
Chapter 52

  Cara saw Lily leave Dane’s suite and called out to her.

  It was time for Cara to act.

  Lily turned, and her face dropped.

  “I don’t want any trouble,” said Lily. “I’m keeping out of your way, and I’m not even looking at Lucas.”

  “What are your intentions with Dane?”

  “This is a trick question, isn’t it? If I say I’m using him for sex, you’ll kick me out and if I say I really like him, you’ll kick me out because you think he still belongs to you. Right? I can’t win either way?”

  “That’s not true. But he’s important to me and I want to know your game.”

  “There’s no game.” Cara gave her a pointed look and she sighed. “Fine, ok, there was a game, but not anymore. Initially, I wanted to use him to get back at you and Lucas. There, I said it. But then he actually talked to me, and he understood me. He’s the first guy that has looked at me and saw beyond the ugliness. He doesn’t seem to even care about it. Dane makes me feel beautiful again without even trying.”