
Return of The Legendary Blue Fang

Blood was splattered everywhere, while rotting corpses are littered and limping on the spacious red ground. A slow walks echo through that open space, A knight with Silver Blue armor slowly throded into the blood soaked ground which a figure could be seen kneeling on the ground. Then he sheath his sharp swords, pointing at the figure that are now beyond abomination. He have met this monster from before, when he just started to participate in the wars, when he is still young and naive. This is the monster called abyss lord, the one that made the bloodshed with rain of blood and mountain of human corpse, that day the monster just laughing maniacally and sinisterly mocking the human. But now this monster are kneeling and crawling in front of him, just like an insect. "Any last word Amon?" l "Hahaha, I never thought that the boy than run likes are coward that day someday reclaim this head of mine" l "Rein Von Silvanne, why do you still serve the empire after suffering so much?" l "The Empire and the abyss sanction are just a plain of the same card, both have it's own agenda" But Rein just replied coldly, his deep blue eyes glaring from his head visor. "I don't care about the empire nor the abyss sanction, you are the reason why I lost some of the people that give me hope and will to live in this world" l "I see, you are truly something, you held enough power for conquest and conquering, yet you still linger for simple thing such as emotions" l "This why I still retain my humanity and not succumbed to temptation to turns into the monster" within a split second the heads of the abyss lord called Amon are cuts of clean from its body, which in turns spurts bloods around it and slowly soaks the ground with purple red blood, while headless body limp to the ground with a thud While, the knight just slowly turns his back, facading into the thick fog, while some words from him still echoes around. 'I am a fang that bore feracaciously towards flesh and bones of its prey' l 'no matter who the prey are, Neixx Empire or even Abyss Sanction, they shall succumb to it's mouth' l The 1st wars that have lasted for two years between the Neixx Empire and Abyss Sanction, ended when the Blue Fang, one of the most feracacious and vicious beast like figure, behead the 1st Sanction Abyss Lord, Amon. ..... After, fighting for two consecutive war, Rein finally reach the limits of its body, and it is time for him to find his own happiness. But when he thought everything will be over when the Abyss Sanction have been defeated, he learns the truth regarding the real reason for the Abyss Sanction for Invading from the mouth of an assassin. Because it's more than a political move, because more mystery are yet to be revealed by either side. And he also learn the truth on why he have been marked by the Empire 10 years ago. But he only knows this when he was about to exhaust his lifespan. (Can he survive his predicament?) (Can he uncovers the whole truth) (Can he return and retain his happiness?) (And most of all, why did he get marked by the empire or why did the abyss sanction invaded) (Read to find out more) ..…........................................................ Authors Note : Quack..Quack..Ducky here, thanks for taking the time to read my first ever book. I know it have its own shortcoming and error, I just noticed lately that I have been neglecting a good foundation for my books which is, "it should be readable, whether the sentences, grammar or even paragraphing", I am sory for my mistake, I'll take note of that and do better. Well, I just finished editing just now and, hopefully it makes the experience much better. Currently I am quite busy, with two other upcoming books, but worry not, I'll update this novel ASAP. Thank you for reading my babling, CHOU and PEACE!!!

Ducky_sensei · 都市
19 Chs


After watching their soldiers for few days in training and mock battle, both Emil and Rein discuss their distress and concern. As of now, all of their soldier are quite weak and most of all, they are not putting the necessary commitments and heart for fighting the next battle.

"So what you think Emil, are they capable to execute our current plan?"


"Well, my lord to be honest I am quite disappointed, even tho they are all inexperienced, at least if they have the heart, they will not fall easily" Emil stated

"If we are deploying them now, all of them will surely leave the battle cowardly in fear"


"Well what can we expect from a unit with a sole purpose of being a meatshield, and they know that fact which turns their self esteem much lower" Rein sighed


"But worry not my lord, I think we can change them, we still have 6 months for the Abyss force to arrive at the border"


"Yes...I hope the predictions are corret"

While, they were discussing their current problems and predicament. One soldiers runs towards them directly while gasping for an air when he arrived Infront of them.

"Chief Captain Rein and Vice Captain Emil, I have important messages to convey" when he says this both Rein and Emil just watch at him directly.

"Proceed..then" Rein


"As per requested by Chief Captain Balud, both the Captain of Redmayne and..uhh Captain Rein are to be invited t

for meeting regarding the next agenda for this war"

"Uhmmm, meeting again?" Rein

"What is the time for the meeting?"


"Nighttime Captain Rein"



When he responded, the soldier just turn his back and ready to go to the Redmayne camp, but suddenly he turn back towards them again, scratching his heads awkwardly.

"Yes, soldier?, anything else?"


"Uhmmm, I almost forget, this time the vice captain also are compulsory to join" he stated while looking directly towards Emil.

While Emil just nodded, then this time for real, he just run confidently towards the Redmayne Camp.

"What do you think Emil, is the meeting conducted because of unforseen circumstances or something else?"


"I heard a gist of it, when I walked towards the golden stallion Camp when to get our supply"

"It's seems like, our preparation for this war aren't good enough, so they decided to go for exploration"


"Exploration?, hmmm is it when we go clear out the certain area that we will be using when the war occured?"Rein tilted his heads towards Emil.

"Yes, my lord but doing that not only dangerous but it also detrimental for our team force supply, so I don't know if it is a good planning or not"

"Hmmm, let's not think too much about it, this is why they conducted the meeting in the first place"


Then, when night time arrive both of them directly went to the Main Camp which is located on the Aurete Camp or more known to be the Golden stallion Camp. When they came near the Main Camp, all they hear was a chattering and gossiping sound from the inside. It's a typical noble women traits.

'hey, do you know that...'

'thats so embarrassing my lady...'


When they arrived and get in, the chattering just stop when they noticed the upcoming two presence, and what greets them was two glaring fiery eyes. It seems they have misunderstood them for someone that came spying, as they are now in a combat pose, readying themselves. Eventually, they just relax themselves when they see their face, while continue greeting them.

2 women was already inside, one with shoulder length fiery red hair while, the other one have a short bobcut black hair. Both of them greeted Rein and Emil with gesture indicating for them to sit down.

"Yo, silver boy it's been a while"

"Is this your vice captain, he is quite handsome, although inferior to you"

When she says this, Rein just shrugged it off while responding to her,

"Hello Lady Grace, it's nice to meet you again"

While he says this, he noticed that the one on his left side, which is Emil is just staying quiet from his usual bright attitude, and he can see that his face was furiously burning with blush.

'Arent you being nervous too much Emil, it just a formal compliment tho' Rein sighed.

While he was in thoughts, the lady just interjected while pushing the other person next to her, which she forcefully introduce to both of them,

"Hey, this is my Shilling, my Second in command"

Then the girl with black hair just bow to Rein while she holds out her hands to both of Rein and Emil.

"Nice to meet you, Captain Rein and this is?" While pointing at Emil.

"Nice to meet you too Vice Captain Shiling, this is Emil Bluelove my vice" while he grasped her hand.

Then, when it's time for Emil for handshake, Rein noticed that that he is quite awkward with blushes and steam all over his head.

"I...it..it's nice...to meet you Ms, Shiling, I am EMIL BLUELOVE!!!"

'Dude, why are you stuttering so much, you are not even a teen anymore' Rein say while shrugging off his heads, while Grace just stand there chuckling for their peculiar yet warm scene.

"Hahaha, Emil do you think my Shilling is Beautiful?"

When Grace say this, all of eyes was directed towards him, which makes him more nervous but he is a man and noble afterall.

"Yess, Lady Grace, Ms Shiling is beautiful like a diamond in a rough, tough yet flawless" He responded while closing his eyes.

"Hahaha, you are quite a bold but I like it!!!" She says while slapping Emil broad shoulder.

Before Rein could relax a bit, Grace just threw off another bomb towards him.

"I am satisfied with Emil answer but I am curious with Rein's answer?"

"Hey Rein, between me and Shilling, which one is more beautiful" she asked

When she utter this question, now all the three eyes are directed towards him, Emil was dumbfounded, as he feels like this is a tricky question for the captain. while Rein just remained calm, crossed his arm and watch the space in front of him while uttering his responds.

"Different people have different preferences"

"And what's important to them will surely be the points of attraction towards someone"

"So yeah, In simple term, every woman is beautiful in their own way"

All of them just nodded when they hear his responds, What he say is neither the real answer and he just make it vague but believable in a good way.

"Heh, I never thought you have such a profound thoughts Rein"

When Grace say this, Rein just just shrugged his heads indicating that he just say whatever came to his mind. A moment later they are engrossed in they own conversations with Emil and Shiling both sharing a warm conversation, while both Grace and Rein sits in silence watching both of their vice captain charttering and laughing.

Seeing Rein smiling a little for the first time since they met, Grace feel like the teen in front of her have changed a bit, which makes her question him directly in the face.

"Seems like you change a bit Rein"

"You seems to regain your spirit and much more alive compared to when we just first met"

"Hmm.." hearing that Rein turn his heads towards her while responding to her question.

"Well you know Lady Grace, ever since the black tragedy in the past, all I felt was, I being swallowed by the darkness, it feels like everything turns they back on you"

When Rein mention this, Grace eyes flickered a bit, few days ago she have heard every information regarding the black tragedy, every secret included from her mother, the head family, the matriarch of Scarlet Family, When she knows that, she is quite shocked but still remains calm because it's not a matter she could just interfere. But it makes her vigilant and more be careful around the young boy, and she prefers for not getting noticed.

" But, there's still hope for me, even when only one person believe in me, staying loyal and remain unperturbed considering my past, I'll rise up again"

"That's all I need for me to change"

"And that person is surely your vice Captain Emil, right?"

"Probably.." Rein responds with a bright smile.

But when he presented his current emotions towards Grace sincerely, it makes her question herself more,

'is this really the perpetrator of the Black Tragedy on that day, but she just remain calm because sooner or later it will revealed to her. Then she just alleviate those thoughts with her words.

"Anyway, why are so formal to me, the Silvanne dukedom is in the same level as our scarlet tho"

"Well, huh..okay... I'll just drop the formality then, okay Grace?"

"That's good to hear"

As all of them just wanted to continue their talks, they just halted when two approaching presence make their entrance upon the main camp entrance, now the real agenda will begin.