boulder, letting him know how long he had been asleep.

Wei Huan attempted to use his gu, he soon noticed that his gu were completely missing from his aperture. He soon thought:

"What the fuck?! Where are my gu? Have I been kidnapped?"

Wei Huan was already sweating and breathing heavily at the implications of what he thought had happened. He immediately began looking around himself, feeling panicked, his eyes darted all over the carriage.

"Big Brother Wei Jia! Hei Gang!" He called out, unaware of the fact that they had disappeared aswell,

A bead of sweat dropped on the floor, whether it was due to the fact that Wei Huan had been kidnapped or because of the heat, Wei Huan was unaware.

"How the fuck did they kidnap us?! Don't they know that we are from the Hei Tribe?"

"We had a rank two gu master with us! I thought we were safe!"

"I knew that kidnapping was common but not to those of the fucking Hei tribe!" Wei Huan thought,

Kidnapping those who left their clans for succession ceremonies was actually a somewhat common practice in the Northern Plains. The Northern Plains were harsh and strength was the only thing given any respect. Most minor tribes didn't have the strength to fight back against the demonic gu masters who operated these human trafficking rings and most major tribes like the Hei Tribe couldn't care less about a couple youths.

Infact, many of the major tribes purchased large amounts of slaves from the black market, putting them to work if they had no cultivation talent and recruiting them to military and suicide squads like the Black Banner Troupe of the Hei Tribe if they did.

Slavery was actually a common thing in the gu world, although the selling of gu masters was somewhat rare. This was especially common in the Northern Plains were battles among tribes were frequent. Infact, this kidnapping of youth was considered a valid tactic in a war between two larger forces.

Combined with theft path concealment methods as well as slavery gu, this process could be considered easy. The gu worms were removed from the aperture using theft path methods after the kidnapping was finished.

Wei Huan suddenly heard the dark, wooden carriage come to a stop, making him roll towards the crates due to his momentum. The dark carriage doors opened, allowing the moonlight to fall on Wei Huan's body.

"Another one, Aye? Nan Mai! Come and bring this one inside!" A ragged middle aged man spoke before moving to the side,

A fatter old man grabbed Wei Huan by his waist, holding him above his head and throwing him into a larger cart, causing Wei Huan to almost hit his head.

"Mmph!!!" Wei Huan screamed, attempting to speak through the cloth gag,

"Oh Shut up! Why do you slaves always struggle and scream?!" The old man said,

Wei Huan suddenly saw an object in his periphery, he turned his head to look at it and it was the... foot of another slave?

Wei Huan turned around to look at this slaves face. His eyes widened and his pupils contracted as he realised who this person was. This slave was none other than Hei Gang.

Hei Gang was leaning on the carriages wall, hugging his legs.

Wei Huan immediately scooted backwards using his tied up legs, using the wall of the cart to support himself.

The old man seemingly called "Nan Mai" walked over towards this cart and shut the door, leaving the inside of the cart in complete darkness.

"Mmph?" Wei Huan made a noise through his gag, attempting to question Hei Gang.

"Mmph" Hei Gang said angrily, seemingly warning Wei Huan to stay quiet. Hei Gang turned towards his left, showing Wei Huan his right shoulder. His shoulder was black and blue, the skin on his shoulder peeling off slightly, seemingly from an attack.

Wei Huan eyes widened and his back straightened, his face scrunched up, seemingly angry. Wei Huan was still breathing heavily and sweating, a throbbing pain forming in his temples.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! There's no way I'm about to be sold off like a fucking vegetable! If I get my hands on them I'll fuckin-"

He suddenly felt something touching his leg, it was the leg of Hei Gang. He looked upwards towards Hei Gang's face. Hei Gang slowly raised his shoulders and put them down slowly seemingly signalling him to calm down.

Wei Huan nodded and started taking deep breaths, trying to calm himself and get rid of his angry and stressed state of mind.

The carriage began moving, making Wei Huan feel even more nervous about what was going to happen.

Wei Huan and Wei Gang simply sat there without speaking a word to eachother for hours until the carriage suddenly came to a stop.

"Finally, we reached Zhao Tribe's city." An gruff voice spoke,