

Locked away in a cold, unforgiving mental hospital, Selina was branded as crazy by those who should have protected her. Betrayed by her father and tormented by her peers, her years of captivity have only fueled her desire for vengeance. Now, with a daring escape behind her, Selina is back, and she’s not the same innocent girl they once knew. In a city that once turned a blind eye, secrets will be exposed and justice will be served—her way.

FaridahLawani2311 · 青春言情
10 Chs

Why me?

In the living room of Frances' house, Selina was sitting with her mother, Frances, having a conversation.

"Mom, I'm not a baby anymore," Selina said.

Frances smiled softly. "You'll always be my baby, love."

Selina sighed. "I know why the sweet talk. You're going to work again, aren't you?"

"Just for two days, sweetheart. You know your father doesn't have a job. I'm doing this to support our family. I'll get you the money you asked for," Frances assured her before exiting the room.

As soon as her mother left, Selina muttered to herself, "Mom keeps encouraging that womanizer…"

Just then, Richard walked in. "Why aren't you in school?"

"Do you even care?" Selina shot back.

Richard's eyes narrowed. "Have you started smoking? How dare you talk to me like that? You're such a brat."

Selina met his gaze defiantly. "Actually, it's the other way around."

Fuming, Richard struck her across the face. "Some nerve you've got, huh?"

Selina winced and muttered, "I'm sorry."

"You'd better be, brat," Richard sneered before storming out.

A moment later, Frances returned. "Sorry for the delay, love. I got a call from work."

"No problem, Mom. Just take care. Bye," Selina said, waving goodbye to her mother.

At school, Miss Lizzy was teaching her class. "So, each element in a compound constitutes its own particular portion of the compound's mass. It means…" She paused and noticed Selina wasn't paying attention. "Selina, what did I just say?"

Before Selina could answer, she pointed at Sophia. "Miss Lizzy, it's Sophia. She threw my book out the window."

Miss Lizzy frowned. "Are you lying to cover up your mistakes, Selina?"

"No, I'm sorry, Miss Lizzy, but it's not my fault," Selina tried to explain.

"Out of my class," Miss Lizzy ordered sternly.

"Please forgive me, Miss Lizzy," Selina pleaded, but before she could say more, Sophia sneered, "Are you deaf?"

"But…" Selina began, but she knew it was useless. She exited the classroom sadly.

After Selina left, Anne stood up. "Miss Lizzy, it was Sophia's fault."

Michael smirked. "Who asked for your opinion?"

"I wasn't talking to you either," Anne shot back.

"Enough, students. I am teaching," Miss Lizzy snapped.

"Sorry, Miss Lizzy," Anne replied quietly.

Back at Frances' house, Selina came home, visibly upset.

"Mom, Mom!" she called out.

Richard answered her coldly. "Are you blind? She isn't home."

Selina's face fell. "I was sent out of class today, Dad, and I didn't do anything wrong."

"Deal with it yourself," Richard responded dismissively.

At that moment, Helen burst into the room. "Rich, I came… What is this brat doing at home?"

"I am not a brat," Selina mumbled.

Richard's voice was harsh. "Shut up and go to your room."

"Dad, instead of looking for a job, you're at home inviting your mistress…" Selina started, but Helen cut her off.

"What did you say?" Helen asked, her voice icy.

Selina didn't back down. "…while Mom goes out to work."

Richard's temper flared. "I won't say this again! Go to your room, brat!" he yelled.

"I am not a brat!" Selina cried before running to her room, tears streaming down her face.

Helen shook her head, watching her go. "She's got some nerve, huh?"

In her room, Selina tried calling her mom.

"Please, Mom, pick up," she whispered, but all she heard was a network message.

"The number you are trying to call is not reachable. Please try again later," the automated voice said.

Selina sighed, feeling even more alone. "Mom, I miss you…"

Meanwhile, at Diego's house, Taylor and Diego were waiting when Anne finally walked in.

"Thank God you're home, honey. Take care of the house; we have an urgent meeting," Taylor said quickly.

"If anyone calls, we're in a meeting," Diego added before they both hurriedly exited.

Left alone, Anne sighed to herself. "Guess I have to order pizza again… I'm so tired of eating pizza."

Later that night, Selina, still distraught, found herself at the police station.

"Sir, my father is hitting me," she cried to the officer at the desk.

Kelvin didn't even look up. "Just get out of here."

"Please, my mom is not home," Selina begged.

"Who cares?" James, another officer, muttered.

Selina's voice shook as she pleaded, "The police should."

Kelvin's tone was mocking. "Are you trying to teach us our job? Who do you think you are, a ten-year-old dictating to us?"

"I am fifteen, but I am sorry," Selina said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Scram, brat," James said, waving her away.

"Please, please help me," Selina sobbed as she left the station, still crying.

Kelvin shook his head in annoyance. "Who cares about her and her father?"

"Just came to disturb the peace of this place," James agreed.

The next day, back at school, Anne and Selina were sitting together in the classroom, talking quietly.

"Sorry about yesterday, Selina. I told the teacher, but she refused to listen," Anne said.

"Thanks for trying," Selina replied, trying to sound grateful.

"It's nothing. What are friends for?" Anne smiled.

But their moment was interrupted when Michael and his friends walked in, mocking Selina.

"Hey Selina, did you eat well today? I'll have your food then," Michael sneered.

Selina glared at him. "Give me back my food flask."

"Come get it," Michael taunted.

Sophia, who had just entered, smirked. "Don't trouble her today, Michael. She has no strength to fight. Here are the pads you ordered, Selina."

The class erupted into laughter at Sophia's cruel joke.

"I didn't… I…" Selina stammered, her face turning red with embarrassment. Unable to take it anymore, she rushed out of the classroom.

Anne stood up angrily. "What's your problem? Aren't you ashamed of yourself?"

Sophia waved her off. "Scram, insignificant."

Michael and his friends laughed loudly, enjoying the chaos they had caused.

Miss Lizzy entered the classroom, immediately noticing the commotion. "What happened? Why is the class so rowdy?"

Sophia quickly lied. "Selina was trying to pick a fight with me because of yesterday."

Michael added, "She is a mad girl."

Miss Lizzy frowned. "I'll speak to the principal," she said before exiting the classroom angrily.

At Frances' house, Frances was sitting on the couch, talking to Richard, who looked downcast.

"Richard, were you lucky today?" Frances asked gently.

Richard shook his head. "No job for me. They don't even want to give me a chance."

"Don't worry, I'm trying my best to support us…" Frances started to say, but she was interrupted when Selina burst into the room, crying, and hugged her tightly.

"Mom!" Selina cried out.

Frances immediately wrapped her arms around her daughter. "Love, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"I don't ever want to go to school again. I graduated today," Selina sobbed.

Frances looked shocked. "Oh my God, did they expel you?"

"No, Mom. Some of my classmates humiliated me," Selina explained, her voice trembling.

"What happened?" Frances asked, concern written all over her face.

"I don't know how to tell you, but I don't want to ever go to school again," Selina said, breaking down into tears again.

Frances held her daughter close. "Don't worry, love. I'll have a talk with the school head."

At that moment, Anne entered, looking concerned.

"Good afternoon, Aunt," Anne greeted politely.

"Good afternoon, Anne. How are you doing?" Frances asked.

"I'm fine, Aunt," Anne replied, then added, "And your parents?"

"They're also fine," Anne said before turning to Selina. "Selina…"

"I can't face anyone, Anne. Not even you," Selina said, turning away.

"It was Sophia's fault, not yours. Don't let them get to you," Anne encouraged her.

"It's too late because they already did. I'm never going to that school again," Selina replied sadly.

Frances looked at Anne. "Talk to her, Anne. Let's go, Richard," she said before leading Richard out of the room.

Anne turned back to Selina, her voice gentle. "Selina, you are my best friend and the purest soul I've ever met. Always walk with your head held high."

"Thanks for the motivation, Anne, but I can't do as you say. They will make fun of me," Selina said, her voice barely audible.

"That's their problem, not ours. I'm with you, Selina," Anne said firmly.

Selina hugged Anne, feeling a little better. "Thank you, girlfriend."

Anne wiped away Selina's tears. "Do not cry anymore."

"I won't,"

Frances entered the room just as Anne was leaving. She looked at Selina with concern.

"How did it go? Do you still want to change schools?" Frances asked gently.

Selina shook her head, trying to smile. "I'll miss Anne, Mom."

"So?" Frances prompted, waiting for her daughter's decision.

"I won't change schools," Selina finally decided, her voice firm.

Frances beamed with pride. "That's my girl."

"I love you, Mom," Selina said, her voice softening.

"Love you too, sweetheart," Frances replied warmly.

At that moment, Richard walked into the room, catching the end of their conversation. "I'll accompany my daughter to school tomorrow," he announced.

Frances looked at him in surprise. "Really?"

"Yes, no one should bully my daughter," Richard said with conviction.

"Alright, if that's sorted, then I'll go make lunch," Frances said, pleased with the decision, and exited the room.

Selina looked up at her father, a small smile playing on her lips. "Really, Dad?"

Richard nodded. "Sure, I promise."

Selena's smile widened. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Richard replied, a rare tenderness in his tone.

Anne walked into her house to find her parents, Taylor and Diego, waiting for her. The atmosphere was tense as Taylor immediately confronted her.

"Where are you coming from?" Taylor asked sharply.

Anne tried to deflect the tension. "You mean, how was school today?"

Diego wasn't having it. "Don't try to act smart with us."

Anne sighed, feeling the weight of their scrutiny. "Come on, Dad, Mom, I'm not a baby anymore. I'm fifteen and will be turning sixteen next year."

Taylor wasn't swayed. "That doesn't answer my question."

Anne decided to be honest. "I went to Selina's..."

Taylor's face tightened with disapproval. "That girl."

"She is my friend, Mom," Anne defended.

Taylor's eyes narrowed. "Has she been teaching you to disrespect your parents?"

Anne's frustration bubbled over. "I've always done everything you asked. Please let me live my life in peace." Without waiting for a response, she turned and exited angrily.

Taylor called after her, but Anne was already gone.

In the school cafeteria, Selina and Anne were seated together, trying to enjoy a quiet lunch.

"Do you care for salad, Anne?" Selina offered.

Before Anne could respond, Sophia walked by and deliberately knocked her food to the ground.

"Oops, my bad. Didn't see you there," Sophia said with mock innocence as everyone around them laughed.

Anne's anger flared. "What's your problem, Sophia? What's your deal?"

Sophia shot back, "Hey, watch your mouth."

Selina tugged at Anne's arm, her voice shaky. "Let's go, Anne."

Without waiting for a response, Selina rushed out of the cafeteria, trying to escape the humiliation.

Sophia sneered after them. "Come on, run after your chicken friend."

Anne glared at Sophia before following Selina. "She's not a chicken," she muttered, storming out angrily.

Outside in the school compound, Selina sat alone, tears streaming down her face. She whispered to herself, "Mom, please come save me."

Anne found her moments later and quickly approached. "Don't let her get to you," Anne urged, trying to comfort her friend.

But they weren't alone for long. Michael, Sophia, and their friends appeared, smirking and ready to torment Selina further.

"Let me join the chit-chat," Michael said sarcastically.

Anne turned to face them. "Why are you stalking us?"

Sophia dismissed her. "Not you, Anne."

Michael focused on Selina, his tone mocking. "Selina, how did the salad taste?"

Selina's voice was barely above a whisper. "Please, leave me alone."

Michael sneered, "Crybaby," and scoffed.

Anne, trying to shield Selina, said firmly, "Stop it."

Michael wasn't deterred. "Hey, get lost," he snapped, pushing Selina into the mud. He looked down at her with a cruel grin. "Look, you're dirty."

Laughter erupted from the group, but Selina spotted Miss Lizzy approaching in the distance.

"Miss Lizzy..." Selina called out, her voice desperate.

Miss Lizzy arrived just in time to see the scene. Her expression hardened. "Causing trouble again, Selina?"

Anne quickly defended her friend. "Miss Lizzy, Michael pushed her."

But Miss Lizzy wasn't convinced. "There must be a valid reason for that. She's a troublemaker."

"That's not true," Anne protested.

Selina, tears running down her cheeks, tried to explain. "I didn't do anything, Miss Lizzy."

But Miss Lizzy had already made up her mind. "Come with me," she said sternly, grabbing Selina by the arm and leading her away.

Selina's cries echoed as they disappeared down the hall.