
Reincarnation Pill: The Retired Assassin

Before the nuclear war of the 21st century, a vampire named Voltaire took a pill for him to escape the troubles of the dystopian reality of our apparent world. Then, the pill made him dream about his life-long reincarnation to a post-apocalyptic world, where time became medieval again, in a fantasy-like world. Then, he meets his past-self from the current era, as they converse and travel together as one soul but different people, bounded by fate.

KleiNightwriter · 奇幻
13 Chs

Dawn Of Eternity Pt. 2

Then, the war broke out. I locked away my leather assassin armour into a chest in the dungeon under my home. Locked it forever and threw away the key at the top of the very mountain of Elysia after climbing it for so long. For I had almost died if I were, to be honest.

That was the end of me, as I thought. But no, I am only just getting started. A man by the name of Voltaire came to me in a dream and turned me into a vampire.

I had a dream where I had visions of walking under the earth itself. Under the earth's surface, there was machinery beyond my comprehension. Voltaire, the vampire, said that he was born in 1999, when it was so simple, for he taught me that this entire world is not flat but round like a globe.

Still, I could not even fathom how that could even be possible! The earth's age is almost 5 billion years, and I asked him how that would be possible. I know I've been in these parts during my adventures. There were buildings made of glass, structures made of metal, some concrete, and most materials unfamiliar to anyone in the surface world.

He was alive during the ancient world before the nuclear apocalypse, even if I knew what nuclear means anyway. These people used to be too clever, to the point that these technologies were advancing too fast and made the "humans" dumber and lazier. Instead of evolving, everyone was devolving. He taught me an element called "electricity", whose sub-element was "spark".

This "electricity" helped everything go around the earth until a nuclear war happened between two places that I didn't even know about, which were in eastern "Europe". He was one of the few survivors, an immortal vampire that made him wait for thousands of years for him to live another new, everyday life. I asked him how he could even wait that long. And he told me that as a vampire, time is irrelevant.

He likes everything the way it is. If these "technologies" were finally to work in the surface world as all scholars are trying to study, they would go mad with power.

Another self-destructive apocalypse will happen again, eventually. And he does not want that.

So, he requested me to steal all those gadgets, devices, and whatnot to stop them from creating another dystopian era of the world again. Or else this entire world is doomed to repeat itself if they don't know history.

I told him that I could just convince them, but he said to me that they would never listen, they've studied for decades already, and they are close to reviving them.

Then, I asked him a stupid question, if the element of spark conducts electricity, why can't they just use that? He told me that magick is different from material elements. And it would take a few more years until they finally perfect it.

"Trust me, wouldn't they haven't already tried that?" Voltaire says in a disappointed tone, "They are scholars, smarter than you could ever be."

Indeed, it could have killed my ego, but I don't care. My ego had already been gone ever since the death of the Emperor. He was corrupt anyway, and I killed the contractor because he had the same goal as the Emperor, and he just wanted to take it all for himself. The contractor was the Emperor's nephew.

After he killed his sons and daughter, he wanted them dead. But he was a coward not to kill his own uncle because his sons and daughter were only children, and he was around almost a young adult.

I asked him how I could even do such a quest. Steal every single device in all of Arcadia? Are you kidding? That is until he told me he would pay me to do it, and I refused. I don't want money to make me greedy and evil again. Then, he told me that it was not a payment.

It rewards those in the Thieves' Guild who can help me do this. But I must not reveal I am a vampire, for every single town and city of all Arcadia will kill me for good. Though he is not just any vampire, he is an Ampier, a vampire that leads back to the ancient era of the 21st century. So, this means he is one of the last of his kind and has been lonely about it too. He then wanted to be me to help the cause of his actions. To prevent another nuclear war, or whatever that is. But I completely understood his point, despite all these devices and whatnot being beyond my comprehension, let alone the scholars that had been studying it for decades.

No one even knows where these devices or the people that made them came from. But he once read a book and taught me "computer engineering", or whatever that is, so I can use the devices myself. But I must never ever use these devices for pawning, not even evil, and to teach others how to use them. They are for research purposes, for they can provide me unlimited access to limitless information all about the old world. At first, it was hard to use it, but I've trained enough for a bit longer than I could manage. But Voltaire taught me not to play too many "video games" just in case I might get addicted. They are more addicting than the most potent potion ever.

Though, he did teach me how to make "coffee". And it was simple alchemy, more straightforward than I could, the first time I made my first superhuman strength potion. Although I asked him if I was a vampire, how could I eat and drink beverages? He told me it was too hard for him to explain because Ampiers were vampires from the old world.

To the point that I can even walk in the sun just fine! But I am more powerful than any vampire in Arcadia.

So, my new adventure begins. I set my foot on an adventure to the Thieves' Guild!