
Returnee's mom

Kagura, a single mother of a son, who for the last 10 years has created nothing else but hardships and disappointments for her mother. Kagura whose friends left her for not believing them and disowning her failure son is falling into depression... However a sudden morning, when Kagura is thinking of her current lifestyle, she could hear her son waking up screaming and runs to check on her, he's crying and when Kagura asks what's wrong? Her dear son hugs her, she could not hear anything after that. Because what she did not know her son had experienced next two hundred years into the future and had now returned and planned to live a different life.

parch_Seeker · 奇幻言情
34 Chs


News on the seventh realm traveled fast. The nightfall sect, that had entered an empty battlefield with no enemies and when the scouts came telling how the sect was empty and there were a massive hole on the wall. There were only bodies of the soldiers which weren't even two days old.

The most surprising thing was, how there were almost no wounds on the soldiers, only on the elders. It couldn't have been any of the sects, no one on this realm was this strong. And they have either fled or advanced realms and they all hoped it was the later one.

Only few questions were being asked but the most used one was "who?"

Even Leo got his hands on this rumor while sitting in a pub. Selina and him had just arrived at the town where they would get drafted for the fight, only if it's not cancelled because of the sudden disappearance of the fifth most strongest sect.

Leo did not know anyone that powerful in his past life, but if they already advanced then of course he would not have seen them. He was going to get revenge for his past life in the future just before advancing but seems like something happened to make it disappear already. What did he do to make something like this happen?

He would have to think about his actions in the future. That's why he joined the fourth most powerful sect because he knew that they were going to win, this way the future wouldn't change as much.

After signing the agreement, they got a magic watch, which would show how many kills you get and you would be paid for that number. Leo and Selina were observing the fellow mercenaries who also had agreed to join the war for money.

The tent wasn't very luxurious, it had a couple of sofas for the veterans and the most powerful warriors. They were a lot more powerful than Leo as he was a little stronger than a general in the silver wolf sect.

One thing however caught Leo's eye. It was a board made out of leather and it had a couple wanted posters. There was a huge difference between these and the ones in the guild. The posters on the guild offered about 2-5 Onyx per mission.

These were in the thousands. Murderers, gang leaders and such. They were all pretty new and on the lower side of the board and as higher it went, the pricier they came and the papers also looked older.

On the very high end there were just two posters. One of them was of a guy with a pirate like beard and wanted for being a leader of a famous information gathering group. He was powerful with his magma control and the price for killing him was 100 000 Onyx.

But right next to him was something else, and the description and the picture just made Leo gulp. The person was wanted for 500 000 Onyx, that was enough for a full monster type set of armor and weapon. The picture only showed a black figure. It had shadows behind reminding him of hands and the only thing he recognized were red eyes.

The description only mentioned two things: Hell of mercenaries and the sleeping demon.

When going to sleep Leo could not stop thinking about the sleeping demon. He felt something familiar with them. Those red eyes and shadow figures, like he had seen them before. He could not wrap his head around it and just tried to search his deepest memories and specifically his past life but he could not find anything.

He decided not to worry and just went to sleep, tomorrow he would have to fight a lot, make money, and then get better equipment and maybe even a pet. He didn't have a pet in his past life, he could not explore the outside world so he had never even seen a pet, expect the enemy sect's elder's.

He had no idea what kind of pet he would want but he wanted something affectionate and which could become strong enough to reach the third realm. He also wanted some companions with him, who would support him through his journey.

He was already a good swords man and Selina if she continued with him, would be an amazing mage. He needed a tank, archer, and healer. That would be a dream team but very rare to accomplish. Many rather traveled alone, but Leo knew how dangerous it was so he would rather arrive at the third realm safely, check on his mom and stay there.

This was the dream that he would do, and his mom couldn't be dead either. He didn't think that those hired mercenaries would kill her because the guards would stop them. She was probably grieving him but still knew about him and waited for him to return.

At the same time on the realm one above, Kagura was going through something horrible. The realm of suffering was literally what it meant. She would have to stay there for a year and during that time she did nothing but suffer.

She hoped that her son managed to survive through this, so they could advance to the fifth realm together and maybe even live there. So, she prayed and prayed.

On the battlefield Leo was not having any difficulties, the enemies were only normal foot soldier level so he didn't need magic or anything to beat them. Magic could be dangerous to use, because it could hit his allies, that's why Selina was watching the melee warriors backs and ready to cast spells like water shield.

Leo slashed and slashed, he felt bad for killing people, he actually never enjoyed killing. That's probably one of the reasons why he couldn't advance to the sixth realm. He felt bad for the families that they would leave behind, like him and his mom.

That's why this was the realm, that he hated the most. It made him question his morals, but they never broke down. He always only killed when needed to, no civilians or anything that doesn't deserve it.

He had already killed over two hundred soldiers but more kept coming, it was the second strongest sect after all, it had a lot more members than the fourth and would sacrifice all of its soldiers before showing their true strength. This was also a reason why Leo joined the fourth army.

The elders and sect leader would always be helping the soldiers to defeat powerful enemies, so with good teamwork they would win. Leo still thought about what he was doing, he didn't need to kill. He could prove his strength in another way, like a tournament or a monster.

But he shut down the idea, those were too slow. He had to act faster and start advancing. At the same time someone was observing Leo and licked her lips while waiting for him to advance.

As Leo was killing, the smell of blood brought another person in his mind, the same woman who he had seen before and was now in his mind, he remembered her.