
You Just Did It To Scratch An Itch?

After the incident with Merlin, Morgaine invited William to come with her to the villa that was located in the eastern side of the city.

Since the Half-Elf had nothing better to do he decided to accept her invitation.

'Right now my priority should be to gather information,' William thought as he flew behind the owl that was slowly descending towards the ground. 'Might as well see what this enchantress is planning.'

Morgaine returned to her original form after she landed near the gate of a residence. 

The black-haired teenager looked at the villa with a curious gaze. He was confident that he hadn't been to this place before. But, since he didn't feel any evil intentions from the beautiful sorceress who had once been his mother, he decided to trust her once and accept her invitation.

As soon as they entered the gates, the sound of a determined shout reached both of their ears.