
Reincarnation Tribulation - All I Want Is A Peaceful Isekai Life

Following a less than ideal life and a harrowing death, the protagonist finds himself in the presence of a God, offering him a customized reincarnation into a world of his choosing, with his memories intact He decides to reincarnate into a world of Magic and Monsters, intrigued by the notion of being able to use fantastical powers that did not exist in his previous world Having grown up in a stifling high society and unloving family environment in his previous life, he chooses to reincarnate into a more simple life, opting to be a Commoner instead of a Noble, despite the oppressive class system present in the world of his reincarnation Following a detailed customization of the powers he chooses to acquire, he reincarnates into a peaceful, loving family in this new world, with the name Larrk Stryker, in a small village well away from Noble society While Larrk's fascination with Magic and the other powers he possesses in this world, along with the desire to be able to protect himself against any threat that might arise, drives him to master these abilities, all he really wants is a nice, peaceful life, one that's free of any strife or tragedy But whether or not such a life can be achieved in this world, remains to be seen, as the countless unfamiliar elements of this strange new world only give rise to countless more possibilities, both good and bad...

Aimdaqs · 奇幻
423 Chs

Chapter 19 - Kill Them All

They're here...the Knights are in the village. And there's a whole lot of them, I count twenty. It's a few hours later, around 5 PM, and a couple of minutes ago, the Knights showed up in an armored bus, creating a small opening in the barrier to let themselves in.

They used a loudspeaker to alert everyone in the village to show up outside their homes and gather, threatening to kill anyone who tries to hide. Naturally, everyone was quick to show up.

Earlier, Rhyle had dyed his hair black and cut it a bit shorter, to at least give us a small chance of escaping the notice of the Knights. But I can see some of the villagers staring at him with confused looks on their faces, some of them looking a bit suspicious. With every passing second, I was growing more tense and anxious, struggling to stay calm.

"Could you move any slower, you damned Commoners!?" Snapped one of the Knights irritably.

"Tch, this is a waste of time, there's no way he's here. You sure you weren't seeing things, or mistook someone else for him?" Inquired one of the Knights, as the one who spotted Rhyle in town stepped forward.

Yeah, I recognize those murky, dark green eyes. I didn't get a good look at his face since he's wearing a helmet with the visor down, but his eyes are chillingly cold.

"It was a pretty close resemblance. It's been twenty years, of course I can't be a hundred percent sure," He shrugged in response.

"Alright, you insects. We're looking for a man, one with blonde hair and pink eyes. If he's here, turn him over, or you're all dead," The Knight with the loudspeaker stated bluntly.

After a brief silence, several murmurs echoed out, as some of the villagers glanced at Rhyle warily, conflicted looks on their faces.

"They don't seem to know what we're talking about," Frowned one the Knights.

No one's saying anything so far...but it may well be only a matter of time before one of them breaks under the pressure.

"Damn it, we've already searched the other town and village, he has to be here," Remarked the green-eyed Knight with a grimace.

"Maybe he bolted after seeing you? If that really was him you saw. We did come across some men who sort of matched his description, but weren't him," Pointed out the guy with the loudspeaker.

Huh? This...this might work. We might actually get away with this. None of the villagers have said anything yet, probably due to their fear...hm, and now that I think about it, the longer this goes on for, the less likely they are to speak up, since that'll be admitting that they were hiding what they know from the Knights beforehand.

"Sweep the area inside the barrier, just in case he's hiding out somewhere," Commanded the green-eyed Knight, as the others fanned out, roughly pushing the villagers out of the way as they did.

A few seconds later, the sounds of crashes and objects breaking began ringing out...they must be trashing the houses while they search.

"Hey, they're after you, aren't they, Rhyle?" Frowned one of the villagers, approaching him.

"It has to be. You match the description they described, and you've dyed your hair and beard," Added another of the villagers suspiciously.

More of them were gathering around us, not looking too happy..how Rhyle responds will be crucial.

"Yes, they are after me. I, uh...I was a slave in the capital about twenty years ago. But I managed to study their Magic books in secret, bided my time and then escaped while killing some of the Nobles.

I really thought they'd have given up on searching for me, and they probably did. But that Knight with the green eyes, I remember him, he tortured me while I was a slave. I badly injured him during my escape, he must have held a grudge. He spotted me in town yesterday, and recognized me.

If you want to give me up, then so be it, I won't put up a fuss. If that's what it takes for all of you to survive, I won't fight it...but please, don't mention that I have a wife and children, spare them of the suffering I endured.

But I should warn you...it's possible that they might kill everyone here if they find out I'm here, they could assume that all of you knew about me and were intentionally hiding me. It's not guaranteed, but it's a possibility," He replied quietly, a somber look in his eyes while trembling slightly

Hey, nice, that was pretty good, if not a bit long. Solid acting too. If I didn't know the truth, that probably would've convinced me.

"Ever since you joined our village, you've been nothing but helpful. We should look out for our own. Giving you up to save ourselves will make us no better than those vile Nobles," Spoke up one of the older villagers after a brief, uncertain silence, a few others murmuring in agreement.

"We better stop talking and get back to where we were standing before...they might get suspicious, and they'll probably be back any minute now," Whispered Lycia warily, as the rattle of the Knights' armor echoed out.

The others nodded and moved away from us, as I let out a quiet sigh of relief. And almost right on cue, the Knights began returning a few seconds later.

"Well? Did any of you find anything?" Inquired the green eyed Knight, once they'd all returned.

"No, I didn't see anyone hiding anywhere."

"Me neither."

"Yeah, I doubt he's here."

"Alright, then," Sighed the green eyed Knight, before glancing around at the villagers, "Okay, I'll give you all one more chance...have you seen a man with blonde hair and pink eyes? Because if we later find out that you were hiding him from us, every last one of you will be executed."

I found myself holding my breath as a silence ensued, hoping desperately that no one would break under the pressure. But as several seconds passed, no one said a word, and most of the Knights were looking ready to leave.

"Looks like they really don't know."

"Come on, let's get out of this shit hole already."

"Yeah, the Commoner stench is making me sick."

"Fine, very well, then," Relented the green eyed Knight with a dissatisfied look on his face, before glancing around and fixing his gaze on Rick and Kera, who were with their parents, "You four, are you a family? Step forward."

"Y-yes, what is it?" Inquired Mr Harch, their father, nervously.

The Knight then grabbed Rick and drew out his sword, placing it by his neck, as several alarmed murmurs and cries of fear rang out. Rick was trembling with terror after an initial look of shock and alarm, his eyes welling up with tears.

"Quieten down, or I'll kill you all!" Snapped the green eyed Knight, before narrowing his eyes at Mr Harch, "Alright, Commoner. Tell me what you know about the man we described, or I'll kill your son."

"You really can't get enough, can you, Commander?" Laughed one of the other Knights.

"Come on, sir, I want to get back to the capital already, I'm sick of being around the swarms of Commoner filth," Sighed another one.

"Oh, let him have his fun, what's the harm?" Chuckled another of them.

Heartless bastards, what gives them the right to treat people like this?

"N-no, please, I don't know anything, I swear!" Cried Mr Harch desperately, a conflicted look on his face.

"Damn it...," Muttered Rhyle, clenching his fists with a hesitant expression...don't tell me he's considering turning himself in?

"You sure? Maybe you've just forgotten? Here, maybe a sword through this brat's throat will help jog your memory!" Sneered the Knight Commander sadistically, pricking the tip of blade into Rick's neck and drawing out some blood.

"Wait-...!" Began Rhyle, starting to step forward.

"N-no, stop! I'll tell you! That's him, over there!" Exclaimed Mrs Harch, pointing at Rhyle.


"Hm?" The Knight Commander glanced this way and narrowed his eyes at Rhyle with a frown, before his eyes widened in recognition, "Ah, so it is! Hahaha, now I feel foolish, I didn't even consider the use of hair dye!"

"What? That's him? Really?" Inquired one of the other Knights uncertainly.

"I don't know, I was still a child back then, I don't really remember his face."

"Same here, that was two whole decades ago."

"Oh, it's him, alright. We can take a look at his Status Bar to confirm it. Huh, now that I think about it, we should've just done that from the start," Laughed the Commander wryly.

No...please no, this can't be happening right now...

"P-please, my Lord, let my son go now!" Implored Mrs Harch desperately, but he ignored her.

"Tell me, Commoner whore. Who's that woman and child beside him?" He inquired with a frown.

"H-his wife and son, and-...," She began, before trailing off in horror as the Knight Commander viciously plunged his blade into Rick's throat and violently yanked it out.

"M-mommy...," He gasped hoarsely as blood spurted out of his neck and mouth, collapsing onto the ground and writhing in agony while wheezing excruciatingly, before slowly going limp, his blood pooling onto the ground.

His mother let out an anguished scream of despair as she collapsed onto her hands and knees, tears pouring down her face, while his father stared in disbelief. A thud echoed out as Kera stumbled back with a horrified look on her face and lost consciousness, falling onto the ground.

"It's been a long time...your Highness," The Knight Commander bowed to Rhyle respectfully, before glancing at the other Knights, "It's clear now...these vile Commoners have been holding the third Prince captive! Capture the woman and boy! And also capture any young women who might be profitable slaves, you know the types. As for the rest...kill them all."


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote, and feel free to leave a comment, I appreciate any and all feedback and criticism!

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