
Return of the Shaman

This about a guy who was summoned to another world with the heroes after defeating the evil empire and their dark gods the heroes return to their world exactly when they left which unfortunately for our MC is right after he lost his job and his only friend ran off with his girlfriend after she drained his account and because he is an orphan no family to ask for help Will only update when I feel like it

Guardian1 · 都市
27 Chs

ch 8

Adam woke up this morning feeling great lying next to him was his latest conquest Daisy and by far one of the most beautiful women he has ever had the day his friend Sebastián introduced her to him he couldn't understand why they were together she should be with someone like him not his loser minion he was a realist he knew he could never get a woman of good breeding from those old money families but he could at least get a pretty thing like Daisy especially when he saw her eyes light up when she first met him and why wouldn't she be dazzled by his charm and good looks every girl wanted to be swept off her feet by a prince.

Before he was who is today Adam was an orphan just like Sebastián which was how they met before he arrived at the orphanage back then Sebastián had lots of friends and was the center of attention at least until Adam decided to frame him one thing after the other until he was isolated and unwanted so when Adam became his only friend he seemed like a saint even the other children thought he was wonderful and when couples came to adopt he had the other children tell lies about Sebastián making sure that he would never be adopted before him he was luckily adopted by an upper middle class family and went to private school made friends with the right people impressing the right people even attending a mid-level college on a full scholarship.

After graduating top of his class in business he took a loan out and started his own business in jewelry and antiques that was a big success having grown to seven locations in just three years during that time he got reintouch with his old friend Sebastián who was never adopted because of poor reputation and just aged out of the system because all the orphans attended the same school any attempts at making friends was quickly squashed it wasn't until he finally saved up and moved out at sixteen that his life became slightly better as he was finally able to start earning for himself he even found a pretty girlfriend they met after she was thrown out by her family and he gave her a place to stay asking for nothing in return it wasn't long until she fell in love with him and how generous he was.

Daisy was pretty but wasn't as self-sufficient as Sebastián he always felt conscious about the fact that he never finished school so in his free time he was always trying to better himself in any way he could visiting the library for self study through the books and computers there as they spent time together Daisy became even more dependent upon him eventually she found a job as a waitress finally making her own money she never shared with Sebastián and he never asked after she started to make her own money she started to buy better make up and clothes with those minor improvements she had easily became the most beautiful woman in neighborhood.

As she became the center of attention she became discontent with her life and her lover even the gifts he gave her seemed crummy including and most especially that old watch he tried to give her when Sebastián reconnected with Adam it only became clearer to her how little he could do for her.

At first she only flirted with Adam to see if she could get his attention to boost her ego as she didn't think he would even consider her because she was dating Sebastián and was from the crap section of the city but after a few visits she noticed his attraction to her of course at first she ignored it because she felt guilty about Sebastián but then he suggested hanging out as friends showing her places and things Sebastián never could.

Soon her desires grew and the shitty house looked even shittyer than before and it wasn't long after that they started to sleep together which she felt guilty for in the beginning but Adam slowly convinced her it was only natural that Sebastián only held her back that she could have so much more and she truly believed that but every time she looked into Sebastián's eyes all her guilt would flood back worse than before which was why she agreed to leave him while he was at work Adam never missing an opportunity decided to pack anything of value to sell for even a little more cash.

It wasn't until after they started living together and she was deleting photos from her phone that one caught his eye while they were in bed together an old pocket watch that he recognized from an auction that went for three million dollars and he found out that it was Sebastián's that he rushed over to get his hands on it only see two beautiful women sitting at his shitty fold out table one of which was the famous asian beauty from an old and famous family Ai Wu his mind stopped working for second as she was someone who didn't have the right to even look at her let alone have in his home yet here she was sitting on chair made of plastic he finally figured she was here for the watch as well as she was staring at Sebastián probably getting impatient with having to be here yet her face said she was trying to solve a problem that she couldn't figure out no matter how hard she tried as for the other woman he figured she was her attendant but he needed to verify why she was here.

Adam:"I am sorry about causing a ruckus miss Wu I suppose you are here for the pocket watch as well right?"