
Completing the Transaction

Albert turned his gaze toward his daughter and notice the gleam of determination in her eyes.

In the dimly lit underground storage warehouse, her body language spoke volumes.

The slump in her shoulders had straightened. Her eyes that tinged with sadness dissipated, replaced by a spark of enthusiasm.

"What about you, Mon?" Elder Samnnite asked whether Mon was interested in learning the way of magic.

"Unfortunately, I'm not interested." He rejected the offer, "I only plan to get the money and travel around the continent. It has always been a dream of mine."

Words flowed effortlessly from his mouth. Sometimes, even Mon was surprised by how natural and seamless he could weave lies.

There's no way he would agree. While learning magic does look appealing and life-changing, he heard many outlandish rumours about the practice.

With the 'goods' they keep ordering, he knows they are up to no good.

'Better not to get involved with them.'