
Reincarnation of the Robot Captain

After dying in his house when his apartment was burning, Karl Johnson got reincarnated in a new apocalyptic sci-fi world, where he plays the role of a strong robot captain of a huge Organization. Now Karl's mission is simple, survive and protect this world from vicious enemies.

39 Chs

The Ops

Kryzius and the team followed Tina through the winding streets of Usha Town, their footsteps echoing off the walls of the narrow, dimly lit alleyways. The towering buildings that made up the bustling city center were long behind them, replaced by the shadowy, forgotten corners of the town. The atmosphere was tense, the air thick with the scent of damp stone and the distant hum of machinery.

As they moved deeper into the darkened alley, Darius couldn't help but voice his thoughts. "Kinda strange for professionals to hide in the darkness like this..." His tone was laced with suspicion, his hand resting cautiously on the hilt of his weapon.

Tina glanced over her shoulder, offering a small, knowing smile. "The Special Ops operate in the shadows for a reason. They're not your typical military force. They prefer to stay out of sight, working behind the scenes. It's how they gather the intel we need without drawing unwanted attention."

Kryzius remained silent, his eyes scanning the surroundings with practiced vigilance. The alley was narrow, with only a few dim lights flickering overhead, casting eerie shadows on the cracked pavement. It wasn't just the setting that felt off—it was the sense of being watched, of something lurking just out of sight.

Liora, walking beside him, whispered, "Captain, this place gives me the creeps. Are we sure we can trust them?"

Kryzius didn't respond immediately, his mind racing through the possibilities. He had already felt the strange connection with the white-haired woman from the Special Ops, and now they were being led into the heart of darkness, away from the safety of the city's bright lights.

"We don't have much choice," he finally muttered, his voice low but resolute. "If they have information on the Hyperwraiths, we need it. But stay alert. I don't want any surprises."

As they continued walking, the alley began to widen, revealing a concealed entrance at the far end. A large, heavily reinforced door stood before them, its surface scarred and pitted, as if it had weathered countless battles. Tina approached it confidently, inputting a code into a hidden panel, and with a heavy groan, the door slowly slid open.

Inside was a vast, dimly lit space, a stark contrast to the cramped alley they had just traversed. The area was filled with advanced technology—monitors displaying complex data, weapons, and machinery that looked both cutting-edge and experimental. The hum of computers and the clatter of distant machinery filled the air.

Tina gestured for them to enter. "Welcome to the heart of the Special Ops."

Kryzius continued to survey the room, his eyes narrowing as he took in the heavily secured doors that lined the walls. Each door was reinforced, with keypads that hinted at the restricted access beyond. It was clear that this place was designed for secrecy, and it only deepened the mystery surrounding the Special Ops.

"Where are they?" Kryzius asked, his voice steady but laced with impatience.

Tina shrugged, a casual gesture that contrasted with the tension in the room. "Sometimes they're in another room, holding their conferences. They don't always stay in one place for long."

Alex crossed his arms, a skeptical frown forming on his face. "With everyone? Even their army?"

Tina shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips. "Their army is more likely patrolling the city in secret. They don't operate like a traditional force. Everything they do is under the radar, hidden from plain sight. They're everywhere and nowhere at the same time."

Kryzius mulled over her words, the pieces of the puzzle slowly falling into place. The Special Ops were an elusive group, operating in the shadows, even within their own base. It explained the tight security, the need for secrecy, and the reason they were so difficult to track down.

"And we're just supposed to wait for them to show up?" Yamaha asked, glancing around the room uneasily.

Tina nodded. "For now, yes. But don't worry—they know you're here. They won't keep you waiting for long."

Kryzius exchanged a look with his team, a silent understanding passing between them. They were in unfamiliar territory, but they were used to facing the unknown. As much as the secrecy unnerved them, they knew they had to play along—for now.

The sudden creak of the left door opening drew everyone's attention, snapping their focus to the figure emerging from the shadows. It was the purple-haired girl they had encountered during the earlier battle, her presence instantly recognizable.

She blinked in surprise, her green eyes widening as she took in the sight of Kryzius and his team standing in the hallway. For a brief moment, there was an awkward silence as she processed the situation, her mouth opening and closing as if struggling to find the right words.

Then, with a startled expression, she blurted out, "Uh... OH SHIT!"

Her reaction was so unexpected and candid that it momentarily caught the team off guard, breaking the tension in the room. She quickly slapped a hand over her mouth, realizing how unprofessional she must have sounded.

Kryzius raised an eyebrow, his usual stoic demeanor softening slightly in amusement. "I take it we weren't expected," he said dryly, his tone carrying a hint of sarcasm.

The girl quickly composed herself, clearing her throat as she attempted to regain her composure. "No, I mean... yes, but not... right now," she stammered, clearly flustered. "I was just coming to check something, and I didn't realize you'd already arrived."

Tina stepped forward, a slight smirk on her face. "Relax, Roxanne. They're here to meet with the Special Ops."

Roxanne—now identified—nodded, still looking a bit embarrassed. "Right, of course. I'll, uh, let the others know you're here." She turned on her heel, ready to head back through the door, but paused for a moment, glancing over her shoulder at Kryzius and the others. "Just... wait here, okay? I'll be back in a minute."

With that, she hurried back through the door, leaving the team in the dimly lit hallway. 


The door creaked open once more, and this time, two more figures emerged, joining Roxanne in the hallway. Kryzius's gaze shifted from the purple-haired girl to the new arrivals, taking in their appearances with a sharp eye for detail.

The first was the wolf—tall and muscular, with gray fur that seemed to bristle slightly as he moved. His yellow eyes gleamed with a predatory sharpness, scanning the team with a mix of curiosity and caution. He wore a black suit that seemed almost too formal for someone of his build, yet it only added to his intimidating presence.

But it was the third figure that drew Kryzius's attention the most—the tall woman with long white hair, the one he had locked eyes with during the battle. She stepped forward with an air of calm confidence, her movements precise and almost too smooth. Her armor, sleek and black, gleamed under the dim lights, and the long sword she carried was sheathed at her side, a silent reminder of the power she wielded.