
Revenge of Iron Blooded Sword Hound

Player_Undead · 科幻
129 Chs

Episode 398 Dead Man Walking (3)

When the box was opened, a silver pillar of light emerged from within.

It is an insignia of rank, a badge with a silver Rose of Sharon embroidered on it.

It was a symbol representing the rank of major.

"… … This?"

When Bikir raised his head, Colonel Bastille opened his mouth with a friendly smile.

"So far, the construction progress rate has exceeded 100% every time. "You finally achieved 200% last month?"

"It's thanks to the good work of my colleagues."

"Hahahaha - so humble. It's nice to see such camaraderie. Well, anyway, how can we just have a competent subordinate who achieves two to three times more than the others every month become a low-level guard?"

The ability to command and command prisoners is the standard by which guards are evaluated.

Bikir was recognized for both his resourcefulness and sincerity.

In addition, Lieutenant Colonel Bastille is Colonel Dordium's direct adjutant, and Colonel Dordium is currently paying all attention to the New Level Ten construction project of the Nouvelle Vague.

Therefore, Colonel Bastille was also betting everything on this massive expansion project.

In the meantime, Bikir, who not only allowed us to safely remove the evil that was interfering with the work, but also had an overwhelmingly greater workload than others, had no choice but to win the favor of Lieutenant Colonel Bastille.

"You are not the kind of person who should work with 12 low-level prisoners. "The great general who unified about half of the world during the Warring States Period also began his career as a man guarding a warehouse where military provisions were stored."

"… … ."

"I'm excited. What great results will be shown by the numerous guards under your command and the numerous prisoners under them. Do you know anything? "I wonder if this unconventional choice of mine will dramatically accelerate the Level 1 construction work."

Colonel Bastille was a skilled politician.

He saw the extraordinary nature of Bikir at a glance and decided that it was the key to expediting the construction of Level 10 ahead of schedule.

And that was good news for Bikir too.

"I will put my all into changing the Nouvelle Vague."

Bikir honestly confessed the plan he had had since he entered this place.

And this caused Lieutenant Colonel Bastille to have an extremely satisfied smile on his face.

… chuck!

The rank insignia inside the box hung on Vikir's chest.

In this way, Vikir was promoted from 'Captain Garm Nord' to 'Major Garm Nord'.

Excluding the time Garum was in the so-called rank, this happened in just one year.

"ha ha ha. When I was a low-level guard, I was never promoted this quickly. The people who were promoted at this rate in the first place were Colonel Dordium and Colonel Soiret... There is nothing outside. Excluding those two earlier cases, you would be the first in decades."

"I will work harder."

"Okay then. You have to work hard. Now I trust you and am watching over you. How sad and frustrated have you been because you haven't had a chance to show off your abilities? "If you think about it that way, that guy named Sikkeut, who is no longer around, must have been lucky for you."

"no. "I didn't think about that."

"ha ha ha! That's what I think. I think so. That guy was lucky for me. Because he helped me find a capable subordinate like you."

Vikir looked down at the silver and black Rose of Sharon on his chest.

This insignia of rank, which is made by covering BDSM pieces with silver, is quite valuable as a sculpture.

However, what was important was the symbolism of this rank insignia, that is, the various types of privileges guaranteed by the rank of major.

First of all, majors are recognized as the end of mid-level officers and the beginning of high-ranking officers.

After being promoted to major, even if the pay scale is small, you are treated as a high-ranking guard, and the privileges that come with it are as follows.

1. Within the limits of level 3, a maximum of 108 prisoners may be conscripted at their discretion and subject to discretionary labor.

2. Within the limits of level 7, a prisoner who commits serious misdeeds, such as refusing to work or injuring a guard, may be summarily executed.

3. You can freely enter and exit the entire 'workyard' at any time without any special instructions or reports from superiors.

4. If you have permission from superiors, you can enter the 'breeding house', 'execution room', and 'punishment room'.



Bikir paid attention to numbers 1 and 3 among these.

You can conscript prisoners at your discretion and have them perform labor at your discretion.

You could even check out the workhouse whenever you wanted, regardless of time.

'… … 'These are the optimal conditions for operating Poseidon.'

There was no need to be promoted beyond lieutenant colonel.

A major, who not only possesses all of the core authority necessary for a prison break, but also receives relatively less attention and is easier to maneuver, was the ideal rank that Bikir had been seeking.

Colonel Bastille advised Bikir with a solemn expression.

"Just as there are rights that can be enjoyed as a major, of course there are also responsibilities that must be fulfilled as a major."

With authority comes obligation.

A certain amount of construction progress imposed on a major-level guard, the number of times prisoners rioted, the time it took to suppress it, the evaluation of superiors and subordinates, etc. … .

But Bikir didn't care about all this.

'There isn't much left anyway.'

Countdown. The moment of prison escape is getting closer and closer.

Bikir was already slowly putting his second plan into action, following his transformation into a jailer.

at that time.

"Well, now that I've been promoted to major, I need to hire a new adjutant. What is it like? "You can appoint up to three people at the rank of senior officer."

Colonel Bastille said.

Then, the eyes of the lower-ranking guards around him all changed brightly.

Now, there is no one left who ignored him and called him an idiot.

But Bikir shook his head as if he had no interest.

"Lieutenant Kirko Grimm is enough."

For a moment, there was a bit of silence around.

"… … ?"

Bikir turned his head with a puzzled expression at the sudden strange change in atmosphere, but all he could see was Kirko with his head down and his ears red.

Then Colonel Bastille laughed.

"Hahahaha - indoor love. That's not bad either. "If you just watch out for a few factors."

After speaking, Colonel Bastille looked at Circo, who was standing next to Bikir, with a strange gaze.

"… … Indoor dating, hmm, indoor dating. What a strange fate. It's really strange. "In the end, do children take after their parents?"

For some reason, the voice exudes a bit of pity.

And then he shook his head as if asking when he had mumbled something like that.

"Lieutenant Kirko Grimm. "A lieutenant is a rank that is somewhat inadequate to assist a major as an adjutant."

"I will work hard to make sure I don't fall short!"

"You are already working hard. He has consistently performed well in end-of-month evaluations, and even during the last Level 8 prisoner riot, he made a heroic sacrifice for his comrades. And during this execution ceremony, I helped Major Garum and achieved great results.

Colonel Bastille patted Circo on the shoulder and said.

"I have prepared a reward for you as well."

Eventually, he handed a box to Cirko as well.

Inside were three diamonds and a badge symbolizing the rank of captain.

"You must have gained quite a bit of experience and learned a lot from this riot incident. I am happy that a great superior and a great subordinate have been paired together. You two will work hard and do well. "Always remember that your promotion is extremely unusual."


Both Bikir and Circo responded loudly to Lieutenant Colonel Bastille's words.

Major Garm. Captain Kirko.

The two advanced one rank at a time, receiving the admiration, admiration, and envy of all their fellow lower-level guards.

It was right then.

"… … "I am Lieutenant Colonel Bastille."

A major-ranked guard next to me opened his mouth in a concerned voice.

Colonel Bastille turned his head with a puzzled expression.


"Well, that. "An order came from above."

"From above? who? Colonel Dordium? Or Colonel Suware?"

"… … Neither of you."

For a moment, Lieutenant Colonel Bastille's expression hardened after hearing the adjutant's report.

"Could it be thanks to this special guest?"

"you're right. Lieutenant Colonel 'Black Tongue' is showing interest."

Colonel Bastille placed his hand on his face.

"… … "What kind of whim did that crazy person suddenly have?"

"Isn't it true that good things always come with magic?"

"okay. There is nothing wrong with military law. "There is bound to be gratitude for unusual special treatment."

The conversation between Colonel Bastille and his adjutant was becoming increasingly serious.

Meanwhile, Bikir, who was watching it from the side, thought.

'… … 'Black tongue.'

Lieutenant Colonel 'Black Tongue'. A being that has no name and goes by the unpleasant nickname "Black Tongue."

He is one of the five chief guards representing Nouvelle Vague and is a member of the 'audit team'.

However, the audit team is a team and an organization, and in fact it consists of only one black-tongued lieutenant colonel.

Another nickname for Colonel Black Tongue is 'the jailer who catches a jailer.'

Since the Nouvelle Vague is not easily reachable by earthly laws, it has its own system of laws and punishments, and this applies not only to prisoners but also to guards.

Colonel Black Tongue is unusual for a prison guard, as he punishes the guards rather than the prisoners.

It was the only object of fear for the guards of the Nouvelle Vague, as they investigated internal irregularities, lax military discipline, and various other corruptions and punished them at their own discretion.

However, since he was a person who was rarely encountered among low-level guards who had never committed a major mistake, in some ways, he was even less known than Brigadier General Flubber, whose identity was the most mysterious of the five major prison guards.

Bikir thought for a moment.

'… … Colonel Black Tongue. He happened to be someone I wanted to meet personally, so it turned out well.'

Unlike BDSM and Flubber, who were essential to meet before jailbreak, Black Tongue had no direct business.

However, the reason why Vikir wanted to see Colonel Black Tongue was because of extremely personal business.

at that time.


There was a faint, dull noise.

It was the sound of teeth grinding.

Bikir heard that and turned his head.

Kirko was standing there calmly with a calm expression on his face.

"… … ."

However, judging from the faint veins on his neck and chin, it seems that the person who just ground his teeth was Cirko.

Just when Bikir was about to call Kirko to find out what was going on.

"Major Garm, Captain Kirko. "I need to go to the auditor's office right away."

Colonel Bastille spoke again.

"It seems like the audit team had doubts because you guys were promoted so quickly. Since you are of clear background, your past is clean, and your achievements so far are clear, nothing special will happen. but… … ."

He continued speaking in a slightly pensive voice.

"Colonel Black Tongue. If I were to judge 'personally', he is someone we need to be very careful with. Just keep that in mind and go."

An ominous feeling that can overturn the good atmosphere in an instant.

All the guards, who had been looking at them with envy just a moment ago, look at Vikir and Kirko with eyes full of pity and anxiety.

but. The hound's eyes, facing this overwhelming ominousness, were calm as always.

"Then I'll be back."

No, rather, it glowed with 'personal' interest.