
Revenge Blood

Drake the 1st Demon knight of the 12 Demon knights, First vampire (Dracula). He was betrayed by his father Lucifer Morningstar and his body was destroyed and his comrades were banished during the escape to earth. But Drakes soul was sent to earth and was accidently imprisoned in a 10 year old boy named Michael. Michael and his little sister who have been bullied by Society for being poor and not being able to cultivate for in this land only the strong have a safe in the week are left in the slums. all Michael wants is to protect his little sister from the world of cultivators and Drake with a mission of Revenge. Drake and Michael bounded by Faith team together for revenge and blood. So the question is, will they save the world and defeat hell or will they destroy both with No Mercy?

DevilsDead69 · 漫画同人
37 Chs


In the world of Cultivators, Many people use fire type techniques. Although you can train these techniques to make it powerful but when it come to [LOTUS FIRE]. It's in a completely different league of it own. [LOTUS FIRE] is one of a kind. Much like a treasure. [LOTUS FIRE] used in alchemy and battle because of it's true flame. Because of this Alchemists spend most of their lives to find them even if it using it against their will. Having this kind of power can even make you a God.. Many people have died for this power. Whether they were innocent or evil. For a chance to obtain power. Many lives have died for it.

In the legend, [LOTUS FIRE] is divided up to seven different Classes but each with it's own special growth types. Due to their strength and colour:

LUMANATE(Yellow) - The ability to manipulate light and heat within the air. Can shine a bright as the sun.

TITAN(ORANGE)- The ability to manipulate flame into shape and control over other flames as well.

BLOOD (RED)- The ability to control the heat(it's own flame). It's heat is so strong it can measure sun. Can create lava like fire.

IVY(GREEN) -The Ability to cure all diseases, no matter how server. It also has the power to create deadly poison. Can emit poison through weapons.

BLAZE(BLUE) - Fire that can cut and burn through anything. The flame can turn invisible as well. Fire that can spread faster than any other fire.

VIOLET(Drake Blue)-The Cursed Fire. The ability to create cursed weapons out of it's own flame. It is a deadly fire that can create illusions. It can cast and dispel curses. It also has the ability to enchant others and is conceded the most dangerous of [LOTUS FIRE].

INDIGO(Dark Purple )-pupal fire. Mostly located in the pupal of the eyes. Gives you the ability to hypnotize others. Can copy techniques and other abilities just by looking at it once.

"Black… Black fire.. But how is that possible?"

Fire demon Said in a fearful manner.

Michael, with black shadow like fire surrounding his body. Protecting him from the Red Lotus fire. The black fire had cancelled out the red flames heat attribute.

Michael, Walked towards the Arinna Without a problem. He has an aura that could make you shack with fear and give you the feeling to run for your life but Arinna Stood still. In all the century's of it's life and the many battles it faced. Till the point it was conceded a God. For it's first time, It felt nothing but utter FEAR.

"impossible… This can't be happening.." Chun Xi said as he fell back in his seat. He has a face of shock and surprise.

As Queen Tillie and Hasley Mo descended to their seats. They could not help but look at Chun Xi. They had never seen him this way and was taken by surprise but confused. Chun Xi looked at Amy, who had just landed and asked.

"Little Girl, please tell me. How does your brother have black flames?" Chun Xi asked in a frantic way.

Amy sits down to catch her breath and sighs.

"for over the years that Master had trained us. We would set out the small worlds within this realm and others. To fight on our own to obtain the strength we have today." She says.

"So what you're trying to say is that you're Master allowed you and you're brother to fight in dangerous small worlds to obtain unique power such as his black flames." Chun Xi said

Queen Tillie, Hasley Mo and the rest of the girls all looked confused by this.

"Uhm… Excuses us Head Sect Master but… What is black Flame? Hasley Mo asked curiously.

Chun Xi looks up and explains to the best of his ability.

" As You may know that there is only 7 different kinds of [LOTUS FIRE] in the world and is seen as a unobtainable treasure."

" but last I check there was no Black [LOTUS FIRE]" Queen Tillie said.

"that's because it was stricken off all records since ancient times by our ancestors. The only reason that I know is because I had found an ancient book which seem to be the last record of the last user of the black fire. They went as far as to wait for his death and then destroyed very person and record that knew him. Ever the book I found, his name was not mentioned even once."

"So why would our ancestors go so far?" Hasley Mo asked.

"In that book said. The [BLACK LOTUS FLAME] is the most dangerous of fire. It can destroy all and has a fire that can never be extinguished. Not even God-Level-realm can stop it. It is also said that the user of this fire mist be evil to it's core till the point where it burns out the user's soul." Chun Xi explained.

Once they heard what Chun Xi had Explained. They could not help but look at Michael with fear and wonder.

" Not only that but the [BLACK LOTUS FAMLE] has also another attribute as well. The black fire is also a mixture of all the fire attributes creating the [BLACK LOTUS FLAME]. So not only can he use those abilities but can also cancel all of the attributes of other [LOTUS FLAME] users." Amy explained.

This, giving more shock to Chun Xi.

"Then Michael is truly the King of Fire…aren't you scared that you're brother, in the future may lose his mind and go on a rampage.." Chun Xi said with the look of worry on his face.

Amy smile, this made them look at her with worry as well.

"You don't need to worry about that. Although Michael has not fully mastered the flame but his sanity will be fine. Trust me" Amy says with a confident smile on her face.

Kelly Page, although all that she heard made her scared but the look of Amy's smile gave her faith. So she took Amy's arm and held it tight.

"Sister Amy, not matter the road that Michael goes down. No mater how hard and dark it gets. I will always be by you and Michael's side." Kelly Page says with confidence in her voice.

Sue Mo smiled as well and says.

"I many not know you guys for long but what I can say is. But I do know is That Michael is not a bad person and he fights for the right reasons."

"oh No… My precious little Sue has fallen for a dangerous boy.." Hasely Mo as she cries at the thought of it.

Sue Mo could not help but blush and shout.

"Aunty Mo,…please. .. Don't… Don't… Say such things."

Queen Tillie then hits Hasley Mo on her head again. Giving Hasley Mo a bump on her head.

"Stop embarrassing your niece in front of her friends." She said while folding her arms while she watches her cry from the pain.

"but what if he does lose his soul and try's to destroy then world. Then what will you do." Chun Xi asked. Looking at Amy in serious manner.

Amy looks back and closes her eyes.

"My brother also thought this and made me promise. If he does lose his soul and walks down the path of evil. I will kill him." Amy answered in a cold manner that could make you think that she has the will to do it.

Everyone was shocked to her Amy's words but it did not convince Chun Xi.

"Even if I do believe you. What makes you think that you can beat black fire?" Chun Xi asked

Amy looks a Chun Xi and gives him a arrogant grin and says.

"what's makes you think my brother is the only one with a [LOTUS FLAME] that's been unheard of."

Chun Xi, although it was hard for him to believe her words but the look in her eyes can tell that she's was not lying.

Chun Xi being to laugh suddenly and this lead the two Sect Masters behind him to be confused with his behaviour.

"hahahahaha… My, the Gods must looking on us now. To think that this years juniors have the unravel the world. I can't help but feel excited because of this." Chun Xi said continuing to lough.

Queen Till looked at Michael in the ring and thought.

'boy, how will you turn out. Will you be the Saviour or will you be a world calamity in the world?'

In the ring Michael approach the Arinna. He walked so naturally and calm that It angered the God of fire. Now Standing face to face. Since Michael is a head taller than Shounen-Chen. Arianna felt as if it was being looked down apnoea because of gaze that Michael gave. With the black fire surrounding his body made the God feel something it has never felt before. Fear

" How.. How do you have Black [LOTUS FIRE]?" is asked. While trying to control it own fear.

Michael looked at him as if he was disgusted at the sight of it.

"I've had enough of you. I want my friend back."

Michael then grabs the Demon by it face and looked him in the eye between his fingers. The demon looked back at his and sees the pupils of Michael's eyes changing.


The sight of the demon began to fade. As if was fading into black. Till all it could see was darkness.

Shounen-Chen, as a little boy. Lying sick in a futon. With a small wet towel on his forehead. There is a beautiful women on her knees next to him. He seems to have a fever and the women is taking care of him.

She is signing a lullaby, gently like a mother would. The melody in her voice is so gentle and kind. Like It could calm the most raging storm.

"Time has already come.

Sun is gone and no more Shadows.

Can't give up.

I know and this this life I'll show.

I'll be strong, I'll be strong, I'll be strong still I see then end…."

Shounen-Chen slowly opens his eyes. Still feeling weak be can barely keeps his eyes open.

" mo…mom..my.." he mutters softy and reaches out for her. She takes his hand ever so gently.

" My little Chen, you may feel bad now but when you get better. You have to play with your little." She says with a voice as gentle an angel.

His Mother takes the cloth from this forehead and turns to stroke it. As she soak Shounen-Chen can see his little sister as a baby. Fast asleep on his mother's back.

"sis…sist..er.." he mutters then closes his eyes. As if he were going into a deep sleep.

When he opened his eyes again he is 10 years old now. He has a wooden tanning sword in his hand and just blocked a huge attack. Sending him flying into a tree. Shounen-Chen is covered in dirt and is breathing heavily. He gets back up from the tree and keeps his sword firm in his hands.

His opponent is his mother. She seems to be very skilled with a sword as she is training her son.

"that's enough for today Little Chen." She said smiling. Taking her helmet off and letting the wind blow her long brunette hair.

"No… I want to get stronger like you and Daddy." He said with determination in his eyes.

She walks closer to him and bends a knee. She places her hand on top of his head and says.

"My little Chen, you're already strong for ten years old." She then places her hand on his heart.

"if You want to get stronger. You have to figure out what is it that makes to want to get stronger for." She says and then stands up.

"Then what reason is Mommy's reason for being so strong?" Shounen-Chen asked as he looks in her beautiful hazel brown eyes. She smiles and says.

"A long time ago I wanted to get stronger to run away from someone but now. I have a better reason." She turns around and beings to walk away. As she Walks Shounen-Chen couldn't help but think.

"Mommy!" he shouts.

She turns around as the wind blows her long hair off her face.

"I found my reason mommy. I want to protect you and Little sis. I want to get stronger so that no one can bully us. So that you don't have to life a sword again. That is why I want to get stronger." Shounen-Chen said with tears running down his face.

The smile she gave, was so bright that all you could feel is the warmth in the air. She puts her helmet back on and takes her sword stance. Shounen-Chen does the same.

" Now My little Chen. Show me your resolve" they run towards each other and clash with their swords. As they clashed, Shounen-Chen noticed that someone standing by his little sister. It is Michael, he stood their smiling but said nothing.

Shounen-Chen is now 17 years old. He is sitting next to his sister. She is sick and lying in bed. Shounen-Chen is changing her towel on her forehead.

"Don't worry little sis. You'll get better. Big Brother's got you." Shounen-Chen say with a caring smile on his face and she smiles back.

"big… Brother… Where's mommy?" She says in a weak voice.

Shounen-Chen smiles and says.

"Mom just went down to the village to get some herbs to make you feel better."

"oh.. O…okay." She says a she falls asleep.

Shounen-Chen takes the bucket next to him, outside to change the water.

He lives in the mountain, in a Japanese style home and your able to see the village down the mountain. As he looks down the mountain. He drops the bucket and the look of shock appears on his face.

He see the village on fire and can hear the screams of the villagers.

"Ma. Ma…. MOTHER!!!"

Shounen-Chen opens his eyes. To only find himself on his knees, in a small cage. The entire room around him is pitch black.

'what's going on?' he asked himself as he tries to gain self awareness.

Suddenly, in front of him. The fire God Arinna Demon form appears in a gigantic form. It looks at Shounen-Chen with animosity in it's eyes and he looks back at it with fear.


Reaching out it's hand and lifting the cage. The words it said hurt him as his mind went through flashes of memories of all the pain he had to go through. Shounen-Chen covered his ears as it's words rang though his mind. Leaving him shouting in pain.

Then Shounen-Chen suddenly hears Michael's voice.

" Hey Chen, it's not over yet. If you want to become strong. You have to get back up and fight back. Your little sister's waiting for you."

Hearing Michael's word's gave him peace in mind. So he decided to stand up. The power within Shounen-Chen built up and with a single shout of rage. Shounen-Chen's cage broke apart.

The Demon God Arinna is surprised by this. Michael suddenly appears in front of Shounen-Chen with his back facing him. Arinna looks behind Shounen-Chen and see's Michael and is enraged.


The Demon God Arinna said in a rage.

"Chen this part is up to you. The god is your target and only you can finish it how you want to. But no matter the ending, just remember I got your back." Michael said then disappearing into a fire like shadow.

Shounen-Chen, with now determination in his eyes. Could suddenly feel the weight of his sword in his hands. He then realized is still there. His mind gave flash backs of how hr trained with his mother. Leaving a picture of her smile within his mind. He took the pose that looked exactly as if she did it herself. Shounen-Chen opened his eyes and felt clarity.

While still in the palmer of the Demon God Arinna's hand. Shounen-Chen speeds off. Cutting every inch of the arm all the way to it's head.

"YOU FUCKING LITTLE SHIT!!" it shouted in pain. As Shounen-Chen came for it's head. The Demon God grabbed him by it other hand and clinched it's first. The Demon God thought that it had won.


Suddenly many sword slashes cut the Demon God's fist open. Making it's entire hand explode into nothing but pieces of flesh and blood.

Shounen-Chen then lands on the ground and can see the Demon is hurt.



Shounen-Chen filled his bald with sword energy. He throws his strike. A large slash of power cuts down the Demon God, across its chest. It screams is a loud roar and explods leaving nothing behind but fire and smoke.

As Shounen-Chen puts his sword back he almost faints but Michael is there to catches him.

"you did good Chen. Now lets go finish this."

Michael said looking into the smoke. Shounen-Chen then realized he could hear a women crying.

Michael carried Shounen-Chen by his arm into the smoke to find at its centre a beautiful women. She has fire like hair and her curvy body has fire covering her like clothes. To Shounen-Chen surprise, He did not know that the Demon God Arinna is a women.

'Holy Shit… this is not a demon God but a Goddess...SHE IS SO FREAKING HOT!' Michael thought to himself.

(the sound of a women's voice echoing in the darkness)

"I was once a God. My name is Arinna The Goddess of Fire. After many years of fighting the darkness in the great war of the Gods. Finally peace had come to the world. Mortals worshiped me. Faith, love and loyalty was all I could have asked for and I treated them they same.

Then one day. I was betrayed by my most trusted person and then my entire tribe sacrificed me because for their own fear and greed for my power.

As they sacrificed me. All I could think was how I felt.

I hate it.

I hate them


DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!










"what's going on here? Shounen-Chen asked as it seemed as if she didn't noticed them.

" She's been suffering for a thousand with the feeling of betrayal. I think it's time to put an end to her suffering." Michael said letting Shounen-Chen go and stepping back. Leaving him to stand on his own.

Shounen-Chen then released what he should do. He walks up to her. Gripping his sword at hand stands in front of her.

She looks at him, finally notices him.

" What?... Are you finally going to finish the job your ancestors couldn't finish." She shouted with tears in her eyes.

Shounen-Chen took his sword and then throw it aside. Seeing this shocked Arinna and her speechless.

Shounen-Chen knelt down. Gently put his hand on her shoulder and said.

" I don't know how you feel and what you've been through but what I do know is that you're a victim. I can now see that all you wanted was freedom and to be freed from your pain. Know that I can see your not a bad person" he said with honest heart felt words.

"what makes you think that I'm not evil." She said with a face of an evil smile.

Shounen-Chen came closer to her and hugged her. This catches her off guard and was not able to resist. As he did he said to her.

"I know you're not evil because no evil monster can still shed tears." He said.

She is shocked by this and with her realising that tears are running down her face.

These words made her feel sad with relief. It was as if for a thousand years all she wanted was to hear those words. She then hugged him back and cried even louder.

"From this moment on. your free to do what you want and I'll be with you every step of the way as long as you want me there." He said making her cry even more.

"how.. How do I know you're not lying to me?" she cried.

"How do you know you wear really sacrificed?" Michael said while standing next to Shounen-Chen. Michael knelt down next to them and said

"I'm not an expert in sacrificing but what I do know is. If the people who betrayed you truly succeed. Then your concessions and power would have not existed. If locking you away is all they could do. Then something must have gone wrong.. So don't you want to truly find out what really happened back then?"

Arinna felt confused but what he said made sense..

" No matter what happens from this moment on. You're my partner and I'll show you. Not all humans are evil." Shounen-Chen says while holding out his hand to her. She closes her eyes then takes it.

(Stadium of the final test area)

In what is left of the life and death ring. Is a large black fire dome. Blazing in a raging circular motion.

" what do you think happened?" Elizabeth Lou asked.

" I'm not sure but I think we're about to find out soon." Chun Xi said as the dome of black fire began to dissipate.

Once cleared, Shounen-Chen and Michael where standing in the ring face to face. Everyone waited to see what is going to happen.

Michael reached out his hand and put it on Shounen-Chen's shoulder.

" Welcome back…" he said with an honest smile on his face.

"Yeah… I admit defeat." Shounen-Chen said

"yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!" the crowed shouted in excitement.

(Crowed Catter)

"No way.. His still alive"

"So that Michael guy ain't that bad"

"This is the best entrance exam I have ever seen."

People from all over the world had watched and cheered as well.

"Akuma! Akuma! Akuma!" they shouted in the streets, bars and offices.

Shounen-Chen smiled and heard a soft women's voice.

"Hey don't forget about me." Arinna said as to Shounen-Chen's surprise to find a small version of Arinna sitting on his shoulder. Shounen-Chen freaks out and she laughs. Seeing his made Michael laugh too.

Amy and the rest of the girls came running with smiles on there faces.

Michael turns to see. He smile and opens his arms.

(BANG! The sound of a very fierce women's punch)

Amy had punched Michael so hard his face lied in bended in the ground.

"www…wh…why?" He could barely asked.

"That is for committing the ultimate Taboo… Making Sister Kelly Cry." Amy said feeling proud of what she did and Kelly Page worried Michael might be dead. Sue Mo laughed at this sight and Elizabeth Lou looking down on Michael with disappointing eyes.


Chun Xi stood up which grabbed everyone's attention. He raise his hands and the crowed became silent.

" Congratulations, it seems that examination is finally. This exam is not to expel you or throw you out. But It is to see who is the best of the junior this year are. Since most of the top ten is already here." Chun Xi announced

"So everyone has passed….. Except for Michael Lee." Chun Xi announced in such a cold manner.


The song Shounen-Chen's mother sang….

Yamada Yukata- Glassy Sky

Next chapter: The 7TH SECT