
No Choice

The grains continued to pour forth like an unyielding flood, engulfing not only the city of Eikadir but also spreading to every province in the east.

It was a torrent of abundance, sweeping away the remnants of scarcity and hardship that had plagued the kingdom for so long.

For those who had once conspired to manipulate the grain market, their grand schemes had crumbled to dust.

All the intricate moves they had made, the secretive agreements and hoarded stockpiles, were now become meaningless in the face of this overwhelming influx of grain.

The day that had once been filled with promise for these grain producers had turned into a day of reckoning.

Their efforts to exploit the people's hunger and desperation had been thwarted by the king's action.

The weight of their actions and their attempt to profit from the suffering of others now bore down upon them

They found themselves on the losing side of this battle.
