
Return of the Shaman

This about a guy who was summoned to another world with the heroes after defeating the evil empire and their dark gods the heroes return to their world exactly when they left which unfortunately for our MC is right after he lost his job and his only friend ran off with his girlfriend after she drained his account and because he is an orphan no family to ask for help Will only update when I feel like it

Guardian1 · 都市
27 Chs

ch 5

It's not that I couldn't get into the party its the fact that I do have a method and that method makes me the center of attention and people don't question why as their minds fill in the gaps in any situation but I rather not do it as I don't mind women approaching but men are the leaders in human culture and especially in such groups like Asians rarely is a woman ever in charge meaning instead of beautiful women I would be surrounded by old men leaders of their sects and families with the occasional exception.

So rather then deal with that I chose to risk my life sneaking past the Wu family's hidden formation and their security system while avoiding security guards as that seemed much simpler because even though I was pretty sure it would be effective I still would rather face down deadly traps then deal ass kissing phonies.

The first few arrays weren't all that difficult as they seemed like cheap knock offs of the ones used in the evil gods temple and not even one tenth as a effective allowing to easily sneak past them it was not until I reached the inner sanctum that I had problems because what they lacked in quality they made for in quantity as there was barely a space that was not covered in these special arrays of their's if not for the mundane security guards walking through I would have figured out how to get through without brute force and alerting everyone so I found a lone security guard and entered his body by transforming into pseudo spirit.

Once possessed the host would have his vitality drained as I parasiticly fed off his his very soul devouring his life force as he was a mundane there wasn't that much but he wouldn't notice I was inside unlike those who have powers or natural magical beings such as elves and the like using him like a puppet and sifting through his memories I had him deposit me into Ai Wu's room before leaving his body he only had a month left in his life span I could have fixed this but it wasn't my problem he had already served his purpose there was no reason to help him so instead I waited for Ai to return to her room.

The party continued until late into the evening during that time I decided to look through her room most of it wasn't all that interesting aside from her hobby of taking nude photos of herself striking different poses some that even impressed me but when I found a secret workshop under her room I was shocked to see that she wasn't just a serial killer but collector taking parts from her victims and turning them into into puppet parts but it wasn't just non humans but also small children and women who were human she was refining them all to create an assortment of puppets and looked like she was an old hand at it meaning she probably started with humans before moving to non humans and given the age on some of them she probably been doing it since she was in high school if not earlier.

I found her magnum opus it was nearly complete according to her notes each part was specifically gathered from her victims a delicate craft that was in honesty was quite impressive I admired her dedication to craft seeking perfection it was beautiful the puppet had silver hair and eyes delicate looking skin that could take a beating and endure sword strikes it's proportions were not over the top or exaggerated but perfectly balanced yet curvy it is clear that she designed this to not only be powerful but beautiful even the smallest of details were meticulously looked after to the point it would be impossible to distinguish it from a living being.

According to her notes it seemed that she intended to create a core for her puppet that would allow for it to truly cross the threshold between living and artificial to become a true living puppet but I felt that she didn't go far enough so I went looking through my inventory in my space ring I pulled out a golem heart not a golem core a golem heart is what gives a golem life but also the ability to evolve as I am alchemist I dabbled in creating golems and from what I could tell her puppet core was crude in design but the overall was more advanced than golem it would seem that the other world focus heavily on the heart while this one focused on the body using the core as only a power supply whereas the other world allows for growth but is limited by the crude development of the body with that understanding I steal all her notes and supplies after I implant the golem heart to see if they are compatible waiting for the puppet to activate as the heart creates tendrils bind with the puppet.

beautiful voice:"How dare you break into my workshop and begin to tampering with my life's work"

Me: Indifferent voice "I am just placing a superior heart for the magnificent puppet than that crude piece of shit you were intending to" I turn to see Ai apparently I became lost in thought not noticing the time that flew by.

Ai:"What do you mean by crude?! This is the most sophisticated core developed based upon on all our years of research!"

Me:"Look at my core and see for yourself then tell me that your core isn't crude" in a patient voice

She moves carefully towards her puppet while staying out of reach she stares at the golem heart as look of disbelief forms on her face while her core looks like an orb that should fit in the socket it was still very mechanical where as the golem heart seemed alive although you could tell it was not made from flesh and it began to pull mana from the atmosphere instead of needing a power supply from a host or a charge station.

Ai:"How is this possible not even the golems of the mages have more advanced cores than ours this looks like its alive but still synthetic I was trying to make a core from living tissue to create a living core but failed so I went crystallized organs to make it but it would never achieved such life its chi moves and flows naturally it should wake up soon!"