
Resident Evil: Revival

Fifteen years after the Rockfort island incident, Steve awoke with no memories of the incident and in an Umbrella facility. New friends along with old, face the crisis of their pasts and fight for their future.

Noah_J_Dean · 游戏衍生
51 Chs

Kindness All Around (part 2)

Billy rested on the cold concrete ground as he stared at the ceiling above him. made of the exact same material as the ground he rested on. Next to him were the steel bars he ever so dreaded. The cylindrical shining bars that were attached to both the ground and ceiling of this cold grey hell. On the other side of the bars of confinement were James as he glared at Billy. He sat on the aged wooden chair alongside the aged wooden, square, corner table. On that table was a generic modern 9mm pistol.

Billy did not have to look at the many to know that Jason glared at him the whole time. Billy could feel it. Bill gave a soft sigh as he spoke, "So, why haven't you asked any questions?"

Clyde walked in from the wooden door that leads to the pale white halls of the first floor, "Because the questions we wanted to ask were easier to find online," Clyde then signaled Jason to go. Jason looked at Clyde in confusion before Clyde spoke, "He's awake..."

Quickly, Jason's eyes widened, and left the room. Billy sat up off of the ground and looked at Clyde, "Is he alright?"

Clyde's cold eyes rested at Billy the moment he spoke to him. He inhaled and spoke softly, "Steve is perfectly healthy and I'm pretty sure that he is dealing with a promise he made to someone, but don't mind what's wrong with him, Billy. I have more questions than what our data was able to provide," Clyde walked to the chair and took a seat as he stared over to Billy.

Bill watched and stayed seated. There was a moment of silence between them as Billy thought about certain things. certain secrets and promises he has made in his life to never let others know as well as his situation with the government. The moment they can confirm his existence, he may be back on death row. After a couple more seconds of dead silence, Billy gave a soft nod and spoke, "Not much is going to help your situation, but what would you like to know?.."

Steve panted lightly as he held Yumi under the covers of his bed. Their bare bodies mingled and cuddled to keep the humid warmth around them. The air no longer felt dry due to their recent activity. Steve stared at the ceiling with a satisfied grin as Yumi rested on his chest, as she listened to his heart. She hummed softly and spoke, "Your heart's slower than usual."

Steve lightly scoffed before he spoke, "Still studying me, huh? What? Was the last twenty minutes a test or something?" he wrapped his arms around her as he faced her. Their eyes locked and she gave a bright smile.

"No," she said with a grin, "That was me thanking you for staying alive," her lips then met his for a soft kiss and she spoke again softly with a giggle being held back, "...And that was NOT twenty minutes."

Steve quickly burst out into soft laughter as Yumi laughed with him. He sat up as he looked down to her, "You gotta be so bold about it?" of course, Steve knew she was just being honest but still stung him a little. He kept his smile as he spoke, "I mean, was it even any good?"

Yumi stared at him. Her head tilted as she rubbed his back, "You kidding me? Steve, with the Veronica virus in your genetic code, you may very well be the best sex I've ever had," She really liked being bold.

Steve gave a big sigh as he was reminded that once again, the virus was what made the difference in his new life. Still, he was able to feel good all the while, making someone feel better, "Well, I, at least, can rest easy knowing nobody will as good for the same reasons. I mean there's just no way, right?" Steve joked as he chuckled softly.

Yumi gave an awkward chuckle and an unconvincing smile. She then averted her gaze as she grabbed her panties and bra. She sat up and started to avoid Steve's gaze. Steve's smile slowly faded the moment he noticed that she did not agree and that her gaze avoided his. Steve then grabbed his boxers and slipped them on. It was clear with a response like that, they were done having this type of fun, "Yumi?" he said as he tried to face her as she got dressed, "Nobody else could ever be like me... Right?"

Yumi finally had her eyes look at Steve and a look of shame washed her over. "Steve nobody will ever be exactly like you..."

Steve stared at her as he knew what was about to happen. He glared at her as his eyes glowed slightly brighter in frustration, "...But?"

She saw his eyes and the look of fear had taken over as she leaned away from him. Steve noticed her expression and he took a step away and took a deep breath. He knew what he looked like and needed her on his side. Yumi grabbed her simple black tight shirt and her thin black pants before she continued, "...But the fact is that you are not the only one who is virally enhanced. You were never the first to be enhanced from a virus and lived to talk about it, but you are the first to be this strong and powerful."

"Enough to be weaponized, right?" he said softly as he then got himself his spare clothes on. He slipped on some rather tight, light blue, jeans and a simple white T-shirt that he tucked into his pants. Steve slipped his socks and shoes on as he looked over to Yumi and spoke with confidence, "Either way. The virus that made me like this has been destroyed for years. Nobody would ever deal with what I have to deal with."

Steve gave a huff as he then walked to the door to the hall, leaving the Infirmary along with Yumi. She gave a glance. Watched Steve as he walked to the door, "Actually..."

"No..." he turned and faced Yumi, "Don't you fucking say that the Veronica virus in this building," his teeth gritted as he stared at her as he waited for her to clarify.

"No, Steve..." Steve gave a soft sigh of relief. She continued, "Not just the Veronica Virus. All of them are here. A single sample of each virus that rests inside of your genetic code, is in Wesker's vault."

Steve felt something sink in his chest the moment she told him that there was more than one virus inside of him. Steve spoke calmly as he tried to hide the looming dread in his voice "Wh-... What're you talking about?"

"I told you before. Wesker treated you like a guinea pig. he wanted to see if certain viruses would mutate the human body if their genetic code could bond with one virus. Wesker was able to bond with them when he modified them into one form..." Yumi noticed the Steve looked like he was ready to puke as he listened to this, knowing where it was going, "... Even then. His body still mutated before he died, but you, Steve. You're body adapted to every single virus Wesker had in his system without them modified and filtered. You took the raw exposure of the Veronica, Tyrant, Genesis, virus, even the Las Plagas. By that point though, Your body was so strong, it broke down the parasite and used it as nutrients for the strengths and abilities the other viruses have."

Steve took a second and sat back on the bed as the color on his face quickly left him. "What you're... Telling me, is that I'm a living cocktail of what Umbrella created?" he rubbed his face with his hands as he whimpered and groaned in frustration.

Yumi knew she was not helping him feel any better about himself, but she preferred that he knew about it rather than find out later and make choices that would determine his future, "to be more accurate, you are exactly what Umbrella wanted to mass-produce. They wanted to create their own army with the strength that you have. You are exactly what they strived to create. The only difference is that you have a choice with what to do with this power. You're not and never were their puppet," Yumi sat down and rubbed his back gently as she tried to look at him through his fingers as he silently wept, "This power you have is not theirs. It's yours, along with what you do with it."

Steve lowered his hands. His eyes had tears built up in them, ready to slide down his cheeks at any second. Yumi rubbed her thumb under his eyes and took the tears away. Steve gave a soft smile as he spoke softly, "I think I know what my first decision will be. I need you by my side," he admitted as he put his arm on her waist.

Yumi smiled and whispered, "I'll be stuck to you, stronger than glue."