
Reuniting With My Ex-Husband On Christmas

"Honey you know we can't just sit here and not help our daughter get her husband back," Matthew shouted angrily. "How on earth can we pull something like that off? And you know Anthony is no longer our daughter's husband. For heavens sake we were both witnesses when both Alayna and Anthony signed their divorce papers so, why would you want us to save something that is already lost," Rachel hissed as she placed her hands on her hips in frustration. "We were in their situation once, do you not remember when we got divorced? If you did then you would know that we got lost at some point as well. But luckily for your mom, we got reunited and we even got back married and renewed our vows and the same thing is now happening to our daughter and your here complaining," Matthew raised his voice with a look of disbelief evident on his face. +++ I know that bringing my daughter Alayna back with Anthony won't be easy but giving it a try won't hurt will it? My wife may not agree with my plans, but with or without her support my mission will not be affected instead it will be effective. I know that some chapters are meant to be closed but my daughters chapter with Anthony won't be, because I see light at the end of their tunnel and that's something. In carrying this mission out, I'm going to kidnap Anthony on the first day of December so that he will be able to spend the whole Christmas holiday with the family I created with my lovely wife Rachel. All of my children take the time off from their work every Christmas and they all make it a point of duty that they all spend the Holiday with the entire family. Just so we can all spend good quality time together, Its a traditional thing but it's mainly done so that we can all catch up on what each of us has been up to the whole time we were absent one from another. The reason I'm not asking Anthony to spend the Christmas holiday with me and my family is because I don't want to ruin the surprise, but be honest do you see any fun in ruining the surprise? ••• Will Matthews plan work in getting his daughter back with Anthony, and if yes how? Does Matthew still loves his ex-wife? Read to find out!! Note:This book won't be edited until its finish, so please pardon my errors.

Sasheena_Lewis_2348 · 现实
32 Chs

Home Alone With Anthony

☆Current day in the book:December 7,2020☆

♡Matthews POV♡

Yesterday afternoon, Rachel and I were caught spying on Anthony and Alayna by: Georgia, Vanessa, Tanya, Elizabeth, Jordon, Jennifer & David.

I had to spend 2 hours explaining, to

all of my children all the reasons my wife and I were spying on Alayna and her Ex-Husband Anthony. And in doing all of that, I had to start from where everything started right in my brain and surprisingly at the end of my speech they all wanted to help. And right about now our mission today is leaving Anthony and Alayna home alone. No notes were left saying where no one went, all the doors are closed so they cannot go outside, they dont have any access to any internet, they don't have any access to the television, they have no access to their phones/ no laptops, they only have access to food, clothes and water to shower. And at this time, my team and I are at the beach watching everything Alayna and Anthony does.

♡End Of Matthew's POV♡

I was about to fall off the bed, as Alayna sprawled her legs wide open on the bed leaving me no choice but, to lift her body and place her on her side of the bed. But in doing that her stiff boobs pressed against my chest enabling me to breathe properly.

"What are doing?" Alayna asked bewildered as she stretch in Anthony's arms.

"Nothing, there was just a spider running on the bed and I know that you're allergic so, I just do you a favor from spending any Hospital fees," Anthony said with a smirk as he place Alayna back on the bed.

"Ughh thanks, I needed to wake up to do some meditation before I continue writing the new book am working on," Alayna said with a sigh.

"Why do you have to meditate before you write though?" Anthony ask slightly confused.

"Meditation helps me understand how my mind works, and dont you know that humans are slaves to their thoughts. Meditation is one of the paths that helps writers become aware of what is going on in their heads. Writers spend a lot of time in their heads and maybe that is the reason why, they have more risks of getting stuck in there, but then again we all as writers have an audience waiting on what we have to bring to the table so, can you blame us for getting stuck in our own heads?" Alayna ask as she placed her hands on her hips as she made her point.

"Good point, I understand everything your saying because I use to be a Author myself. Don't go diva on me, I didnt tell you because it was painful to talk about and you know I how I feel about people having sympathy for me so________," Anthony didn't get to finish his statement, as he was interupted by Alayna.

"You don't need to explain yourself, I found out as soon as we moved in together," Alayna said with a giggle.

"If you did, how comes you never say anything about it?" Anthong asked amazed.

"I understand that you weren't comfortable sharing the information with me, and I know you were hurt so I saved you and I the awkward conversation," Alayna said as she moved to their room door.

"Hearing you say that is very shocking, anyways I'm heading downstairs cause am starving," Anthony said as his tummy groaned agreeing with him.

"I'll be down stairs in the next two minutes,"Alayna said with a genuine smile.

♡Matthew & team at the beach moment ♡

"They both look adorable," Vanessa said with a bright smile.

"They do, am giving them two weeks to date back," David said before chewing a crunchy peanut chocolate.

"Let's make a bet then," Jennifer said as she stretched her hand out to seal the deal.

"What do I get if I win the bet though?" David asked with a smirk.

"I'll buy you a new watch if you win, but you have to make me a chain with my name on it," Jennifer said with a smile.

"Can you both be quite, how am I supppse to hear what Alayna and Anthony are saying?" Rachel asked slightly annoyed.

...End of Matthew & team moment...

As Anthony went down stairs, I walked swiftly towards the study room attached to the room Anthony and I was assigned to. A big smile spread across my face as, I entered the familar place I let all my feelings out, the place I go to when I don't feel belong. But as soon as I reached the wooden desk, where I do must of my typing, my tummy twitched as my phone and lap top were missing from where I left them the day before on the well furnished table.

"Matthew you better not be messing around with me or else......, Alayna cursed under her breathe but she was cut off from finishing her sentence.

"Alayna! Did you take my phone up?" Anthony asked as he entered the room he shared with his Ex-Wife.

"Oh God! We've been robbed Anthony! I cannot find my phone nor my lap top," Alayna said in a panicked as she sunk to the floor.

"We have a bigger problem Alay," The words slide off Anthony's tongue before he knew it.

"What other problem could there be, than my phone and my lap to been missing?" Alayna asked with a frown evident across her face.

"I was going outside, to put out the rubbish but the door wouldn't budge," Anthony said with a pain expression on his face.

"What! There must be some misunderstanding! You mean that if we going to die no one is going to safe us," Alayna said before jumping on Anthony surprising both herself and Anthony.

This woman is full of surprises I swear, shes making it hard for me to not touch her. She had to go to bed every night wearing just her underwear and shirt. And now she is jumping on me without undies on, she isn't half naked or anything like that because she had a short skirt on. All I want to do right now is enter in her glory, but I restrain myself from doing so because I don't want to hurt her like I did the last time.

8 hours later

Anthony and I were currently playing hide and seek, we made dinner and already ate our share. We were bored so we played all types of games, whether my parents and siblings are home I have no idea because everyone of their room doors are closed...

I was drawn out of my thoughts for the 10th time today, as the front door creaked open revealing my parents and siblings.

"So do you all mind telling Anthony and I the reason you guys are home so late?" Alayna asked checking the time on her wrist.


Your at the end of this chapter....

This chapter will be edited soon😊😊