
Chapter 16: Journey's End, New Beginning

This in not my book BUT I have asked for permission from the author but he still hasn't replied if anyone can get in touch with him let him know if he wants me to I can remove it from here

go check out the book at https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13466952/2/Reincarnation-How-Absurd-The-Story-of-Kenta-Yamanaka-Book-1

IM BACK! OK! Last Chapter. Want to make a few announcements/brag a bit before we start. If you don't care and only see me as a writing slave with no feelings, skip down to the all bold caps warning and then commence reading. If you do love me. Just a few stats/announcements.

First. SHINO IS THE WINNER! YYYAAAYYYYYY! I love that pairing you chose. Shino always gets passed up.

Second. Thank you ALL so much. We hit and passed 100 REVIEWS! YAY! We're also at 325 Followers and 250 Favorites. I love you all so much and your support keeps me motivated.

Finally. We end this story with 208,293 words! I'll put this in perspective. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was 198,227 words. TAKE THAT JK ROWLING! IM COMING FOR YOU!

WARNING FOR THIS CHAPTER! This chapter is in fact a filler/transition chapter. It has barely any information that is prudent towards the continuation of the story. It's mainly to show how each character will develop over the timeskip. So, if you don't really want to read it, you don't have to and it won't impact your knowledge in PT 2. (Or if you want to be completely surprised by the cast and their strength/abilities, that's fun too.)

This isn't to say it's not as well written (as well as I can write) or lazy or boring. I found this chapter fun to write. It does skip around to follow various people. Each scene change though it noted in bold with a character's name to help keep you following what's going on.



I made my way down the hospital corridor to Naruto's room. He was scheduled to have his casts removed today and I promised I would be there for him. I wasn't too worried, and Lady Tsunade said he could have had them taken off days ago. She just needed the extra insurance to ensure Naruto didn't go behind her back and overdo it like he's known to do. Clever woman, that one.

I was lost in thought, not really paying attention to where I was going and nearly crashed into someone. I noticed them at the last minute and dodged away. I turned and apologized in an automatic fashion, not realized who I was talking to.

"Brat 1. You have a lot of nerve nearly trampling your Captain to death." Cpt Genma's snarky voice cut through the absentminded haze that had addled my brain. I smiled brightly and met my captain's amused smile.

"Cpt Genma! You're finally being released from prison? I was going to stop in and see you once Naruto's casts were removed." I then noticed the pretty raven haired woman standing right beside Cpt Genma. "Ah, Lady Shizune, forgive my manners. How are you today? Not a busy day I hope?"

Shizune smiled and nodded. "Thankfully it's been rather quiet. Genma and I were actually about to go get a quick bite to eat. It's rare I can enjoy my lunch break."

I stared at Cpt Genma, noticing the slight blush to his cheek. He glared at me, knowing that I saw it. I smiled evilly. "Then enjoy your lunch, you two. It isn't proper of me interrupt such a beautiful showing of young love and courtship. Remember, I'm your favorite student, Captain. I expect your first born son to be named after me."

I did an inward dance of victory even knowing Cpt Genma was going to make me suffer for this later, I didn't care. "Yamanaka. Tomorrow. Ground 23. You and Me. Let's see how cheeky you are when you're too broken to walk home." He snarled. I smiled brightly and waved to the happy couple. Lady Shizune had tried and failed epically to deny my claims. I left a bright faced and stammering Shizune, and a red faced pissed off and embarrassed Captain in my wake. Life was quickly getting back to normal.

I quickly made my way to Naruto's room and nearly crashed into yet another person. This time it was no mistaking who it was and I apologized profusely to the small yet mighty woman that was THEE Tsunade Senju. She waved me off.

"Good, you're here, Blonde Brat 2. I came to remove Blonde Brat 1's casts, but he was adamant that you be here for it. I think he's nervous. Come in, let's get this over with. I have much to do today and not enough hours in the day to finish my work AND drink my sake." Tsunade proudly boasted as she drug me effortlessy into the room.

Naruto's face lit up seeing my towering form over the smaller woman. I immediately noticed I wasn't Naruto's only visitor. The Gods of mischief were smiling down on me today, opportunity after opportunity was being handed to me on golden platters.

"Lady Hinata! What a pleasant surprise. I hope you are well?" I asked, smile steadily growing. Before she could reply, Naruto's voice cut in.

"Oi! Kenta! I know that look, whatever you have planned, don't. I'll club you to death with these arms before Granny removes them!" He near shouted. Tsunade was growling at the nickname, but the small pink in her cheeks gave away her fondness for the nickname.

"Excuse you, rude. I was talking to Lady Hinata. If I wanted to speak with a monkey, I would travel to The Land of Jungles and find more intelligent specimens than you." I mockingly replied. Naruto spluttered but was unable to form a coherent sentence. Tsunade roared her laughter of approval, and even Hinata giggled. Naruto let out a huff and attempted to cross his arms. He gave up, muttering and pouting about mean best friends.

"I am well, Lord Kenta. How are you?" Hinata's gentle voice replied.

"Please, no need to call me Lord. I am simply the cousin to the clan heir, you are your clan's heiress. Our stations are worlds apart." I seriously replied.

She shook her head. "We were once classmates and now comrades. You outrank me. I appreciate the show of respect, but until I earn my title, please, call me simply Hinata." She requested.

I nodded hesitantly. "As long as your father isn't around, I can agree to that, Hinata." She giggled at my dramatic shiver thinking of her father. She didn't know I was being 100% serious. That man could freeze lava with his icy glares! "Now, I assume you're also here to offer moral support to your boyfriend in his time of need?" The smirk and complete 180 change in topics threw her off. Her brain shutdown. Naruto was imitating a fish trying to catch flies. Tsunade had to leave the room, her gut busting laughter was too much and her glowing green hands were attempting to soothe the cramping in her abdominal muscles.

"EEP!" Hinata squealed, finally. Old habits returning without missing a beat. Her face flushed crimson, and I moved just in time to catch her from falling out of her stool and crashing to the floor. A retreating snort letting me know Tsunade had to leave once again.

"Hinata!" Naruto's alarmed voice called out. He began waving his clubbed arms in a threatening manner. "What'd you do, moron?"

I waved him down. "Relax, she's fine. She'll wake up in a minute. Now, have you approached her father with a marriage contract? Do you have dates? Names for your children picked out? I assume that your first born male will be named after me?" I asked seriously. Naruto gave random incoherent replies for the next 3 minutes. I finally took pity on the two and eased off. For now. Tsunade finally came in and was able to cut and remove the casts from Naruto's arms. With a final checkup and orders to take it easy the next week, Naruto was finally released. Ami and Fú walked in just as Naruto was hugging Hinata tight. Spinning her around and laughing without a care in the world, not even noticing he was spinning around a completely unconscious young woman.

**********************************Naru/Hina 4 Lyfe*************************************

Council Room – Itachi

Itachi's gaze swept the room and took in every single detail. He sighed, knowing that he would be leaving this room with a mountain of paperwork and a splitting migraine. He made eye contact with Tsunade and Hiruzen, both nodding slightly, ready to begin.

Itachi cleared his throat, not loudly. All the Shinobi heard and snapped their mouths shut, the civilians were much slower to catch on. This wouldn't do. Itachi cleared his throat, MUCH louder this time. The civilians finally quieted down and all attention turned towards itachi.

"Good evening, honored councilmembers. We have much to discuss and I don't want to be here all night. To start with let us begin with-"Itachi, Lord Fifth himself, was cutoff. The loud, falsely cheerful voice of Ito Kobayashi rang out through the room. He was the representative for the banker's guild and one of the richest men in the city. The tension on the shinobi side of the room was evident, the civilians were oblivious. Ito was the Alpha of their group. All the civilians deferred to him. Tame the alpha, tame the pack.

"Yes, Lord Fifth, most right you are! I have several proposals that I just fear cannot wait a second longer! Why, if I may be so bold as say that they must be passed, post-haste! For the very security and wellbeing of our most glorious village and citizens could be at risk!" His flowery, dramatic monologue finished. With no one speaking for or against, he took that as a sign to continue. "Well, I was going over my personal records, and I began to notice a few discrepincies. They were small things, at first, barely noticeable if you aren't as meticulous as I. I began my inquiries, and… I found… that…" He trailed off finally noticing the cold rage and bloodlust that had been slowly saturating the air. He locked eyes with Itachi, sweat beading his brow, his pupil's dilating in archaic primal fear.

Itachi continued to stare completely impassive to the interruption. His expression remained neutral, and his eyes never changed. The metaphysical manifestation of his emotions however gave away his complete displeasure to the room at large. No one was immune to its effect, for it was that potent. Civilians were on the verge of collapse. Many began to pray for a quick and painless death. The smell of urine was becoming more noticeable by the second. On the shinobi side, all in attendance sat in their chairs straight backed, eyes forward. Every person a veteran of at least one, if not two or more wars. The atmosphere was so thick with bloodlust, even Lord Third couldn't remain unaffected. A single bead of sweat dripped down his temple. He was the only one daring enough to meet Itachi's eyes. He raised a single brow in a show of respect, as well as a sign to say that he had made his point.

The malice saturating the air disappeared without warning. A giant, collective gasp of relief washed over the entire room. Even the ANBU had to recall every ounce of their training to remain professional. Sobs broke out from several people on the civilian side of the room. Itachi's face remain carved from stone. His voice, barely that above a whisper was as loud as a shout. The entire room hung on every word he was saying.

"I was going to finish this meeting by bringing this topic up at the end. I had planned on easing the council into this idea. However, I've decided to forego pleasantries and respect. You all have not earned either." His voice was emotionless to match his face. However, the unmistakable hint of white hot anger was simmering just below the surface, ready to lash out. He pinned Councilman Ito with a crimson stare. Ito attempted to look away from the hypnotizing demonic eyes, but he was unable to.

"Rule number one. This is the first and final warning for all those in attendance. Do not forget it. The next person who interrupts me will be escorted out of the council chamber and taken to Ibiki Morino for questioning. Anyone who blatantly shows insubordination and lack of respect to their leader is hiding something. Ibiki will find it and you will be punished to the highest severity befitting the crimes." Itachi said calmly.

"Number two. I will read you the final paragraph from a law written and signed into effect during Lord Second's reign. I have copies of the full document which goes into painstaking detail on the duties and responsibilities of the Civilian Council." He pulled out a leaf of paper, cleared his throat and recited the words for all to hear.

"From this day forward, the Civilian Council of Konohakagure will go into effect, effective immediately. Each sector will elect and send forth one elected official to represent their wants, needs, and desires in front of the seated Hokage. Each of the 12 districts will be represented, with room for growth as the city expands. Their primary duties and responsibilities will be as follows: To the best of your ability, represent the true and unfiltered desires of the constituents they represent, with no thoughts of personal gain. Advise the seated Hokage during peace and war times to help keep daily village life running as optimally as possible. Finally, the 12 representatives will be required to hold monthly town halls to relay news and ease fears for the citizens they represent.

This Order, Written and Signed into Effect by Tobirama Senju, Second Hokage."

Itachi finished and stared once more around the room. No one spoke up, no one even dared to breath. They were finished, and they knew it. Itachi's eyes bled red, and his gaze swept the idividuals of the civilian council. Each person flinching under that cold gaze. The smell of sweating bodies and urine was near unbearable, yet no one said a single word.

"Just like good boys and girls, with a show of hands, you will answer my questions. Are we tracking?" The question was rhetoric, but all 14 civilians nodded their heads enthusiastically. "Raise your hand if you were elected into the seat you now hold?" Itachi asked mildly. A single hand raised confidently into the air. Dan Sato, a blacksmith and weapon shop owner was indeed the elected official of district 6. Itachi nodded and the man put his hand down. "So, the rest of you 13 are all holding seats of elected power under false pretenses. That is an offense punishable by death." The fear in the room climbed to new heights.

"Raise your hand if you truthfully believe you have represented the citizens of your districts to the best of your ability and with zero thoughts of personal gain." 6 hands twitched, but only 3 hands continued their ascent. Dan, of course. Ladies Amara Moto and Diana Hozuki also raised their hands. Eyes pinched in apprehension, but filled with determination. Itachi nodded and all three lowered their hands, the ladies with a sigh of relief.

"Finally, raise your hand if you have held any type of town hall. Doesn't even have to be monthly." This time, no one raised their hands. Itachi raised an inquiring eyebrow and Dan who spoke up.

"No, Lord Hokage. That was information that was not passed along to me. I apologize for my failure to meet the standards of my position." His honest reply came in a deep bass.

Itachi nodded his acquiescence. His gaze swept the room for a final time. "With all that being said, I know that not all in this room hold their positions for personal gain and power. A few do indeed take their job seriously and want what's best for their neighbors and village. However, I cannot overlook the near absolute corruption that is plaguing our village. I may have been able to overlook many of your transgressions had you all not made a single, grave error."

He paused, letting his words sink in. "Lord Third is a man that should be held on a pedestal by the citizens of this village. His mistakes do not overshadow the absolute good he's done for this village. He served as your leader through two and a half wars, over three decades of absolute devotion to his village. When he took up the mantle once more for the love of his village, you all should have been there to support him in any way you could have."

"What did you do instead? You took complete advantage of a tired and worn down war veteran who only wanted his villagers to be happy. You manipulated him, went behind his back, passed hidden laws inside of important laws the village needed passed. Your crimes have been found and documented." Itachi paused and his ANBU began throwing thick folders in front of every person in attendance. Shinobi included. "In here you will find all the laws and bills passed since Lord Third took office the second time until my first day in office. You will see my notes. Many of those laws? Gone."

The dam broke, cries of outrage were Itachi's answer. For the first time, Itachi let his fury known.

"SILENCE!" His normally soft voice rattled the walls. "You took advantage for so long and you continued to push your luck. Be thankful I'm only stripping you of your titles. If I so desired I could watch you all hang."

The civilians fear made them submissive dogs once more. "From this moment onward, you deal with Itachi Uchiha. Fifth Hokage of Konohagakure. Konoha is a MILITARY village, first and foremost. I am the Hokage. I am the absolute leader of this village. I do not wish to be a tyrant. I wish for my people, shinobi and civilian alike, to live peaceful, happy lives. I will become one though if you try to push me. My word is law. I am judge, jury and executioner. If you do not like it, tough luck. I was appointed by Lord Third and approved by His Holiness our Feudal Lord as well as the overwhelming majority of the Jonin of this village. If you want a say in how I run my village, pledge your life to Konoha and go fight on the frontlines side by side with the Shinobi you have been screwing for over a decade now."

"I am done here. I cannot stand to look at your disgusting faces anymore. Get out. I will be dissiminating information on the upcoming elections. Know this, IF your neighbors decide to send you back into the seat you once held, you will come back to find a vastly diferent council. Now leave, before my control breaks and I have you all killed on the spot. Sir Dan, stay please."

The burly man nodded and remained seated, the rest of the scurrying rats left as fast as dignity would allow them. Itachi wrinkled his nose in disgust. "ANBU!" He called, Ferret appeared. "Please go tell Susume to draft up a contract bid for a remodel of this room. Priority number one, windows!" Ferret saluted and left the room.

Itachi met Dan's gaze, noticing the man was smiling brightly. "You are pleased with events, Sir Dan?"

He nodded with vigor. "I've been praying for this day to come. Those crooked old bags of wind tested my patience on the daily. I've only been a councilmember for about 6 months, but I can swear my grey hairs have doubled!" He laughed lowly at his joke. "Can I be honest with you, Lord Fifth?"

Itachi nodded. He was absolutely serious. He didn't want to be a tyrant, any advice or constructive critisicm would be taken as it was delivered.

"I'm a medically retired special Jonin, ya know?" Itachi nodded, well aware Dan was the only member that had been a prior service civilian. "I had serious doubts when you were appointed. You're so young, and you've been through more than most men would even dream of in their lives. I was most worried though about this room. I thought these sharks would chew you up and spit you out." His smiled widened. He stood, and with a slight limp knelt before Itachi. "You not only erased those doubts today, you cemented my faith in you from now until you pass the torch onto the next man or woman. I am your man, through and through, Lord Itachi."

Itachi smiled warmly at the man. "Please rise, Sir Dan. That was not at all necessary, but it was most welcomed. I'm glad you have faith in me. I will be counting on you in the coming days. I have a task for you." Itachi rose and addressed the room. "The smell… I can't stand it anymore. Shinobi and Clan Heads, please meet me in my office. We have much to discuss still, but I don't think any of it will require a urine soaked formal room. I will meet you all shortly." The Shinobi council rose, bowed to Itachi, and left with the deadly grace only trained warriors possessed.

"I need you to put together a committee to get the word out about the elections. All the details outlined by Lord Second are in that folder. If something seems outdated or you have questions, please come talk to me. I want a civilian council up and running within 6 months. Can you do this?" Itachi asked.

Dan saluted. "Of course, Lord Fifth. I already have some of the most organized women in mind. They'll have the details memorized by sunset." He laughed loudly. "Anything else, sir?"

Itachi shook his head. "I will send you a messenger with our next appointment. You and I will be running this ship for a few months together. I hope you know what you've gotten yourself into."

Dan smiled and bowed. "Konoha will be all the stronger for it. My lot is thrown in."

******************************Itachi Not Playing Nomo***********************************

Ino Yamanaka

"Ok, Ino. Focus and do the technique just like I instructed." Cpt Kurenai's patient voice called out. Sitting across from her was her latest project, Ino Yamanaka. The girl had come to her a few weeks ago with an interest in learning the subtle art of illusion weaving. Kurenai was cautiously hopeful. Many young men and women showed an interest in her preferred art, but none pursued it beyond the basics.

Either they didn't have the flair for it, or it wasn't interesting enough for them to put their full effort into learning how to bend the senses and warp realities of opponents. Her last protégé, Sakura Haruno, had recently defected. When Ino approached her, she kept her silence in knowing that the potential for illusions was ever greater in the Yamanaka heiress. She already had a solid grasp on psychology and the anatomy of the human brain. Both required to truly master the art.

Ino nodded and performed the required hand seals. "Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique" she said with confidence. Kurenai relaxed and allowed the girls chakra to invade her senses. She didn't resist, as the girl needed practice. Kurenai had been subjected enough to the beginner illusion enough, she knew exactly what to expect. She also knew the exact amount of chakra required to interrupt the illusion. She let the technique continue for an additional five seconds. She was quite pleased, Ino's illusion was possibly the most realistic she had ever experienced from a novice.

Kurenai gathered her chakra. 'Release' she thought to herself and opened her eyes, smile in place ready to shower the vain heiress in praises. A tip she had picked up from her time as a Genin team captain, learn the personalities of your students and find the best way to teach them as an individual. She frowned, Asuma's blank and lifeless eyes continued to stare up at her from her lap. This was her worst fear. Holding Asuma as he died in her arms. Her thoughts must have strayed.

'Release!' she thought more forcefully this time. No distractions. Asuma's cold, dead eyes stared at her in accusation. It was her fault. Kurenai panicked. "RELEASE!" she shouted out loud, doubling her chakra output. Asuma finally faded away.

Kurenai shook off her shock and stared wide-eyed at the unassuming heiress. "Ino, what did you do?" She asked in utter fascination. "I was forced to double the usual amount of chakra to disrupt your illusion."

Ino bit her lip and hesitantly replied. "I did as you said, Cpt Kurenai. I did the required hand signs, separated my yin and yang chakra, and then pushed my yin chakra into your network while keeping my intention for what I wanted you to see in the forefront of my mind. Did I miss a step? Did I do it wrong?"

Kurenai shook her head and began to think. "Ino, what was the ratio of yin to yang chakra you used?" Was that the ticket? She had been told since she was a genin that the less yang chakra, the more potent and harder to detect the illusion. But what if more yang chakra made it anchor deeper into the opponenets system? But no, that goes against-

"100% Yin chakra, like you said." Ino interrupted Kurenai's theortizing.

Kurenai gaped at the girl. "Ino, don't lie to me please. I promise I won't get upset. I need to know exactly what you did to make sure that your technique will stick when you use it in battle." Kurenai lectured.

Ino's temper flaired slightly. She thought she was lying?! "I am many things, Cpt Kurenai. A liar is not one of them. Do you know not even the basics of my clan's techniques?"

Kurenai nodded her head at first, but then slowly shook it. She really had no idea how the Yamanaka were able to do what they could.

"Before we even begin training in our most basic of techniques, we must first master the art passed down from our ancestors of completely separating our two chakras. The easiest, most technique we have in our clan library will fail catastrophically if there's even a hint of Yang chakra present." Ino flipped the script and was now lecturing the older woman.

"Is that a bloodline? That should be impossible. Masters of Illusions and even those with bloodlines that specifically enhance their illusions like the Kurama clan can't completely separate the two!" Kurenai blurted out. Half in excitement, half in disbelief. This could be game changing. If what Ino said was true, and using a D-Rank technique like Hell Viewing had those kind of results, what heights could the girl soar to when she started to weave more dangerous and elaborate illusions? Kurenai shivered at the thought. Being unable to break Lord Second's False Darkness technique? That could literally drive a person to madness.

"It's speculated. We don't know for sure though as no DNA or Genetics test has been able to confirm or deny. The hypothesis is in favor, as past generations have tried to teach outsiders our ways and they were unable. Is that good for me?" She asked, voice quivering with renewed excitement at the look on Kurenai's face.

Kurenai was barely able to keep herself from salivating. If Ino could reach her potential, Kurenai would have eternal bragging rights of training the girl.

"Good? It's fantastic. Ino, if you are able to use pure Yin chakra, you could take Illusion Arts to a level never before seen. I'm willing to teach you all that I know. I just have to have your absolute, unbreakable word you will give every ounce of effort you have in your body. If you promise me that, I will make sure you soar to the heights of Shinobi legends.

Ino shook her head. On that day, in training ground 19, Ino made an oath to herself. No boys, no clothes, no makeup until she reached Jonin. The oath had been working for Ami and Sakura. She was an Heiress to one of the 6 great clans. It was time to grow up. If Kenta thought he would steal all the spotlight, he was dead wrong.

But first, she had one more deadly woman to talk to. She wouldn't be a one trick pony. She would be an all-around badass.

**************************Ino Steppin it up, Kenta, watch that weave************************

Ino knocked on the apartment door with a purpose. If she could convince this woman to also help with her training, Ino would be taking her crown back as the strongest Kunoichi of her age in no time. Even if she didn't agree, it would only set Ino's plans back slightly. No, she would say yes. Ino would do everything she could to make her. The door opened to reveal the stunningly beautiful face of Yugao Uzuki,

"Can I help you, Miss Yamanaka?" She asked in her husky voice. A voice Ino was so incredibly jealous of. Maybe if she started smoking, she could get hers to sound like that some day? She shook herself out of that thought.

"Yes. Hi, Miss Yugao. I'm sorry to bother you at home but Anko gave me your address after she chased me off her training field. I have a request if you will hear me out." Ino stated politely. She wasn't always a loud-mouth, bossy witch!

Yugao leaned against the railing and stared at the small girl. "You have 60 seconds. I'm getting ready for a girls night." That was a lie, she was laying around doing nothing for once. She had a date with Hayate, but that wasn't for hours.

"Yes, right. I came to ask if you would train me! I need a way to fight up-close if necessary. I made poor decisions. I'm slow, weak and have no stamina. I know you can help me with those. However, I also know that no matter how hard I train, I will always be thin and wiry. I will never be a powerhouse like some of the other female's my age. I was told you were the best in Konoha with a sword. Not best Kunoichi, just the best. I wish to learn the way of the sword. I humbly beg you. I can offer you compensation for your time if you require." Ino finished her plea with a respectable bow.

Yugao eyed the girl critically. She knew that the framework was there for a great kunoichi. She needed to know how much was actual determination to get stronger, and how much hot air the girl was blowing up her ass.

"Meet me at training ground 3 in one hour. I will agree to train you only if you pass my test of resolve. Pass, we start training immediately. Fail, you can find another. Agreed?"

Ino agreed immediately. She didn't ask what this test was, it didn't matter. She was deadest on this woman being her second teacher, even if it killed her.

Sometimes, you get what you ask for.

**********************************Ino Real Cereal Now!**********************************

Yugao appeared from thin air just feet from Ino. Ino barely contained the shriek that tried to escape. Yugao pulled something out of her pouch and set it down on a stump on the edge of the clearing.

"That's a timer, if you couldn't tell. When I start it, it's set to five minutes. You will show me your desire to train under me by lasting the full five minutes. I will come at you at my full strength. You may attempt to avoid, block, or fight back in any way you see fit. If you are still standing when that bell chimes, you are my student. You fall before the five minutes expire, I leave you here and you find a way to crawl back to the village. Understood?" Yugao's husky voice hardened and she glared at the blonde teen in front of her.

Ino was shaking slightly. To say she wasn't afraid would be a complete lie. She steeled herself though and nodded. "I understand. I will not fail you."

Yugao snorted. "We'll see about that. Begin!" And Yugao charged.

***************************Kapow! Bam! Splat! Kerchunk!*********************************

A loud, clear bell rang throughout the clearing. Yugao stopped immediately and began to count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, there it goes. Ino collapsed to the ground. Yugao had to say, she was impressed. The girl lasted the full five minutes. She was a mass of bruised and bloody flesh. The face she was so proud of unrecognizable. Her hair she had still kept in a ponytail was missing chunks. Yugao beat her down time and again, yet every single time, no matter how slow or how much effort it took, the girl managed to get to her feet. Each time, a glare of defiance for the woman who was sending her to an early grave.

"Ino Yamanaka. I accept you as my student. Come, girl. I'll take you to the hospital. I will not lie, I'm still not 100% convinced. This first month will be the real test. I'm going to push you until you break, then I'm going to keep pushing. If you survive the first month without quitting, you will be out of the fire. I will then hammer you and shape you until you're sharp and strong enough to cut even steel. Are you prepared?"

The huddled lump of flesh made some kind of noise. Yugao accepted that as affirmation. She gently lifted the girl into her arms. Her entire body was quivering and her small wimpers sent a pang of guilt through the older woman. Maybe she had been a little harder than she needed to be. Many people considered Anko to be the number one enemy of fan girls in the shinobi ranks, Yugao was the true number one though.

Yugao flickered to the hospital, careful not to rattle the girl more than needed. A small wimper escaped her lips, but she didn't cry out. She was about to step through the double doors when a familiar voice called out.

"Yugao! What are you doing here? What's that in your arms?" Kurenai Yuuhi jogged over waving, perfect smile in place. Her eyes widened in outrage and shock upon seeing the human shaped bruise in her arms. "What the hell did you do to my student?!" Kurenai cried out. Gentle hands and sweet comforting words swept over the battered girl.

"I was testing her resolve. I wanted to see if she was serious about her training. Wait, what do you mean YOUR student? I just accepted her as mine!" Yugao defended indignantly. Kurenai opened her mouth, but a wail of despair cut her off.

"I-I-I'm sorry, Cpt K-Ku-Kurenai! I wa-wa-was going to t-t-te-tell you if Cpt Yu-Yugao accepted me!" Ino wailed. "Pl-please do-don't hate me or du-dump me as your st-st-students! I n-ne-need to become strong!" She coughed and tried to get her breathing and tears under control. She was somewhat successful. "I've heard the whispers in my c-clan. Even my f-father is disappointed in my behavior. If I don't prove in the next year I have the potential to lead, Kenta will be named heir!" Her wails continued.

Yugao and Kurenai exchanged glances and smiles. The girl really was determined to get stronger if she's seeking the teaching of two of Konoha's strongest females. Yugao opened her mouth quickly, but Kurenai was quicker.

"Monday, Wednesday, Friday! Ha! I win!" Kurenai cheered.

"Dammit, Hayate is gunna be pissed." Yugao grumbled. She addressed Ino next. "I hope you aren't used to sleeping in Saturday's. I'm not missing date night because you decided to get greedy in your training."

Ino gave the two women watery, grateful smiles before wincing in pain. Yugao marched her to the desk and checked the girl in. She didn't particularly care if the front desk nurse didn't believe her when she said Ino fell down a flight of stairs.

******************************Ino Gunna Do Work!**************************************

Choza Akimichi

Choza approached the desk of the lovely Miss Susume. Such a polite and pleasant woman, as well as well organized. Never a hair out of place or a frown on her face, she would be the perfect wife to a member of his clan one day. He should introduce the girl to his nephew. Another time, perhaps.

"Good Morning, Lord Choza. How are you today? I must say this now, Lord Hokage is busy for the next two hours I'm afraid." She informed promptly.

"Good Morning, Miss Susme! You're looking lovely this morning. I am well, thank you. I was actually hoping to speak with Lord Third if he isn't also tied up in this meeting?" Choza's jovial spirit lifted most of those around him, Susume was no different. She smiled widely at the large clan head.

"I believe Lord Third is working on his own project in the conference room. May I show you the way?"

Choza waved her off. "I've been in that accursed room more times than I can count. Thank you for your help, young lady." Choza gave the girl a small bow, manners never killed a single soul, and made his way to the familiar room.

He reached the door and pushed it open, a gentle knock to get Lord Third's attention.

"Choza! Come in, my boy, come in. No one comes to visit this wrinkled old fool anymore, what can I do for you?" Hiruzen's genuine smile beckoned Choza further in.

Choza dramatically shivered entering the room. "Never thought I'd find myself willingly walking into this room for anything other than a council meeting. Though I must admit, they're much more tolerable these last few meetings." Choka winked and his loud laughter echoed around the chamber. Lord Third joined soon after. "I'm going to get right to business, Lord Third. You're busy and I have too many errands and not enough hours in the day. I come to ask you to consider taking my son Choji as one of your apprentices. I know you mentioned it, I think Choji would be an excellent student for you."

Hiruzen cocked an eyebrow. Choza was very nervous it seems. The man never skipped pleasantries and small talk unless he was nervous or on edge. "Hmm. Little Choji, eh? I had not considered him. He is talented, so I'm told. However he seems reluctant to harm others, and his peers are quickly pulling ahead of him. He hasn't shown any desire to push for excellence. Why would I train someone that wasn't serious about being their strongest self? My years in this life grow shorter each day. I must be very selective who I pass my knowledge on to."

Choza smiled tightly. "I can see where you would form that opinion, Lord Hiruzen. Since his humiliating defeat in the preliminary rounds, it's as though a demon has possessed the boy. He trains from sun up until sun down. He is mastering our clan techniques faster than I can teach him the intricacies. His talent though is overshadowed by some loud personalities. He's a kind, quiet boy… I know. But he is fiercely loyal, his Will of Fire burns bright, but most of all, he wants to be stronger than anyone in his generation. My son is not a fighter, Lord Third, but a protector. He will not harm someone without reason, but if he's fighting to protect, he's more vicious than a starving bear."

Hiruzen seemed to mull over Choza's passionate argument for his son. He pretended to think for another few minutes. "I'll tell you what, Choza. You tell Choji if he's serious about being my apprentice, he must write me a letter and convince me to take him over the dozens of others who show more talent and a fierce desire to be taught by the professor. If he persuades me, I'll accept him. HOWEVER" He held a hand up as Choza had jumped to his feet in joy. "Make sure he's aware of what it means to be my apprentice. I expect perfection. Not in execution, but in effort. I can take even the ugliest, darkest lump of coal and polish it into a diamond. I need someone who really desires to be strong. Also know, being my apprentice isn't a once a week thing. He'll be with me 4 to 5 days a week, his clan training comes second. If he's willing to work harder than he's ever worked in his life, tell him to convince me."

Choza bowed over and over, offering assurances that he would hear a reply within a few days. Hiruzen watched the burly man exit the room. He smiled to himself. He wasn't lying, Choji Akimichi wasn't even on his radar as a student. But now? Hiruzen wanted the boy more than any other. However, he wouldn't train a reluctant student or someone doing it to please their father. Hiruzen would see within a few days. Good luck, Choji. It takes a lot to change the mind of a stubborn old man set in his ways.

***************************Choji coming for you now Kenta********************************

Fú Bae

Sweat rolled down the girls face, dripping onto the table she was focusing on. Her hands glowed a bright green and she had them resting on the recently deceased fish she was attempting to revive. The fish twitched once. Fú pushed down her excitement, not letting her concentration break. This fish twitched a second time, the green glow began to dull as her concentration battled her excitement. She pumped chakra back into her technique, the smell of burning flesh met her nose. She sneezed and her technique failed. Smoke rose from the now very dead fish.

"Shit" Fú muttered.

"Fú, language." Shizune chastised quiety from beside her, observing her work.

"Sorry, Master." Fú said in embarrassment.

Shizune glared for only a moment before smiling brightly. "That was very well done, Fú! Your progress is coming along nicely."

Fú smiled tightly at her Master. "Thank you, Master. I'm so far behind everyone else though. Haku is already working on healing minor cuts and bruises. Shikamaru and Hinata have nearly completed this first exercise. I don't want to let you down. You're taking a chance on me, I can't let you down as your very first student."

Shizune smiled warmly. "Listen to me, Fú. As long as you come into this office with a smile on your face and give it your 100%, I don't care how far the others have passed you up. For starters, Haku has the largest reserves of the 3 of Tsunade's students. Saying that, he has maybe 1/5 of what you possess, and that's counting only your own natural chakra. You have to work twice as hard on your control as any of the others. The progress you've made is comparable to being even further than Haku."

"What do I always tell you, Fú?" Shizune inquired, small smile still in place.

"It matters not how fast you can finish a race, as long as you complete it the end result is the same." Fú rattled off in a robotic voice, though the quirk of her lip told her she appreciated the reminder.

"Exactly. As long as you improve each day, no matter how big or small, It IS improvement. That is all I can ask of you as your teacher." She squeezed the girls hand and then sealed the fish into the scroll it rested upon. She burned the useless scroll and rose to her feet. "Now, take five minutes to compose yourself, get your mind focused on the task at hand. I need to grab reports from the 2nd and 3rd floors and grab another fish. Be back soon."

Shizune walked out the door of her office and Fú collapsed into the chair behind her. Despite her frustration Fú smiled widely. For the umpteenth time since moving to Konoha, she couldn't even begin to describe the joy she had found. The three months she had lived here had been better than the 14 years she had lived in Taki. It was miracoulous. Fú could remember bawling into Kenta's chest for hours, heartbroken for being kicked out. Those old, cowardly bastards did her the biggest favor of her life. She would forever be greatful for Big Bro Shibuki. Fú realized how hard he fought for her, but in the end he did his best. Working out the deal to make her a Konoha shinobi? Fú would go to the ends of the earth and back for that man.

Fú now had friends. She was in a village that treated her with respect. Fú was slowly forming a family of her own choosing. Blood didn't matter when you cared for someone. Most importantly, Fú had a boyfriend. The 14 years of loneliness, pain and heartache all seemed worth it. Fú was convinced that had she not had to suffer those trials, her heart wouldn't be so open and full of love to give. Fú could admit it, to herself at least, that she was madly in love with Kenta Yamanaka. He was funny, kind, dorky, strong, handsome, and loyal. He doted on her and made her feel like no one else mattered in the world. Where others saw a cocky, sometimes cruel and heartless bastard, Fú saw his strength of character. To throw yourself into the art of breaking an opponent's mind, Kenta always came back to her his usual sweet and loving self. Without Kenta, Fú wouldn't be where she was today. He was her rock, and she would go toe-to-toe with anyone who tried to come between them.

Fú giggled suddenly, remembering last week the poster Kenta had showed her. It was a list he was making of all the men and women he admired and wanted to surpass. Right now though, it only had three names on it. All strong men. So he referred to it as "Kenta's Man-Crush List." Fú burst out laughing. She remembered his dance of joy when she assured him she would support his man-crushes, as long as she was always at the top of the list. He immediately put her name at the top with a note that read "The only crush that matter."

Kenta was one of a kind that was for sure. His absolute confidence in himself was infectious. It was hard not to start believing in yourself when your boyfriend could scream out, in front of 100,000 people to include their newest military and village leader, his undying love for the man. Scream that out, then shrug it off when he got every look imaginable. Yeah, Fú's boyfriend was the best man on the planet.

"Oh? Are we thinking about a certain blonde haired young man again?" Shizune's teasing voice called out, causing Fú to jump a mile in the air.

"I, uh, no master, I was… thinking about butterflies!" Fú lamely stammered out.

"I'm sure. Here's the scroll, focus like I told you and get to work. Do better than last time or we'll be doing extra suicides this evening." Shizune lightly threatened her. Fú nodded, annoyed at her master slightly.

"You don't see ME commenting on you always sneaking away with Genma when you think no one is looking." Fú muttered under breath, forgetting that the office was small and shinobi by their very nature have better than average hearing.

"What was that, dearest Fú? You want to join Tsunade's apprentices when they do their next session of dodge training? Great! I'll make sure Tsunade informs me when and where to meet." Shizune's falsely cheerful reply came directly behind the girl.

Fú silently cried while she unloaded the supplies she needed for her training. Her life had been short, but at least she was loved at the end. Tsunade's dodge training was absolutely deadly.

********************************Run Fú Bae, RUN!***************************************

Tsunade Senju – Bae

Tsunade sneered down at her three students over the glass of sake in her hand. Haku was working on a paper cut, girl and boy were working on reviving a fish. Exciting times. Not. Time to spice things up. She downed her glass and cleared her throat. Her own personal signal to take a breath.

"Well, looks like I will be taking the cursed hat after all. I told Itachi that I would punt him across the village if he picked out three useless apprentices that would only waste my time. Haku! It took you nearly five minutes to finish healing this paper cut!"

Haku held his tongue. The "paper cut" was 8" long and just shallow enough that it wouldn't require stitches on the field.

"Girl, your reserves are pitiful, you're nearly on empty and you haven't even come close to reuniting that fish with his long lost lover!"

Hinata huffed. This was fish number 3 and they had been working for nearly 5 hours, of course she was running on fumes.

"Boy! I'm almost positive you've fallen asleep more times than your dead fish! Get some damn sleep at night!"

Shikamaru… Shrugged. It was probably true.

"Listen here you three, I need you to step it up. You were personally recommended by Lord Fifth. I filled out the paperwork and you've been approved as my official apprentices. That means your failures not only drag Lord Fifth's name through the mud, but more importantly, MY NAME!" Tsunade glared at each of her students. "You signed up for this. You knew my expectations. I will NOT be associated with mediocre or failures. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Master Tsunade!" Hinata and Haku cried out eagerly. Shikamaru simply rolled his eyes at his master's dramatics. Too bad for him Tsunade's eyes were as sharp as any Uchihas. She smiled evilly.

"What's that, Shikamaru? You and your fellow students need a break? I agree, you've been at this for hours." Three hopeful faces met her wicked smirk. "I think some dodge training is in order, don't you? Yes, that's the perfect distraction to take your minds off a day of failure! Now, meet at the normal grounds in 30.

"Troublesome." Shikamaru muttered. The boy was either a masochist, or he genuinely thought Tsunade would let his attitude fly.

"Troublesome? You know what would be troublesome? 100 suicides WHILE we do dodge training. 28 minutes, go!" Tsunade barked.

Haku glared at the shadow user, Shikamaru felt a chill crawl up his spine. He could also swear he saw his breath mist for a moment, but it was over 60 degrees outside, that was impossible. He turned to his right and felt his spirit momentarily leave his body. Hinata was also glaring at him. Byagukan on full blast, bulging veins writhing like hidden vipers. Shikamaru swallowed audibly. Maybe he would save his complaining when he was alone where no one could hear him.

***************************Shika, Stop being so lazy or you gun dieeee***********************

Shino Aburame

"Are you absolutely certain, son? You know the risks. Logically, your decision is completely irrational. This is a dangerous decision. Please, think carefully." Shibi Aburame stared impassively at his son. For anyone not intimately familiar with the workings and social interactions of the Aburame clan, it would seem that Shibi was simply going through the motions of what a father should do. Those people would be dead wrong. Anyone who knew the Aburame would show that the single tremor in Shibi's voice was showing his worry. The second though, Shibi was absolutely terrified for his son.

Shino nodded. "I have thought about this decision since the preliminary matches, father. I cannot shake the words of warning from Naruto's ancestor. It is completely illogical, but I cannot ignore the feeling I have in my gut. I know that we do not consider such a superstitious belief evidence enough to make a logical decision, but it is what I must do. Lord Itachi has also expressed his worry for the future, his words of warning to be prepared mirrored Lady Korinna's. It is there, not a logically deduced answer, but more of an educated guess, that I made my decision."

Shibi broke eye contact with his son and stared down at the sealed jar in their lab. For generations, the Aburame had bred and cross bred their kikaichū to near battle perfection. Always seeking to improve the breed, they dedicated a clan compound lab where members could share notes and genetic material.

"Trust me, father. This will work. Danzo wanted me for a reason, but settled for Torune. I will not let Torune down, father. I will master the insects only he and his father were able to. Torune, if he is alive or not, will look after me as they assimilate into my body. Have faith. I know that is completely illogical and that faith as no impact on decisions we make. However, I sometimes have to agree with some of my more boisterous peers. Sometimes, you just have to take a chance and let fate decide." Shino stood in front of his father now, urging him to believe in him.

Shibi nodded. "I will not have faith in an unknown variable such as fate. I will have faith in my son's strength. Once this process starts, you are on your own. We cannot touch you, for fear that they infect us. We have no masters of the Rinkaichū, so if they reject you, you will die."

Shino placed a hand on his father's shoulder. Shibi did likewise. An Aburame bear hug for those that knew them.

Shino stepped forward and took a deep breath. He unsealed the jar with the microscopic predators. With a last deep breath, he plunged his hand inside, and for the next agonizingly slow hours, he knew nothing but mind shattering pain. The Rinkaichū began to assimilate, the tore through every single one of his cells, piece by piece. They were tearing him apart little by little. Shino held onto what little clarity he could. The hours drug on and on, the pain was finally starting to fade. And then he felt it.

One by one, his kikaichū began to die. Each death, a small stab of pain and guilt as the invasive Rinkaichū could not share one host. They began to die, faster and faster. Shino thought the assimilation was painful, that was nothing compared to the sheer agony of losing his entire colony one by one. Shino's mind began to break, the agony of his friend's lives being snuffed out rapidly was too much. His brain couldn't take it, he was too young, he should have waited a few years.

Tears poured down the boy's face. Shibi and Shino's Mother stared on hopelessly as their son thrashed around. Shibi caught himself time and again reaching out to comfort his son. His wife, his beautiful wife was the one keeping it together. She smiled that warm smile and Shibi felt his faith in his son renew.

Seconds, Minutes, Hours, DAYS seemed to pass ever so slowly. Just as Shino was about to give into the pain, let himself go and embrace the Shinigami's cold embrace, he felt it. In the center of his chest, where his queen had claimed her domain. The partner he had carried with him longer than even his oldest memory. He felt her thoughts. He felt her anguish at the loss of all her children. But he also felt hope. Hope for her species. For her master, her friend, had tamed the most dangerous of her kind. They would help him become strong. He would lead the charge to protect the hive. The only thing that mattered was the hive.

As Shino felt that last of her consciousness fade, a peace seemed to settle over his soul. His new family, his new friend, had accepted him. The Rinkaichū were vastly different from his old kikaichū. The Rinkaichū were so small, so vast, that they formed a true hive mind. They thought as one, moved as one, they were one. Shino smiled as he heard the thoughts of his new friend.

'Your enemies are my enemies. We will destroy them all'

'Your friends are my friends. We protect them all until death'

'Your family is my family. We live only for them. We live only for the hive'

Shino slowly raised himself into a sitting position. His parents were there, hovering close but never touching him. They knew the dangers he possessed until he mastered his new friend. The voice spoke again.

'Your family is my family. I will not hurt them. Believe me, Master. I have waited so long for you. I will not jeopardize that by hurting your loved ones.'

Shino blinked in surprise. The level of intelligence his new partner possessed was… It was unheard of. It was actually communicating, and not with just thoughts and feelings as his old friends had, but with coherent sentences. Shino's leap of faith had paid of once, he would trust his newest partner. He would have to if he wanted to continue down the path he was forging. He looked at his father and held out his hand.

"Trust me, one more time father." Shino simply said. Shibi nodded, and without hesitation grabbed his son's hand firmly. His friend hummed its pleasure that his master believed in him. Shibi was astounded. Shino truly was his clan's greatest treasure. Shino's mother, Kaho, was not from the clan, so she was much more open with her affections. She grabbed her son in a tight hug. Whispering words or love and comfort that Shino was alive. Shino's smiled widened, for his Rinkaichū were enjoying the love and contact just as much as Shino was.

Shibi cleared his throat. "I'm proud of you Shino. You make our clan shine. You will be an incredible clan head in the future. Now, you must rest. Your body has been through an ordeal. I will leave all the scrolls your uncle left in my care. Once you have those studied, we will begin your training. You will need to work twice as hard as before. You must learn an entire new fighting style. Are you ready, son?"

Shino nodded as his felt his eyes grew heavy. Just the mention of sleep was enough to send his thoughts drifting to his comfortable bed. If he were lucky, he may have another pleasant dream of a certain purple haired beauty. His last dream involved a stroll through the woods, documenting and categorizing all the different insects, after that, they….

********************************Shino, Where you at boy?********************************

Kiba Inuzuka

Kiba scowled at the ceiling of his bedroom. He was laying on his bed, thinking over the last few weeks. He had been absolutely humiliated by Kenta. Not only did her lose his temper, but Kenta outclassed him in every way possible. Kiba spent the month that the finalists had to do his own training. Kiba had entered the stadium ready to cheer his friends on, once again his confidence was back. He felt his month of training had seriously paid off. He was sure he had closed the gap that had built since graduation.

Oh how wrong he was. Every single Konoha finalist would destroy Kiba in a one on one fight. Kiba was forcefully humbled enough to admit that to himself. He wouldn't admit it in public of course, an Alpha can never let the public know he doubts himself. However, watching the finals, was yet another wake up call. Ami Kogure, Mega Fan Girl, beat his own teammate handily. Shino was no pushover either. It seemed to Kiba that no matter how hard he trained, the gap between himself and his peers never closed, only widened further.

A knock on his door pulled him out of his internal pity party. "Come in," he called out.

A wild and feral looking woman poked her head in and smiled at Kiba. Tsume Inuzuka, Clan Head and Kiba's mother was possibly the most terrifying woman in the entire village. Her brash personality coupled with her no nonsense attitude was the perfect recipe for a woman who takes absolutely zero crap from anyone, her family included.

"Hey, Pup. There's someone here to see you." Her nose wrinkled in disgust. "I know you most likely don't want to see him, but this, coming from me, I think you should hear him out."

"Who is it, Ma? Don't tell me it's that Yamanaka bastard." Kina growled. He may respect Kenta as a warrior, he could even appreciate the humiliation and dirty tactics he used in their fight, it still didn't mean he liked the guy.

Tsume Smiled. "No, son. It's… Well… It's him."

Kiba snarled and leapt out of his bed. He pushed past his mother and stalked into his families living area like an enraged beast. He spotted the man, the man he absolutely loathed more than anyone else in the world. He was a tall, broad-shouldered and barrel chested man. He had the same wild look that all Inuzuka possessed. His brown hair was smattered with grey. The dark circles under his eyes coupled with his unnaturally pale skin gave him a sickly look.

The stranger opened his mouth but Kiba wasn't letting this bastardget a word in. His chakra flared, his nails lengthened, and with a fluid motion raked the man across the face. Blood splattered on the walls and on the floor. Kiba sneered at how pathetic he was.

"You have a lot of nerve showing up after all this time, Dad." Kiba spat, chest heaving and pupils constricting until they were barely visible. "I thought you had done our family and clan a favor and had just died like you should have all those years ago. Get out of here. Whatever you have to say, I don't want to hear it." And with that Kiba marched back out of the room but Tsume stopped him before he made it too far.

"Kiba, I know how you feel, but please. Let him talk and then he'll leave for good if you want him to. What I told you and what actually happened… Well it wasn't the entire truth." Tsume admitted with a frown.

"What do you mean?" Kiba turned narrowed eyes on his mother.

"Just listen to him, please, pup." Tsume requested quietly.

Kiba took a deep breath and nodded. "Fine, but if I hear one word I don't like, I'm out." He turned back and marched over to the couch and plopped down unceremoniously. "Well. Get talkin'. I'm meeting my teammates in an hour for lunch.

Kiba's father nodded and turned questioning eyes to Tsume.

"Go ahead, Okami. Speak freely. He's your son too, he needs to know. I won't interrupt." Tsume said. Pleased her ex-husband still deferred to her as Alpha 9 years later. Though that was to be expected. Okami may have been at one time the strongest of their clan, but he had always been a Beta. Another mistake that Tsume made. Hopefully they could resolve all these issues and put them to pasture.

Okami took a deep breath. "10 years ago I was assigned as team captain for a tracking team to Hunt down Orochimaru. He had been out of the village for two years at this point, but we finally had a good lead. I tracked him down, my team and I engaged. I was embarrassingly incapacitated as soon as the fight began. When I woke up, I was alone and my entire team was either dead or missing. The trail was gone. I returned to Konoha as a failure."

Kiba growled lowly. "I know this. Everyone knows this. You were so embarrassed you locked yourself away for a month. You and Mom fought every day. You then left and abandoned your village instead of being a fucking MAN and facing your failure head on. You abandoned your family! You abandoned Hana and I!"

Okami shook his head. "That's not what happened Kiba. That's just what Tsume told you and your sister. Yes, I was embarrassed and yes, your mother and I fought. She wanted me to be someone I wasn't and I couldn't handle it on top of my failure."

Tsume spoke up. "You're right, Okami. I did want you to be someone you weren't. I was still new to my seat. I had won the Alpha position a year ago. I was convinced I needed an equally strong Alpha as my mate. You were too passive, too submissive. You did what I asked without so much as a sigh of annoyance. It grated on my nerves. I couldn't have a weak husband, I had to show the clan I was the Alpha without question and that my husband and I were strong enough to protect them." She smiled sadly at Okami.

"It wasn't until I almost lost the relationship with my daughter that it hit me. Our clan needs a strong Alpha, but being a Beta is just as equally important. I nearly pushed Hana away by trying to force her to be more assertive, be more abrasive. I wanted her to be just like me. It hit me then, Hana was your daughter through and through. She's kind and quiet. She loves her clan and is there for everyone. She prefers peace to war, and would happily spend her days at the clinic taking care of animals until she grows old."

"Our clan needs the Hana's just as much as they need the strong leader's like myself and Kiba. There's a balance that must be kept meticulously for the pack to remain harmonious and strong. You, Okami, were the perfect balance to me. YOU kept me calm when the situation called for it. YOU were the silent support I didn't know I needed until I didn't have it anymore. I lost who I was in the struggle to be the strong leader our clan needs. Okami, I'm so sorry for how I treated you. I do not expect you to forgive me, but know that I see you. I see your strength of character. I see that you are needed in our clan just as much as I am."

Tsume bowed her head, causing Kiba to gape and Okami to tense up.

"Do not ever bow your head to me, woman." Okami growled, the first sign of fight he'd shown the entire time. "You bow your head to no one. You are Tsume Inuzuka. Alpha and Clan Head to the proud Inuzuka clan. I never once hated you, I only hated myself for not being able to be the man you needed."

Tsume shook her head. "You were though, you ARE. I need you Okami, more now than ever."

Okami smiled and placed his hand on Tsume's cheek. "We will discuss this later in private. I need to finish talking to Kiba." He said in a low voice causing Tsume to shiver. She nodded then stepped back, granting permission for Okami to continue. Okami turned towards his son.

"9 years ago I abandoned my village, my wife, and my son and daughter, it's true. I did not do it though because I couldn't handle my shame. I did it to gain my honor back. I've been tracking and trailing Orochimaru this entire time. I was recruited by Lord Jiraiya himself to keep tabs on the snake and report my findings. Lord Jiraiya recalled me after the invasion after I tracked Orochimaru to his last known location." Okami reported.

Kiba was shocked. He was still mad, yes, but a mission of that caliber would need to be kept secret. "The only thing I don't understand is what happened on your mission? Why were you the only survivor? You said everyone else was dead or missing. People whispered, they said you conspired with Orochimaru." Kiba asked suspiciously. He wasn't going to just let the bastard off the hook that easily.

"I was betrayed. Orochimaru didn't knock me out, one of my own men did. Orochimaru didn't need to take me alive, he only need blood samples for whatever twisted research he wanted to conduct on our families bloodline." Okami growled out, Anger radiating from him in waves.

Kiba's own anger resonated with his father's. "Speaking of bloodline, did you know I got your curse?! I have it, and have had no one to show me how to even use it!"

Okami's anger faded and he stared at his son with sorrowful eyes. "Your mother told me. I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you. I'm here now though, and it is my one and only goal now to help you master the beast within. Kiba, will you let me train you? I know you can't forgive me over night, but at least let us start over and try to start again?"

Kiba glared at his father for a few more minutes before grunting. "Sure. I was just wondering what I could do to get stronger. My peers all seem to be getting further and further away from me no matter how hard I train."

Okami's brown eyes flashed gold momentarily and he grinned wolfishly. "Then prepare yourself, my son. I will push you harder than you've ever been pushed. When I'm done with you, you will not only have complete control, but you will close that gap and make your own."

Kiba smirked at his father's declaration. Ok, maybe this wouldn't be that bad. Being trained by his clans only S-Rank shinobi had to have its perks, right?

*****************Kiba, Aello will show you the love you deserve. YOU ARE NOT YAMCHA!**********

Naruto Uzumaki

Naruto's critical eyes scanned the scroll he had finally finished. This was his most ambitious project yet; he couldn't afford even single mistake.

"I think… I DID IT!" Naruto cheered in his apartment. He ran to the window and threw it open, letting the fresh breeze finally enter his small apartment. "I DID IT! IT'S DONE!" Naruto screamed out his window, letting the entire village know his success.

"Hey! Shut up! Some of us are trying to sleep!" A random person yelled out angrily.

Naruto blinked, realizing that it was indeed pitch black out. He checked his clock, showing that it was 2 in the morning.

"Welp. Guess I should get some sleep. I'll test this guy out tomorrow!"

Naruto made his way to the bathroom but then turned around sharpyly.

"Yo!" Jiraiya called from Naruto's windowsill. "Mind letting me in?"

Naruto grinned and released the barrier from his window. Jiraiya hopped into the room and his eyes immediately fell on the scroll at Naruto's desk. A gust of wind blew through the small living space and another white-haired man appeared.

Yo!" Kakashi waved.

"Cpt Kakashi, what are you doing here?!" Naruto asked in confusion.

"Oh? Hmmm. That's a good question." And he sat down on Naruto's couch and pulled out a small book.

Naruto waited for the rest of the explanation, but after a minute realized one wasn't coming. He sighed and turned back to Jiraiya. "So. What are YOU doing here, Pervert?"

Jiraiya glared at the boy. "Super-Pervert," he corrected. "Right now, I'm eyeing this seal and figuring out what you plan on using it for. Once I do that, then we can get started on why I originally came here."

"Whatever, I'm going to shower and get ready for bed. You two just… do whatever," Naruto grumbled.

Twenty minutes later Naruto stepped back into the living room, damp hair clinging to his head and dripping down his back still.

"Oh-ho! So that's what you have planned, you little sneak." Jiraiya grinned at the boy. "Too bad you won't be using it any time soon!"

"What?! Why?! I took me weeks to come up with that plan and make the master seal! I will have my revenge!" Naruto snapped in irritation.

"Revenge? On whom?" Kakashi finally spoke up and tore his eyes away from his precious.

"The merchant's guild," Naruto snarled. "They kicked me out of 4 of their stores last month. I'm going to show them why you don't mess with me! I'm sick of them treating me like dirt. I'm a damn Chunin now! Things had been going so well recently too! Kenta hasn't had to threaten anyone with his clan name in months! I don't know what happened?"

Jiraiya snorted. "Nothing you did, kid. Itachi embarrassed them a few weeks ago and they're still salty about it. Ok, you can set this up before we leave."

"Leave? Where are we going? Are we going on a super cool mission?!" Naruto's anger vanished and his excited energy poured off the boy in waves.

"Naruto, before Lord Jiraiya tells you where you're going, explain to me what this seal does. If it's too dangerous, even I can't let you go through with it, even if they deserve it. I have a duty to protect all the citizens, even the shit heads."

"Huh?" Naruto turned his attention back to Kakashi. "You're still here?"

Kakashi's shoulders slumped. "No one loves me anymore."

Naruto laughed and pat him on the back. "It's OK Kakashi, you'll find someone some day! Now, my seal. I place the main matrix in the market. I then place these tags above the entrance to all their shops. Whenever someone enters, the seal will activate and send out a certain pattern of vibrations. When it hits the person, it will irritate their stomach and BAM! Crap their pants." Naruto cackled madly. "Pretty soon, no one will ever want to go into their shops again and they'll go out of business!"

Kakashi sighed. "I don't even. Whatever, I won't be around to hear the backlash. Go for it."

"Hell yeah! Wait, why won't you be around? WAIT!" He whipped back around to Jiraiya. "You! Explain! Where are we going?!"

"Well, I have to get back out on the road. I've been back in Konoha longer than expected. We need information more than ever, so I need to get reports from my contacts, you'll be coming with me."

"Seriously?! That's awesome! Are we going to train?! Yes! I can't wait! I need to get stronger and stronger! I can't become Hokage if I don't get stronger!" Naruto cheered excitedly.

Jiraiya nodded. "We leave in 3 days. Pack what you need and say your goodbyes, we're going to be away for at least 2 years, maybe longer."

Naruto's excitement dimmed at that. "Two years?"

"Probably longer," Jiraiya confirmed.

"Oh. Well then I better get to sleep. I have a lot to do!"

"Again, I'm forgotten." Kakashi's sad voice spoke up.

"Wait, you're still here?" Jiraiya asked.

Kakashi glared at the man. "Yes, Lord Jiraiya. You didn't tell him everything."

Jiraiya scratched his chin in thought. "Nope. Pretty sure that's everything."

"I'M GOING WITH YOU!" Kakashi bellowed in frustration. He cleared his throat and composed himself. "You were there, Jiraiya. Lord Fifth ordered me to accompany you. Your network is too important to put it to the side to dedicate full time training for Naruto. I'll help with that and also provide additional protection."

He then looked Naruto in the eye and gave the first real genuine smile to him. "I owe your dad more than I could ever repay. Politics and my own mental health kept me from being there for you when you were young. I hope to make some of that up with this trip, if you'll let me."

Naruto gazed at his father's last remaining student. Sure, Naruto could be upset. Kakashi should have tried to be there. But Naruto knew that a lot went on behind the scenes than he'd ever know. He also didn't know what the man had been through, but if he was willing to try now, Naruto would open up. Besides… Kakashi was legendary in his own right! He could definitely teach Naruto something.

Naruto held his hand out. "Naruto Uzumaki, Chunin. Pleased ta meetcha."

Kakashi stared at the hand, realizing for what it was. A fresh start. "Kakashi Hatake, Jonin."

"Alright, kid. Bed. Three days, meet at the gate at 0800." Jiraiya interrupted, walking towards the window. Kakashi followed after him.

"Gotcha! Seeya later!" Naruto called out and waved the two men out. Naruto stretched and yawned. He made his way to his bedroom. Three days. In three days he'd start a journey to become stronger than all the kage to come before. Even stronger than his father.

*******************************Plans Plans PLANS***************************************

Kenta Yamanaka

I hugged my blonde idiot tight.

"Be safe. Train your ass off. Ami and I aren't stopping, so you'll officially be removed from Team 11 if you don't keep up." I grinned at Naruto.

He smiled back even wider. "Psh. I'll be taking you both on without trying when I get back. It's you two who better keep up with me!"

Ami shoved me out of the way and grabbed Naruto in a bear hug. She squeeked in surprise but soon was laughing at Naruto's customary hug.

She stepped back and blinked away a few tears. "Time will go fast. We'll be team 11 again in no time. Work hard, Naruto. You two!" She glared at the two older men standing in the back. "If Naruto so much as gets a scratch on him because you two were goofing off, you'll be my new test subjects for my poisons, got it?"

Both men shook their heads vigorously. Neither men wanting to test Mini-Anko over there.

Naruto laughed and stepped back. "Well, it's time. I'll write to you guys when I can! But don't give away any training! I want to be completely surprised by what you guys can do when I get back, k?"

Ami and I agreed. Naruto gave us another quick hug and then took off after the Sannin and Jonin who had just passed through the gate.

"Welp. Let's go see Lord Fifth. We're still doing this, right?" I asked Ami.

"Yes. It will be the best way to get stronger and experience. I'm excited. Anko is out on a mission for the next few months anyway, so doing it now will open up my schedule for training when she returns." Ami replied.

We flashed away from the gate, both sad to see our friend go but happy he was getting the training he needed.

********************************Ending COMING UP*************************************

"You two are sure? Your paperwork is complete and has been approved. This is your last chance. Once you commit, it's until I decide you're done." Lord Fifth told us seriously.

Ami and I glanced at each other and smirked. "I'm ready" we said simultaneously.

I froze, a hand landing on my shoulder.

'He literally appeared from thin air. I couldn't sense him until I felt his hand on my shoulder. Who is this? He's dangerous' I thought to myself with a chill.

"Glad you two didn't back down. You've passed your first test. Only a dozen more to go." A gravely voice sounded behind me. "I'm ANBU Commander Bear. Let me be the first to welcome you into the shadow ranks." His hand vanished and Ami and I turned to face the man. "You have three months, children, to prove you belong among the elite. Three months. Welcome to ANBU, hope you last longer than the others.


I've been planning Ch1 for Part 2 for days now so getting the focus to finish this chapter was a nightmare, but I did it!

So a few things:

Part 2 will be a NEW STORY. I will post a tiny little chapter at the time of posting new chapter to remind you.


I'm super disappointed in you all! Shame on you! Just kidding, but for real, not a SINGLE person has mentioned the SEAL THAT KORINNA PLACE ON KENTA'S SOUL?!

It's been working this entire time, but even Kenta doesn't realize it. Can any of you guess what it does? If you can, you get the honor of naming my next OC for a story I'll be writing after Kenta's finishes.

With that, I'll see you all in Part 2! Thanks once again for your support the last 2.5 months. Here's to many more!

This in not my book BUT I have asked for permission from the author but he still hasn't replied if anyone can get in touch with him let him know if he wants me to I can remove it from here

go check out the book at https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13466952/2/Reincarnation-How-Absurd-The-Story-of-Kenta-Yamanaka-Book-1


SDIVADcreators' thoughts