
Relife: The Story Of Kim Baek Hyun

A story about a Young developer Kim Baek Hyun, who is both Overworked and Overtired and finally dying in his computer Before he got reincarnated in his own World by a mysterious Entity, will he survive or will he die in Despair in front of his own creation? Find out by reading these story! Update everyday so hurry up and put these into your reading these cus i update these everyday anyway bye

Hehehee · 奇幻
27 Chs

Deciphering The truth.

Returning to the village, we shared our discoveries with the elders.

They were equally fascinated and concerned by the ancient knowledge and advanced technology we had uncovered as they kept pestering us for more information like little kids that is Very curious. Elder Aelric in otherhand, was particularly, troubled by the implications and discovery.

"This knowledge is powerful," he said, his voice grave.

"It could be used for great good or great evil. We must be careful in how we act."

Over the following weeks, Elara and I worked tirelessly to decipher the ancient scrolls, tho it was hard, and understanding the purpose of the tools and amulet we had found.

The scrolls contained detailed descriptions of the ancient civilization's achievements, their knowledge of magic and technology, and their warnings about the dangers of their creations.We learned that the dungeons were not only repositories of knowledge and power but also prisons for dangerous entities and forces.

The guardians we had faced, back when i was a developer, i designed it to protect the world from these threats, ensuring that only those worthy and capable could access the knowledge within, but now, I'm the one getting in troubled from my own creation.