

The question reminded them why they were still here and this also made Zaya became nervous again, since it had been a while when Inez left to get the king.


Her victory against these ladies had evaporated and now she went back to square one and her opponent regained their confidence again to put her down.


This situation was annoying to say the least.


"I don't think the king will be here," Lady Osborn said, she looked at Zaya, almost as if she was sorry for her, which was the feeling that she didn't need from her.


Zaya sipped her tea, thinking about what she should do if Rowan really didn't come. She couldn't blame him, if she had a mother like Katerina, she didn't want to meet with her too. Thankfully, her mother was so amazing.


"Let's wait for a while," Zaya said, she looked calm and this made Katerina upset, because she could ruffle her feathers. "He must be very busy at this moment for not coming here."