
Reincarnation Of The Time Guardian

A sudden outbreak of mana occurs on earth, granting humans the ability to manipulate the basic elements of nature; Fire, Earth, Air and water. Drunken by this new power, various individuals, parties and factions rise up to take total dominance over humanity, this leads to a great war that nearly extincts the human race from planet earth. From the course of the this war, only four factions still stood, each with their different beliefs and behaviors with their only similarity being their undying quest for total dominance. Humanity is very close to extinction with no sign of hope, when a powerful figure suddenly rises from one the Faction and with his power was able to forcefully broker peace between the factions. Many years later on and this powerful figure has grown old and weary. Hostility is on the rise again and the possibility of another great war is imminent. Kairos the son of a former Captain ofof one of the factions lost his mother in a gruesome way and gets truamatised by this loss. He believes the war was the cause of his loss and truama and many others too so he vows never to allow an occurance of a second war. But things are not so easy as he is a Vulgar, one who is not capable of manipulating any element and has not received any buffs from the Mana outbreak, making his vow and quest much more harder but he doesn't give up and in the process of his quest finds out there is a possibility he might be a Reincarnation of an Ancient Time Guardian and that there might be more to the sudden mana outbreak and the existence of humanity itself.

DreamScribbler · 奇幻
17 Chs


Kairos still running with the wrapped sword in his hand couldn't help but wonder what thoughts really ran through the mind of his old friend and 'fellow enthusiast' Claudius, his thoughts always seemed disarrayed but at the same time natural and vast. Although this wasn't the first time he was having this thought at this point it had become a reoccurring ponder.

Kairos, still lost in his thoughts, accidentally bumped into a solid object causing him to crash to the ground uncontrollably.

Letting out a groan of pain, he slowly opened his eyes to check the cause of his current predicament but what came into his sight first were three figures all staring at him with an ominous smile.

"Uhh." He let out another groan as he tried getting up on his feet. "Of all the times to meet these block heads." Kairos whispered in a tone only audible to himself.

"Oh look, Kairos is whispering to himself." One of the figures a lot closer to Kairos said in a comical tone causing Kairos to stare at him.

He had a muscular physique, only he looked kind of chubby, his smile showed a couple of his missing teeths that seemed to have been removed by force. Most of the parts of his arms were visible due to the leather vest-like cloth he had on, exposing the various scars and bruises he had on them.

"Ey…if you got something to say to us then you say it loud, not all of us can clearly understand old people's method of talking." The first figure threatened with a weird grin causing the other two figures behind to burst into a series of laughter, the other figures both had a slim tall physique, and were also putting on a similar leather vest like cloth and had a couple of scars too, but not as much as their supposed ring leader.

"Listen Mohawk, I've not got the time for troubles now but maybe in a few hours from now I might have some time to spare." Kairos replied, now fully up his feet and staring directly at the first figure, Mohawk. But Mohawk's attention seemed to be focused on something else now, causing Kairos to follow this gaze only to notice he was staring at the wrapped sword still on the floor that now had this hilt exposed.

Immediately he noticed the source of his new interest, he quickly tried picking up the wrapped sword but before he could get to it, a connected bang to his face had caused him to crash back to the ground in pain.

Mohawk without hesitation picked up the lying sword, removing it fully from its cloth and staring at it with amazement.

"Look at this baby…it was definitely carved and mixed with a mana stone, it's aura is too unique."

"...And look at this, it isn't even giving the usual red glow a common rank mana stone would give…this one is more brown…brownish?" Mohawk's expression immediately changed after the last sentence as he stared at the sword with a weird expression while he mumbled something to himself unsure.

"It's yellow." One of his goons whispered in his ear as though sensing the source of his confusion.

"Yeah..I knew that…so it's giving some kind of yellow glow which must be higher than a common grade mana stone weapon." Mohawk said with a mischievous grin on his face. "How bout we find out." Mohawk then closed his eyes as though trying to meditate for a second and then opened them back up, his grin growing even wider.

"…Just as I thought…wonder how much the metal merchant would give for this precious ey."

"Listen Mohawk, give it back." Kairos simply said, as he slowly stood up on his feet.

"Why, what are you gonna do?…are you gonna fight me for it? You're just a vulgar, a liability who can't manipulate any element, a disadvantage who would eventually die sooner or later."

"...Besides your father and his fellow crusaders have been a pain in the ass to me and my boys recently…and since I can't beat them, I think this is the best way to repay the boon ey." Mohawk replied as he occasionally stared at the sword in his hand with glittering eyes.

Kairos fully up his feet stared Mohawk in the eyes for a while before saying in an unfaltering tone:

"You know Mohawk…I might not be able to manipulate any element, but I think you forgot the one thing I could still do." He said as a grin slowly etched his face.

"Ey…what's that?" Mohawk immediately asked as he and his goons expression immediately changed to that of curiosity.

"I can still throw dirt." Kairos immediately replied as his grin turned mischievous, he quickly opened his folded hands which had been ignored by the three thugs, releasing the dirt he had hid in his hand into Mohawk's eyes causing him to yelp from pain and anger.

"You fucked up Vulgar…you imbecile…you liability, I will kill you when I get this dirt out from my eyes, you hear me…I'll kill you." Mohawk continuously cursed, as he tried cleaning the dirt off his eyes with his hand

He had subconsciously dropped the sword to the ground and Kairos, as though expecting him to do so, quickly picked it up and made a run for it.

"What are you two doing standing over there with your mouth wide open, the stupid vulgar is getting away." Mohawk shouted angrily towards his two goons who still stood in shock at what had just transpired, immediately they heard their supposed leader's shout they quickly jerked out from their shock and ran after the escaping Kairos, with their leader struggling following behind them.

Kairos who had immediately noticed the squad running behind him added more pace as he whispered under his voice:

"Why does it always have to be the 'vulgar'?"

He kept running and then suddenly burst through a thick bush where he ran through a cut path until he got to a certain spot and then suddenly paused, staring at his two approaching pursuers who also stopped, confused by the sudden behavior of their target.

The two pursuers then stared at Kairos in a confused yet suspicious manner when they noticed three figures coming out from the bushes around.

The first two figures had a striking resemblance despite being of different genders but then the last figure, staring at the last figure the duo couldn't help but shiver with fear as cold ran down their spine. The figure's cold eyes, although just staring at them, seemed to pierce through their bodies and souls.

Slowly the two pursuers moved back in fright as they both seemed to stutter same word:

"Its…it's Va…it's Vanora."

As the two slowly backed away, their supposed leader suddenly bumped through them, before putting his hands on his knees as he panted heavily.

"Wha…what are you two doing?" Mohawk managed to ask in-between his heavy breaths. But then noticing the scared expression in the faces of his goons, he couldn't help but try to figure out what had gotten them so scared when his gaze met with that of a teenage girl with a slim, attractive yet vicious physique. Her beautifully crafted face seemed to contradict her cold gaze and expression currently directed at Mohawk.

"Oh…you both are scared of the little water princess ey, well I guess you are just a bunch of recreants after all." Mohawk said in a proud tone as he stood upright with his chest slightly puffed out.

The cold gazed figure, Vanora suddenly bore a wicked looking smile after Mohawk's speech that caused Mohawk's goons to shiver more.

"I see you've grown too proud since our last encounter, or your dull brain just chose to forget it?" Vanora asked as she slowly covered the distance between she and Mohawk, on her pretty face her cold and sinister smile could still be spotted.

"Our last encounter was three years ago, which to me is history, history the today me is ready to change." Mohawk, still bearing his proud tone, replied, as he took out a small stick with a red dyed head and a hard looking paper. He immediately struck the stick to the paper's hard surface causing the stick to ignite, then using his hand he somehow managed to scope the flame on the stick's head into his palms causing the former small almost harmless looking flame to grow in size and begin burning vigorously in his palm as the flames slowly took the shape of a ball.

"Ouu…can see you've learnt new tricks yourself." Vanora said, as she acted a little surprised and trepidated but Mohawk outright ignored her as he stretched back the hand that had the now fully formed flames ball before throwing it towards her but before it could get to her, a stream of water flowing in a wavy manner intercepted the approaching flames quenching it in the process.

But what really made Mohawk feel apprehension was the sudden intense chilled feeling he could feel slowly creeping up his legs.

"You know last time I couldn't really show you a lot of my tricks because I had run out of water but today…today it seems even nature supports me in clipping off your proud irritating wings." Vanora's voice seemed to startle him as he slowly looked down his feet, noticing the puddle he had stepped in before now frozen and gradually but continuously creeping up his legs.

"...Who knows, maybe I might get an award for turning in an ice sculpture of the island's lummox.

Immediately Mohawk's eyes seemed to bulge as he stared back at the cold eyes of his nemesis.

"You're…you're just bluffing, there's no way you could fully freeze a human without running out of mana." Mohawk replied, his tone sounding as though he tried convincing himself.

"I guess we would have to find out then." Vanora simply replied, her smile had now been replaced by a stern face and her cold gaze seemed to grow colder, her stretched out hand although occasionally quivering still seemed firm, directing the mana in her body that was constantly metamorphosing into ice towards her opponent.

Mohawk's could feel his hairs stand and his heartbeats rate increase, his eyes opened wider and his mouth twitched slightly as he could feel his opponent's ice attack continue to creep up his feet numbing his senses in the process. He stared into the eyes of his opponent to find any form dithering but all he could see was her unwavering coldness.