

"Sebastian what did I ever do to you, to deserve this ill treatment?". I asked him with tears in my eyes. "I hate you so much Bianca." Sebastian said to me with a cold and a harsh tone. I stood there like a drenched cat, letting the tears flow down my cheeks freely. Sebastian fixed his eyes on the magazines on his hands, not showing any sign of sympathy towards me. "Fine. This will be the last time you would be seeing me." I said to him with a shaking voice. "Go faraway, where I would never have to deal with you again." He replied back to me coldly. I nodded my head in tears, barging out of the bedroom. I ran away to a deserted place, where I would have nothing to associate myself with someone like Sebastian and his family. ******** My name is Bianca Mowers, I'm the only daughter and child of the Mowers. I went into a contract relationship with the toxic son (heir) of the Kurtz. I ended the relationship with Sebastian, not knowing that it would be the beginning of my motherhood to my daughter, Zoey. Fate reunited me back with my ex fiance, after so many years of separation. What does fate really want? How would he react, when he finally finds out about our child?......

Authoress_Oma · 现代言情
86 Chs


★★The Next Day★★

The next day, Jasmine dressed up in a sexy outfit. The way she packed her hair was obviously different than her usual hairstyles. Everything about her changed the next day.

Her family noticed her new dressing and she obviously didn't go to work that morning.

She was the only one already dressed up at the dinning table. She only ate two slices of bread and a cup of coffee. They couldn't stop staring at her akwardly.

"Jasmine what has come over you?". Grandma Caddels asked her.

"Granny, what're you talking about?". She asked her confused.

"You look different today." Kiara said to her.

Jasmine beamed a smile, looking at the watch on her wrist. She suspected that she was already late for the date with Liam. Her family weren't releasing her anytime soon. They wanted further explanations from her.

"Not only are you looking different, you're also in a haste to leave." Mrs Caddel said to her.

"After last night, my daughter turned into a new person. Tell us what's going on." Mr Caddel urged her.

Jasmine looked at him speechlessly. She was happy that Margaux wasn't home now, because she would have forced her to spill the tea. Jasmine took in a deep breath, now staring at everyone.

"Soon, all of your questions would be answered. I've an urgent place to be at the moment." Jasmine pleaded with them.

"Won't you go there on an empty stomach?". Mrs Caddel asked her.

"Not at all. I ate few slices, so I won't be hungry at all." She replied.

They finally decided to stop bugging her with too much questions. They only insisted that they would release her, only when everyone at the table is done with breakfast. She decided to wait till after breakfast, before running away to Liam.

.... After breakfast.....

After breakfast, Jasmine assisted with cleaning up the dishes, and finally picked up her handbag to leave. Immediately she went towards the door to open it, she was shocked to see Liam standing infront of her at the entrance door.

"Who's that?". Mr Caddel asked her from the living room.

"I'm here to pick you up." Liam whisphered to her from the door.

Jasmine tried dragging him outside, but Liam forced himself inside. She wasn't ready to show him to her family yet. She was still new to everything. Liam walked inside the living room, while Jasmine followed him behind. She was obviously scared, even though she tried her best to pretend like she was cool with it.

"Hey, who's this intruder?". Grandma Caddels asked aloud, pointing her walking stick towards his direction.

"I'm Liam ma'am." He introduced himself, sitting down on a blue couch.

Jasmine sat down next to him, staring at her family. Kiara was already getting suspicious about everything. She haven't seen Jasmine this uncomfortable before around a random guy.

"So why are you in our home?". Mr Caddel asked him with a strict voice.

"He's..." Jasmine tried talking but she was cut short.

"I'm Jasmine's boyfriend." Liam leaked the secret.

Everyone inside the room was shocked by the news. She was already getting freaked out and wondered the reason Liam opened up about that bluntly. She was waiting for her family to pounce on her, like they always did in the past.

"Wow, so she finally brought a man home?". Mrs Caddel asked with a smile.

Kiara and Jasmine looked at her with surprises on their face. They were so shocked by their mum's reaction. She wasn't flaring up like they assumed. She used to be so picky with men Jasmine brought home in the past. She only wanted the man she picked herself for Jasmine.

"Mum are you really okay with the news?". Jasmine asked her.

"Of course I'm. I'm happy that you finally gave love a chance." Mrs Caddel said to her with a smile.

Liam exchanged glances with Jasmine, while she forcefully smiled at him. Mr Caddel was just still, looking at the both of them. Jasmine also wanted to hear what he had to say about the news.

"Father won't you congratulate her too?". Kiara asked him.

"I'm glad with the news too, but I hope it last this time." He said, while Jasmine frowned her face.

Liam obviously knew that his words made her sad and he wasn't okay with that. He had to change Mr Caddel's narrative and mindset immediately.

"It is going to last this time, because I'm different from those scumbags." Liam said to him.

"I trust you son. I already like you already." Mrs Caddel supportively said to him.

Jasmine was happy that atleast her mum was in support of the man she chose by herself, unlike in the past. She obviously understood her father's bitterness. He had watched men rip off his daughter's wealth in the past, pretending that they loved her. He didn't want it anymore for her.

"Thank you Aunt. We'll take our leave now." Liam said to them, grabbing Jasmine's hand.

"I'll be back home soon." Jasmine said to them standing up.

Kiara saw them off at the door, and she wanted to use that opportunity to collect some sums from her sister's new date like she always did in the past. Jasmine wasn't happy with that at all, because she just started courting Liam.

"Sis, you know the rules right?". Kiara asked Jasmine, while Liam looked at the both of them confusedly.

"What's she talking about?". Liam asked Jasmine.

"Kiara do you need some chocolates? I'll definitely get them for you, when I return back home." Jasmine said to Kiara.

Kiara tried refusing immediately, but Jasmine dragged Liam by his hand, heading down the streets to board a cab that would take them to the location of the date.

Kiara got so pissed off, because she wasn't able to collect any funds from Liam.

She was about entering back into the house, when her back bumped against Mrs Caddel's arms. Kiara turned her head backwards, surprised to find her mum standing behind her.

"Mum you got me scared." Kiara complained.

"Why are you troubling the new dates?". She asked Kiara with a frown.

"But I didn't do anything." Kiara pretended.

Mrs Caddel pulled her ears with the tip of her fingers, dragging her inside the house. Kiara screamed on top of her voice for help, but no one came to her rescue. Mrs Caddel pushed her to a couch at the living room, as her back landed on it. Kiara felt so embarrassed, because Grandma Caddel and Mr Caddel were just looking at her in the living room.

"Kiara you've caused trouble again."Grandma Caddel teased her.

On the other hand was Jasmine and Liam. They were having their quiet and romantic moment together. Jasmine was looking so shy at the table. Liam decided to talk the shyness out of her.

"You've been quiet for a while, ain't you gon' say something?." Liam asked her.

"I'm pissing you off already?". She asked him back, dropping the fork in her hand inside an empty plate.

Liam shook his head vigorously, grabbing Jasmine's hand immediately. It was obvious that she was used to being lied to by men in the past, so she was only trying to becareful and not get hurt again.

"There's no reason to be pissed. You are my comfort zone Jasmine."Liam said to her, while she let out a shy smile.

"Really?". She asked, still inconvinced.

Liam nodded his head, giving her a kiss on her hand. That was the most romantic moment of their date. She was stopping her heart from falling deeply in love with Liam, but it was obvious that she was so in love with him now. Liam is her first love and all that she felt within her, seemed peaceful and beautiful. She wished that her recent life doesn't stop anytime soon.