
Relife: The Story Of Kim Baek Hyun

A story about a Young developer Kim Baek Hyun, who is both Overworked and Overtired and finally dying in his computer Before he got reincarnated in his own World by a mysterious Entity, will he survive or will he die in Despair in front of his own creation? Find out by reading these story! Update everyday so hurry up and put these into your reading these cus i update these everyday anyway bye

Hehehee · 奇幻
27 Chs


Death or Loot?

As the days past, we grew closer and also understanding to each, while also focusing on our responsibilitie.

One morning, driven by curiosity and a desire to uncover more of the forest's secrets, I decided to venture further. Elara, my companion, insisted on joining me instead.

As we moved through the dense undergrowth, the air grew cooler, and the forest became darker and more ominous, the canopy above blocking out much of the sunlight. The silence was punctuated only by the rustling of leaves, the occasional distant call of a bird, and eerie, distant noises.

"I've heard rumors about an ancient labyrinth somewhere in this forest," Elara said, her eyes sparkling with excitement but tinged with fear. "It's said to hold incredible treasures and forgotten knowledge but also great danger."

I smirked, noticing her nervousness. "Oh? And I've heard that ghosts around here are especially notorious for haunting people until the very end."

Elara's eyes widened slightly at my teasing. She composed herself and replied with a playful grin, "Oh please, ghosts don't scare me that easily. Besides, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve to deal with them. And besides, I have you, don't I?"

Blushing at her flirtation, I stammered, "I-I guess so. I've got your back if you need me."

She smiled warmly, her bright blue eyes reflecting happiness. "Thank you."

I felt an urge to hug or pinch her cheek at how cute she was but quickly shrugged it off. "Let's find that labyrinth."

Hours passed as we navigated the forest's labyrinthine paths. Just as fatigue set in, we stumbled upon a clearing unlike any we had seen before. In the center stood the remnants of a once-grand structure, now overgrown with vines and moss. Crumbling stone pillars hinted at its former glory, and intricate carvings adorned what remained of the walls.

"This must be it," Elara whispered, awe and a bit of fear evident in her voice.

As we approached the ruins, a sense of reverence and anticipation filled the air. I could feel the weight of history and the echoes of forgotten stories resonating from the stones. We carefully explored the site, our eyes scanning for anything that might reveal its secrets.

In the heart of the ruins, we discovered a pedestal upon which lay a peculiar artifact—a crystalline orb glowing brightly, its surface shimmering with an otherworldly light. I reached out, my fingers brushing against its smooth surface. Suddenly, a surge of energy coursed through me, and visions flashed before my eyes—fragments of memories and glimpses of a past long forgotten.

Elara gasped, her hand covering her mouth as she watched in amazement. "What is that?" she asked, her voice filled with wonder, though she seemed to feel something strange emanating from the orb.

"I'm not sure," I replied, my voice trembling with a mix of excitement and apprehension. "But I think it's connected to something much bigger, maybe a history that's long forgotten. Are you alright?"

Elara nodded but seemed uneasy. I decided not to press further and focused on the orb.

As I held it, I felt a strange resonance, a sense that it was somehow linked to my own existence in this world. The visions hinted at a greater purpose, a destiny intertwined with the fate of this world. An object that seemed to defy the rules I had set, a 'bug' in the system, yet its appearance remained a mystery.

Elara stepped closer. "We need to find out more about this," she said determinedly with a obvious curiosity. "There must be records or ancient texts that can explain its power."

I nodded. "We'll start by searching the village archives and speaking with the elders. Perhaps they hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of this artifact."

With the crystalline orb secured in my backpack, we began our journey back to Hawkridge Village, our minds buzzing with questions and possibilities. The discovery of the ancient ruins and the mysterious artifact marked the beginning of a new chapter in our adventure, one that would challenge us in ways we could never have knew and anticipated.

These is vol 7, due to some problem with the previous vol 7, i decided to delete the previous vol 7 and rewrote a new chapter, romance such as dating will be soon added in the Higher vol, probably vol 30 or more, for now the story is focused on character development and finding out more of the World is about.

Heheheecreators' thoughts