
Revenge of the Lost: Gundam Wing Fanfiction

Ruining a marriage to steal the bride. Finding a spy you never wanted to see. Having your secret life be the hot topic in the media. Nine months to watch someone die. Everyone has buttons to push. Killing isn’t the only form of revenge. When a rebel group called Revenge of the Lost (RTL) makes its move against the former pilots, they will awaken more than just one nightmare. They will tear open old wounds that may never close. RTL may be in for it's own surprises too, shattering the reason for everything. (Dark romance. Dark subjects.)

Serena_Walken · 漫画同人
93 Chs

Delicate Anger (Part 1)

Wufei's Colony

Wufei stared at his mirror. Hate filled his heart for Revenge of the Lost

. This was an absolute catastrophe. He was left with no other option though. If he waited, then the trouble would just get deeper. What he was doing was already terrible enough for the colony, but it would prevent war. The Long colony, the original one, had long since been destroyed. Only a few of the original residents weren't sacrificed that day simply because they weren't on it. Their will power and the need to preserve their culture (as well as the coming together of peaceful government missions) came together and founded another colony.

Not many. Incentive of those who used to be in the colony but went to Earth was used, but it didn't make it bigger than a small town. At first, Wufei hadn't even known until he discovered the roots of them. When he did, he went back and stayed there to support it. Over time, just like before, it would become known as the Long colony again. However. The small, tiny Zhang colony had been unaffected and they were thirty times the size of the Long now. In the past, Wufei's colony could have easily taken them out if need be. Now? A war with them would be only foolish pride and end in a savage defeat.

Pride helped bring more clan back, and after some time, an increase with children would bring it back from the disaster it had been. There was some controversy from those who had stayed at the colony but had been off of it that fateful day, verses those who were coming back to their ancestry and had been from Earth or other colonies. Nothing was perfect, but it was subtle enough to not cause many problems.

Besides, without them, they would have been extinct. Now, children were very important to keep going now more than ever.

So, this simple matter of a woman and a child? The wrong step, and every last original descendant from Colony AO206, could be wiped out. They now lived on A0206-1, many times the one being left out, to feel more like home. No one wanted to risk losing everything all over again.

Wufei dressed in his finest white outfit. The best impression he could give. Heero had waited on Relena, and because he hadn't ran to her, she was now looking at a very long jail sentence. If he learned anything from watching Heero, it was that he better not wait anymore. No matter how painful it would be. Delay would not improve the matter.

Wufei left his home and off of his colony to a shuttle. No one was happy that knew what he was about to do. The Long clan area had been moved to the colonies hundreds of years ago, to live and survive. They had become powerful in Eurasia and seemed like a threat back then. His colony was not the only one who was 'a threat' though.

The Zhang family had been too. The Long and Zhang's, both were powerful on Earth in their time. Therefore, both did not get along well. That sense of dissonance was held in space, both colonies never interfering with one another.

They had been close to war in their histories on Eurasia. That dissonance in the stars helped to keep them from that. But now? He was about to go see someone in that colony who was carrying a child that rightfully belonged on his colony. The father often had rule on matters, and this should be no different.

Except, it had been. The Zhang colony wouldn't be happy about an outsider taking someone from them. Just like the small size of the Long colony now, the Zhang colony would want that child too. If they came to the Long colony to fight for it, it would be like squashing bugs. Many of them probably didn't even know a Long colony still existed.

As he told Heero, he would have to be careful. Very careful. Each colony, each side, was in danger with a single wrong step.

He had to be as respectful as he could be while still not dischampioning his colony too.


The Zhang Colony

As Wufei arrived and stated his name, they didn't catch on at first. His last name was Chang, not Long. The rulers were not the only ones dragged to the stars. When he got access and came out though for people to physically see him. It didn't take long for others to notice he shouldn't be there. He already heard whispers that he shouldn't exist. He reached no farther than the gates before the trouble started.

Gentle. "I am here for the woman, Wang Mei-Lin." He carried her last name first respectively.

"Who are you?" One of them demanded. "Your dress suggests something that is long dead and forgotten. Long dead."

///Wufei: Long dead and forgotten, what gives him the-?!/// No, he had to be careful. Respectful. Even if he just distastefully punned his clan name. "My name is Chang Wufei." He tried to get them to bend. "I am here about Wang Mei-Lin's imprisonment."

"Good because that's not a problem," they answered, "She's free now. They found the real culprit. She's supposed to be getting married today."

Oh no. If she got married, the intensity would be unstoppable. RTL would have caused a dangerous war, and there would have been no preventing it. So many lives sacrificed in the name of a child not even born yet. Colony pride verses what they could handle. They were not on equal grounds. "I need to speak to the soon-to-be husband. I assume Zhang Li." They were still not letting him in. "If you don't let me into the colony, I will find another way in. I am peacefully asking."

One of them had enough sense. Wufei could enter, for one hour, with the escort of a guard.