
Meeting Point

Dunn shakes his head, "They don't care about the kid. They care about his grandfather."

As soon as the words left his lips, Dunn smoothly handed the task to his coworker.

Everyone who interacts with Dunn has no choice but to admit that this old man is slick.

He had a knack for deflecting attention away from himself. He does this all the time to pass off his work to others.

It is safe to say this old man mastered the art of slacking off.

"How is this broom in my hand?" Dunn's coworker was so confused and shocked to find out about it. He glanced around, searching for Dunn to return it but it was already too late. 

The old man had already disappeared.


"Well... that was easy," Dunn muttered with a wry smile as he passed through the estate's front gate. He couldn't help but feel satisfied at how smoothly he had managed to slip away.