

Kade Northwood, once a powerful and wealthy businessman, now driven to commit heinous crimes including murder in a fit of rage and revenge, and being ultimately killed for his actions. Upon his death, he forced himself unto another world, where he would have to confront the consequences of his past life and work to make amends. Though, this wouldn't be the case... -------------------------- Chapter lengths: 1000 - 1600 - 2000+ words. This MC is not a hero nor an anti-hero. Don't waste your time and comment on this story if this isn't your cup of tea. The same goes for those who want an MC who's already overpowered from the start. The MC's power is sort of slow and progressive.

39 Chs

V1 - C5 - P3: Entrance Preparation Pt3.

Exiting the gates, Joon-Ho wears a smirk. Mujin's initially bored expression transforms into a dark smirk in response.

Kim Joon-Ho:

"Well well, if it isn't the little b##ch... what's your name again?"

Mujin Daeho(Kade Northwood):

"You heard what the announcer said, dumba##."

Kim Joon-Ho:

Woah woah, where was this attitude when I ducked your a##?"

Mujin Daeho(Kade Northwood):


"Guess I had a change of heart, and you're mainly part of the problem."

Joon-Ho raised an eyebrow, wearing a concerned, uneasy, and weirded-out expression as he looked at Mujin.

Kim Joon-Ho(INT):

"🏳️‍🌈 ?"

Mujin Daeho(Kade Northwood):

"What the hell is with that stupid look of yours?"

Kim Joon-Ho:

"Uhhh, nothing–"


"Examinees! Ready yourselves!"

Joon-Ho scoffs, and Mujin sighs, both assuming fighting stances as they await the signal for the impending match.

Cut to Sun-Hee(12 minutes earlier).

Headmistress Sun-Hee Baek oversees from an observation room elevated above the audience, accompanied by various professors and the student council president.

Sun-Hee Baek:

"Mizuki, I'd like to know both of the boys Innate Magic."

Mizuki, the student council president nodded.

Yozora Mizuki:

"On it, Headmistress Baek."

Mizuki pulls out student files from a folder named First Year Student Files.

Yozora Mizuki:

"...According to Kim Joon-Ho's file, his Innate Magic is known as Armamence, which grants him the power to shape and mold natural mana into various forms of defense or weaponry."

Sun-Hee Baek:

"Hmm, interesting..."

"And the other boy?"

Yozora Mizuki:

"Well... Oh!"

"Based on Mujin Daeho's readings, his Innate Magic is Negation. Judging from the name alone, it's clear what this ability is capable of doing."

"That seems like a powerful, yet an annoying type of magic to face."

Sun-Hee Baek:

"Indeed, Negation is an incredible ability, and one that defies the laws of physics."

Yozora Mizuki:

"Defies the laws of physics???"

"Uhm... can you explain to me, how?"

Sun-Hee Baek:


"Well, I'm surprised you don't know, maybe I should have you learn with the new students once the entrance exam is done."

"But I guess I'll explain to you how."

*Clears throat*

Gesturing to one of the men, she instructs him to hand her a folder. As she speaks to Mizuki, she flips through the pages, her gaze fixed on the large window overlooking the arena.

Sun-Hee Baek:

"Mana, much like energy, cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be transferred from one source to another."

"However, magic that solely manipulates mana actually overcomes this rule."

"In other words, negating mana is deemed impossible, but with mana manipulative magic such as Negation, such a feat is achievable."

"Considering his unique ability, Mujin is undoubtedly a special case among some of the students."

Returning the folder to one of them, she shifts her focus back to the arena, overseeing the crowd and the approaching match.

Cut to the Arena(same time).

The loud chatter and gossip surrounding Mujin and Joon-Ho's situation outside the academy gradually became the topic of discussion among the students.

??? #1:

"Ooo, this'll be exciting!"

"I heard that one of the candidates over there completely embarrassed the other one."

??? #2:


"Will they hurry up with this exam? I want to go back to my room..."

??? #3:

"C'mon Eunji! You should atleast be abit more enthusiastic than that!"

??? #1:

"Yeah, aren't you excited that your little brother's coming to this school?"

Eunji Kim #2:

"My brother's an a## anyways, so why should I care?"

??? #3:

"Oh! Look! The fight's about to start!"


"Examinees! Ready yourselves!"

Joon-Ho scoffs, and Mujin sighs, both assuming fighting stances as they await the signal for the impending match. Both men held their ground, glaring at each other, anticipating the start of the fight.


"Five! Four! Three! Two!"


In an instant, Joon-Ho swiftly advanced toward Mujin, chanting to himself.

Kim Joon-Ho:

"Armamence, On-Guard + Polearm!"

A Seolmaran armor, resembling Korean armor from the Joseon Dynasty, materialized on Joon-Ho's body. The bright yellow, nearly transparent mana formed the armor, and a mana-made polearm materialized in his hands. With precision, he aimed and hurled it towards Mujin.

Mujin whispered to himself.

Mujin Daeho(Kade Northwood):

"Absorption, Siphon."

Wearing an unamused expression, Mujin slowly smirked and raised his hands as the polearm approached. It began to swirl into a spiral in his grasp.

Mujin Daeho(Kade&INT):

"I misrepresented my abilities on the student file, writing I had a Negation ability instead of Absorption with the objective of avoiding detection and suspicion, since I am the Pariah."

He then spun around, with the bright yellow arrow still spiraling around his hand.

Mujin Daeho(Kade&INT):

"However, it's easy to read someone's MP. Therefore, I'll need to discharge the mana I've absorbed through my attacks, before they get a chance to notice the sudden increase in my Mana Pool!"

During the spin, the vibrant yellow mana swirling around his hand transforms into rough sparks of blue lightning. With a triumphant shout, he releases the javelin at the precise moment of completing his spin.

Mujin Daeho(Kade Northwood):

"Thunder Magic, Lightning Javelin!"


"100% – 37.26% = 62.74%"

Three seconds after launching the Lightning Javelin, Mujin swiftly dashed alongside it, forming a fist within moments for another cast.

Mujin Daeho(Kade Northwood):

"Thunder Magic, Sparks of Radience × 4!"


"62.74% − 20.00% × 4 = −17.26%"


"1,000% − 17.26% = 982.74%"

Mujin Daeho(Kade&INT):

"Tch, still abit terrible. But It's not a noticeable decrease, so that'll do."

One second later, the javelin struck Joon-Ho Kim's mana breastplate, causing no damage but pushing him slightly backward. Without a chance to react, Joon-Ho's mana armor faced an onslaught of blue lightning orbs from behind, though they failed to impact him.

Kim Joon-Ho(INT):


Understanding the distraction, he swiftly turned his attention back to Mujin, who already had his hand on the mana helmet.

Mujin whispered to himself again.

Mujin Daeho(Kade Northwood):

"Absorption, Siphon."


"982.74 + 25.42 = 1,008.16%"

Mujin Daeho(Kade&INT):

"That's good."


"Time to bleed."

The mana helmet on Joon-Ho's head started to dwindle before fading away, leaving him in shock. Kade clenched his fist, conjuring up yet another cast.

Mujin Daeho(Kade Northwood):

"Thunder Magic, Sparks of Radience!"

Before Joon-Ho could grasp the situation, a punch struck the left side of his jaw, pushing him backward into a lightning orb.

In agony, he screamed as a painful shock surged through his body. His screams ceased when Mujin grabbed a handful of dirt and shoved it into his eyes.

Mujin Daeho(Kade Northwood):

"What's the matter?"

Joon-Ho winced in pain while clutched onto his eyes.

Mujin Daeho(Kade Northwood):

"Aww, does that... HURT?!"

Mujin lands another punch to the opposite side of Joon-Ho's face, sending him back into the rock wall.

All of this unfolded within 5 seconds.

Leaving the crowd in surprise and awe at Mujin's swift execution.

??? #1:

"W– woah! What the hell happened!?"

(INT) means "In Thought" as in thinking.

(MRY) means "Memory" as in remembering something.

THQDRAIZOcreators' thoughts