
Reincarnation of an Average Guy

An average guy mysteriously appears in a new body in a fantasy world without any explanation with a damaged system and no clue what is going on, what could go wrong? Follow Bai Xiang as he journeys to grow stronger in a harsh cultivation world where strength is everything. Also, what is up with these elf alchemists? Why are they all beautiful elf girls who are extremally mysterious.

Arden_Light · 奇幻
18 Chs

First Time Cultivating

After Bai Xiang escaped from the situation with his parents he returned to his room to continue understanding the new cultivation technique that he decided to call The Guidebook for short.

By the time he finally used all of his mental focus the sun had set and his room was bathed in darkness, he had a few days before having to leave to meet up with Miss Amanda to keep his end of the bargain. In theory, he would have liked to be able to cultivate by the time he needed to begin his repayment, unfortunately, progress with the mental book in his mind was extremely tedious.

"System I need to know this entire thing to be able to cultivate at all?"

In response to his query, a mechanical voice responded.

<The cultivation method being learned by the host is broken up into 3 different books, one for the mortal realms, one for the immortal realms, and one for the divine realms. Since the system provided you with the entire method together the actual amount that you need to understand to begin cultivating is close to 1/10 of the total volume. It is recommended you learn the section for the mortal realm and cultivate it to the maximum before attempting to learn the immortal realms method.>

Upon being enlightened Bai Xiang sighed in relief, 1/10th was still a large amount of work but it was much more manageable.

"What happens if I learn the Immortal method now and try it?"

<It would be almost impossible for someone of your cultivation to understand it and if you somehow were able to your body would explode and take the surrounding 200 meters with it. You would absorb more energy than if everyone else in this city was cultivating at the same time, not including the elven woman Miss Amanda.>

An immortal cultivation method is that powerful? And one had to assume that the divine realms method after had a similar increase in power, did the system give him one of the strongest cultivation methods in all the heavens? His attention also focused on one other thing.

"Can the system tell the cultivation of Miss Amanda?"

<Currently the system is not able to distinguish the cultivation of someone over two major realms above the host. From the passive aura she releases, it can be assumed to be in the higher parts of the immortal realms.>

Bai Xiang was shocked, what was someone like that doing in a weak world like this? She was way too strong, and if logic is used one would realize that according to her there were at least a few dozen other elves working in other Aquae Vitae's across this world would, and other worlds of the same size and larger. Did that not mean the Alchemy God essentially had an army of high-ranking immortals?

<The system uses the host's cultivation as a power source so the stronger the host becomes the more assistance the system can provide.>

Bai Xiang in some ways understood what the system meant, didn't that mean that the system was in some kind of symbiotic relationship with him, one where in exchange for help he assists the system in evolving?

As if to respond to his thoughts the system interjected.

<In terms you can understand the system you are in possession of can be equated to a server farm from your old world and you are the generator providing power to it. Currently, you are a hand crank that can barely provide power to a radio and flashlight survival gadget, once the power you provide increases, more and more of the system's true strength can be shown.>

Suddenly feeling like a weakling Bai Xiang resumed his cultivation learning with renewed vigor.

The next two days went by with minimum distractions, he ate slept and read his new book. In the past few days, he had read the mortal realm cultivation method twice since he did not have a good understanding after the first time.

Now finally after reading more than a fantasy addict reading a new addictive r-18 book he was finally ready to cultivate for the first time. Since he had to meet Miss Amanda tomorrow morning he had to go to sleep somewhat early, since he needed to sleep to cultivate it all worked out fine.

At first, it was impossible to fall asleep when he was so excited but thankfully The Guidebook had some tricks to help someone fall asleep, and once he performed them he instantly such into a deep sleep.

While in the realm of sleep, Bai Xiang was in a dreamy state, he felt like his body was wrapped in a nice warm blanket that made him feel comfortable and safe, it was extremely similar to when his mother gave him a long hug.

Speaking of his mother, in the past few days she had tried to hire male escorts to come to teach him the ways of the trade but thankfully his dad stopped her, he was already beginning to regret the scenario he told her. If word of his excuse made it to Miss Amanda it was a sure thing that she would cripple or kill him.

In truth, the past few days he had been getting more and more worried about it, but for some reason as he was in a barely conscious state, he felt those worries melt away as they were replaced by a single thought.

'None of those are a problem if I become strong enough. Yes, strength is the answer.'

As he fell into an even deeper sleep and progressed in the REM cycle his thoughts entirely melted away comfort overwhelmed him.

Suddenly without warning, he woke up, upon realizing he was awake Bai Xiang felt strange, he had definitely slept and he could not remember any dream but for some reason, it felt like a long time had passed.

Suddenly his system's voice spoke in his head.

<Congratulations on reaching the second tier of the core formation realm.>

When he heard that he instantly tried to feel the core in his chest, and he quickly felt a slightly warm ball-shaped lump in his chest. His core got stronger!

Now that he thought about it he still did not know the different cultivation realms inside the broad categories of mortal, immortal, and divine. He would definitely need to learn those as soon as possible so he could better understand the relative strengths of people.

<The core formation realm is the third stage of the mortal realm and focuses on the creation of the core, one of the most important aspects of a cultivator. In the beginning, the core will be like a steel ball that can absorb cold or heat but slowly dissipates it over time, by the peak of the realm however the core will evolve into something more akin to a battery that can be charged with power and hold it for long periods of time until it is used.>

Hearing the explanation Bai Xiang was interested.

'So when you enter a realm you unlock a new aspect and as you progress that realm you grow that until it is complete, that makes more sense than just making body parts marginally stronger over and over.'

He was only thinking for a moment before realizing he had to go to Aquae Vitae quickly, he did not want to be late!

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