
Reincarnation Pill: The Retired Assassin

Before the nuclear war of the 21st century, a vampire named Voltaire took a pill for him to escape the troubles of the dystopian reality of our apparent world. Then, the pill made him dream about his life-long reincarnation to a post-apocalyptic world, where time became medieval again, in a fantasy-like world. Then, he meets his past-self from the current era, as they converse and travel together as one soul but different people, bounded by fate.

KleiNightwriter · 奇幻
13 Chs


And as soon as we arrived, Voltaire killed the sailor and ate his entire body, including the bones.

Then we walked into town, and I spoke to Voltaire to start a pleasant conversation for once because we rarely talk. I have to be honest. Last night's quest was fun, "Hey, ugh, sire?"

"Yes, my child?"

"Sorry about lashing out at you last night. I was just under a lot of stress… too much stress."

"I know, that's why I stepped in to help you, you know I'd look out for you." He smiled, "And of course, I accept your apology. I understand, and I shouldn't have been quite rough towards you last night. If you were to meet my younger self, you'd be already dead. That is why vampires must have 'patience'. Though, it's my fault for saying irrelevant things to you, because I should have had empathy for your stress, and all I do is become too self-centred. So, in really, in truth, I should be the one to apologize."

"It's fine, hah, hah! Do you want to go for a drink at my wife's tavern? She's really good with her wine."

"I don't drink… wine."

"Oh, if you'd like, she can make coffee for you."

"Really? You really taught her how to make coffee, and as an opportunity to make business? That's witty of you."

"So, what was like back then in the ancient era?"

"For me, it felt like it was just yesterday. Not going to lie, my internal clock is now stuck in that era as if it is still modern for me. Everything here is still… new to me, and it's quite maddening."

"Here, we arrived. Have a seat, I'll pay for your drinks."

Everyone was in utter terror by Voltaire's presence, as even the bards stopped making music, and the silence was deafening. However, Pratha, the hashashin-raced human, is, of course, my wife. She was kind toward Voltaire. In fact, they became best friends as soon as Voltaire started talking. But he knows his boundaries towards my wife. He is undoubtedly charismatic towards everyone he talks to. Still, his default presence gives an impending sense of doom to anyone near him, let alone just look at him.

Then, we talked all day, to the point I got drunk at night. Voltaire left with a letter when I woke up amid dusk, "Thank you for everything, my child. Your quest had already been completed this time, and I just wanted to play with you a little longer. If you want my help, you can always summon me by simply reading this incantation. No need to bring the note with you. Just memorize it. 'Renich Tasa Uberaca Biasa Icar Voltaire'. -Your friend, V."

Then, there's also another note on the back page, "Just to make you self-aware. I am you from the previous life. As, of course, mentioned before, YOU ARE my reincarnation. You see, I get to experience all of these from your perspective as my own. I know this seems confusing, but hear me out. Back in 2022, in the 'ancient era,' you people call it nowadays, I took a prescribed pill by my psychiatrist. (you may not know what that is. Basically, it is a doctor but for the mad mind).

This medicine will make me sleep for an entire day, help me forget my problems, and make my consciousness travel to my next reincarnated lifetime. This lifetime I am experiencing is your life as of right now. And this 'Voltaire' character is me from the past life and could already foresee this. I am trying to escape from the issues of the 'ancient era' I am experiencing. Too much stress and every terrible thing happening. The plague, the wars, the deaths, the inflation, everything is too much! It is just only a one-time pill. And take it when I am about to commit suicide. I'm glad I took it at the right time, 'Voltaire' wouldn't even be here if it weren't for this pill, so I am so happy you saved my life from the troubles of reality.

I'm glad to guide you here, help you in your adventures, and make them as exciting as possible. God knows who you will end up as if I did kill myself because I didn't have this pill to make me forget. I know this will feel like a long lifetime, but as soon as I get sober, that is the times-up when I finally die and I come back to reality. This pill takes an entire day to last, but it takes a long lifetime in your reality. Our… reality. -Your friend, V

P.S. This 'pill' is the solid solution/form of a potion for the sake of your understanding."

I quickly looked at Pratha and asked her, "Hey, Pratha. What do you think of same-sex marriage?"

"Isn't that supposed to be normal here? I mean…" She gazes at me with utter confusion, "Especially since women are equal to men back where I originated, it's always been that way for a long time. Why are you asking specifically me out of anyone? I mean, you and I are equal, no matter what your gender is. I don't care if you're a man or woman. I love you for the way you are, my sweet darling."

"Oh nothing… the new world I went to forbids it, they even kill anyone who practise sorcery, or alchemy. I could have had myself killed if they saw me bringing my old potion brewing set."

"Out of anyone, who can kill you? You told me your tale. Your adventuring days are over, honey. Why can't you take a break? Plus, we're running out of silver, let alone bronze coins to make up for our supplies. We need to eat."

"Maybe I'll just spread my influence throughout all Arcadia with the coffee business I made."

"That's actually a good idea! I do have some gold left that we can invest with! Let's use all our emergency gold to hire people into buying more customers for our shop!"

"That's actually a pretty good idea. But I'm not sure about wasting literally all of them. We need food."

"Honey, Voltaire taught me how to do business. He told me he was once a poet that wrote books. I never thought of such techniques of how he does it, no wonder why he's so charismatic."

"I suppose."

"And once we finally have enough gold in our pockets, please no more adventuring… it sickens me with such worry!"

"I will, I will, don't worry."

"You promise?"

The same courier suddenly appeared in front of our door, and there was a knock.

"Yes?" asked Pratha to the courier.

"Is… he here?"

"Yes, he is. Come inside, and have some coffee."

"Thank you! Thank you!" He went inside and approached me. That still frightens me to this day how he randomly comes up to me like, "I've been looking for you, got something supposed to deliver. Let's see here a note. That's about it, got to go."

"How do you keep finding me?! Especially when I'm in the middle of the woods far from cities in between!"

"Nope, sorry, nothing." Then he just vanished into the sunset. Pratha appears, but she doesn't see him anymore.

"What an odd boy."

"I think he deserves a pill to help his psyche."

"A what now?"

"Nothing. Let's see this note." I opened the note, and it said;

"Got a new quest for you. It's going to be daring, I must say! -You already know who it is."

I sighed and grabbed my assassin armour and my backpack.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Pratha shouted, "Again?!"

"I never promised, didn't I?"