
Reincarnation of the Robot Captain

After dying in his house when his apartment was burning, Karl Johnson got reincarnated in a new apocalyptic sci-fi world, where he plays the role of a strong robot captain of a huge Organization. Now Karl's mission is simple, survive and protect this world from vicious enemies.

39 Chs

The fire (Prologue)

Hell... This is how everything was in front of him.

It was night. People gathered outside, standing in front of an apartment. Fog seeped in through a window, causing concern among onlookers. Some captured the eerie scene with photos and videos.

Suddenly, a loud ringing sound echoed through the street. It was the firefighters.

We see as they go down their truck and take their hoses and equipment. They ran into the people telling them to back off and don't come near it.

They all ran inside the apartment while telling the other people inside to get out of there safely.

Meanwhile, inside the burning apartment, we see tons of objects getting burned down. Inside a room, we see a man on the floor with brown light skin, blue eyes, a green lemon shirt, and black pants.

He didn't move nor say anything, he just lay there not moving a muscle. It was almost like he wanted this.

Karl: …

As he looked at burning stuff he felt like the world was stopping. His eyes were getting blurry and he felt like his breath was getting less and less strong.

"What's the point…I lost everything anyway…"

And with that…everything went black.


As consciousness slowly returned to Karl, he felt disoriented, as if emerging from a deep and dreamless slumber. Gradually, the fog of unconsciousness lifted, and he became aware of a strange sensation coursing through his being.

At first, there was only darkness. No sound, no movement. Then, a dim light flickered to life, illuminating the metallic chamber surrounding him. Cold, sterile surfaces reflected the feeble glow, casting eerie shadows on the walls.

Karl attempted to move, but his body felt foreign, rigid. Panic surged within him as he realized he was no longer flesh and blood. Instead, he was encased in sleek, metallic limbs, his vision obscured by a visor of tinted glass.

With a jolt, memories flooded back – the searing heat of the flames engulfing his apartment, the sensation of suffocation as smoke filled his lungs. And then, nothingness. Had he died?

But if this was death, why did he still exist? Why was he trapped within this mechanical shell?

He looked at his hands, they were deep black and the fingers were longer with huge pointy nails. He looked up and saw that he was sitting down in a chair and there was a desk In Front of him.

The desk was filled with papers and a strange computer like hologram In Front.

Karl: What the hell…

As Karl's gaze swept across the vast expanse of the room, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and trepidation wash over him. The chamber stretched out before him, its dimensions seemingly endless, the walls disappearing into darkness.

Above, a series of towering pillars soared towards the ceiling, their surfaces adorned with pulsating lights that cast an ethereal glow upon the surroundings. The air hummed with a faint energy, the very atmosphere thrumming with the pulse of unseen machinery.

Rows of dormant consoles lined the periphery of the chamber, their sleek surfaces gleaming in the dim light. Strange symbols and glyphs adorned the control panels, their meaning shrouded in mystery.

At the center of the room stood a colossal apparatus, its form imposing and otherworldly. Cables and conduits snaked across its surface, intertwining in a complex web of circuitry and power.

He looked behind him and he stood silent as he saw the huge window.

The sky stretched above in a vast expanse of azure blue, punctuated by billowing clusters of cumulus clouds that drifted lazily across the horizon. The sunlight filtered through the fluffy masses, casting dappled shadows that danced upon the landscape below.

But as Karl's keen sensors surveyed the scene, a peculiar sensation gripped him – it felt as though the sky itself was in motion, a subtle undulation that stirred the depths of his robotic consciousness. Could it be...?

With a sudden realization dawning upon him, Karl's processors whirred with activity as he pieced together the puzzle before him. He was not standing upon solid ground, nor was he situated within the confines of a terrestrial structure.

No, Karl realized with a mix of astonishment and disbelief – he was suspended high above the earth, aboard a colossal vessel that soared through the heavens like a mighty bird of prey.

He was on a plane, a behemoth of steel and technology that defied the laws of gravity and dared to challenge the boundaries of human imagination.

Karl: Okay what the hell is going here.

As Karl rose from his seat, a sudden wave of agony washed over him, engulfing his consciousness in a tempest of pain. His head throbbed with an intensity that seemed to pierce through the very fabric of his being, and he stumbled backward, clutching at his metallic skull in a futile attempt to quell the torment.

Amidst the swirling maelstrom of agony, fragmented visions flickered before Karl's eyes, each one more bewildering than the last.

He saw strange figures, their forms twisted and distorted, moving in a dance of incomprehensible patterns.

He witnessed bizarre ships soaring through the heavens, their sleek surfaces gleaming in the ethereal light. And amidst it all, he heard the haunting melody of a woman's voice, echoing through the chamber like a siren's call.

He grunts as the pain slowly disappear, "W-what just happened?!" he thought

He slowly shook his head, he suddenly felt something strange, something familiar in this room.

As Karl moved forward, his gaze fell upon a mirror adorning the chamber's wall, and he couldn't help but pause at the sight of his reflection. Where once stood a man, now stood a formidable robotic figure, exuding power and strength. His chest bore a deep black hue, intricately adorned with golden lines that led to a pulsating golden orb at its center.

Each arm, meticulously detailed, hinted at the lethal force it could unleash. Stooping to inspect closer, his human features had been replaced by a fearsome black mask, its glowing golden eyes betraying an unsettling aura of authority.

His mouth, now sealed shut, concealed a row of menacing, pointed teeth. And trailing behind him, a long, lizard-like tail swayed, mirroring the color of his metallic form.

Suddenly a tint of realization came into him.

"Did….did I just Reincarnate?"

New chapters soon, hopefully lol

FIFTYPERSAINTcreators' thoughts