
Reincarnated with my friends(DROPPED)

I knew I shouldn't have went on that damn school trip I F-ING died but hey atleast I get to reincarnate with my two best friends

ShaggyJoestar69 · 漫画同人
52 Chs

Second Week(Part 2)

Jordaine:"Finally it's my turn to fight" wearing his armour the Boosted Gear Scail Mail X without the helmet ,he was sitting on the bench not too far from the arena with the black turtle team Hinata was also wearing her armour the Divine Dividing Scale Mail

Gion Lu:"I was thinking of sending Gion San first"

Jordaine:"Sure why not you are the team leader" The Pheonix Emperor called for both fighters to come to ring

It was an disciple from the Crouching Monkey sect he was carrying a bow staff he had wild blonde hair and

Both were at martial disciple only Gion San was a higher by minor realm without a word the Crouching Monkey sect disciple sent sent multiple thrust at Gion San powerful wind martial energy shots were sent towards Gion San, he wasn't strong enough to use actual shockwaves so he's trying to replicate it with wind he'll need to be atleast the fifth level of martial master to do that

Gion San couldn't do nothing he was hit by all attack and was knocked down , people began to cheer and a the Crouching Monkey sect disciple had a smirk on his face

But it was wiped off his face as a fist came out of nowhere and planted itself into his face sending him flying but he managed to recover in almost being thrown out of the ring

Both of Gion San's fist was covered in a dark aura it was a martial arts technique unique to the Gion family the -

Gion San:"Black turtle style - Tidal Wave !" A Large amount of black martial energy shot out of Gion San's fist

???:"Great Monkey King Array" A golden array shot up from the disciples staff and crashed into the array cracks started to form , but the attack didn't breakthrough,but the disciple's arms were shaking from the shock

Using her Tenseigan Hinata discovered that the disciples arm had many fractures

Hinata:"He has alot of fractures in his arm if he doesn't forfeit he might break his arms!"

Jordaine:"I see but will he recover " Gion San and Siku Tangmin perked up and started to listen in on the conversation

Hinata:"No but recovering might take months and if he continues with the fight his arms might be crippled permanently" This was from Hinata's study of medical jutsu she was even better than Tsunade.Luckily the disciple forfeit and was now currently seeking medical attention

The next to go up was Siku Tangmin he had a fight with an elder they were even they're spear and bo - staff jabs were very fast, counters were being thrown around like hot cakes ,both immediately got bored and integrated with they're demon spirits they've both ended the fight with a martial energy thrust at each other which proceeded to knock both out of the ring

Hinata then went up in her armour while a young man wearing golden robes came up he had an arrogant look on his face

???:"Why hello there beauty my name is Bingmu Shing an inner disciple of the Crouching Monkey sect but you already know who I am!" A loud cheer of girls from an a part of the stadium they had banners and everything

Jordaine:"Eh! Seriously why don't I have my own cheer squad" In his shadow a soldier said

Random Shadow Soldier:(Master we can be your cheer squad)

Jordaine:(Oh yeah I forgot) Jordaine then went got up and told Gion Lu he was going to the bathroom and left

Bingmu Shing:"Why don't you and I have a cup of tea later on" he said trying to give a rose to Hinata. She however..... was pissed ,she equipped her helmet and immediately dashed towards the arrogant and punched him in the face but she held back...alot he was then knocked into the ground losing a few teeth completely knocked out

As that happened a large group of people who had banners with Hinata's name and face even headbands was cheering for Hinata

Jordaine and Xian Yue was at the front of them with a flag of Hinata's face and name on it as well and he was waving it around while chanting her name

Random normy:"Where did those people come from?"

Hinata ran towards them and hug them both it was a wholesome scene then the pheonix emperor called for the next fighters which was the Gion Lu an a another elder .The elder was able to hold his own for a bit it was when Gion Lu integrated with his demon spirit a black turtle which was the coolest turtle Jordaine has ever seen Gion Lu immediately ended the battle there

Jordaine:"Alright it's my turn to go up !" said Jordaine pumped he was wanting to go fight for a long time now

He went and he saw a muscular man with a beard he had wild black hair and red eyes he had a bow staff he was fourth immortal level he had a arrogant smile on his face even more so than Bingmu Shing

???:"Brat you better give up and leave are this daddy here will go easy on you!"

Jordaine:"Yo have even seen my cultivation?" Asked Jordaine incredulously

???:"You think this sect lord will be fooled I know you've faked your cultivation are why would your so called brothers fight like the way they were!"

Jordaine:"We were simply holding back we like to enjoy our fights....well Jeffery and I do!"

???:"Enough talk I Bingmu Xintainglin will show everyone here how much of a fool you are!"

Jordaine removed his armour which suprised the crowd head and his arms hanged low he looked towards Bingmu Xintainglin his eyes looked hollow and dark like void itself his face expressionless

Jordaine:"You want me to show my real strength so be it"

Bingmu Xintainglin:"*Hmph!* Fool you think you can intimidate me ,you should just hand over those two beauty's you were hugging a second ago , they would make fine breeding cows!"

The arena was deathly silent everyone on this world had heighten senses and stronger physical bodies, not only that they have higher genetic limits due to martial energy this also affects mortals to some extent so everyone was able to hear what Bingmu Xintainglin just said

Ajani:"That is a dead man"

Jordaine however was thinking how shit his luck is to keep on running into these young master bastards, not only that he ran into an sect lord with with a young master syndrome

At first Jordaine was gonna scare him with some of his aura but now he was going to kill him for badmouthing his lovers. A huge amount of power shot out out of Jordaine like a volcanoe erupting his aura was pitch black with red and purple in it ,orange flames could be seen coming out of it as well space and time around him was literally cracking the gravity in the became demonic energy holy energy, mana, ki ,furyoku and and true martial energy(this is what they call the fusion of martial energy and chakra)

Jordaine:"Devil trigger" muttered Jordaine as he two huge horns that curved outwards could be seen 40 demonic wings came out of his back his eyes were now ten each having his orange Rinne-sharingan in it .His appearance was still covered in darkness but his ten glowing eyes was seems as if they could pierce the soul

Jordaine slowly lift his hand and sword made shadows and demonic mana was made in he started to walk slowly towards Bingmu Xintainglin who was scared so much he literally shit and pissed himself on reflex he integrated with his demon spirit a Gold Flame Ape an extremely powerful demon beast for this it was about five tails the maximum demon beast will ever reach on this planet

He took out a staff with a golden dragon on it it had golden bands at both ends of it the staff it self was red. Bingmu Xintainglin thrust it at Jordaine who simply blocked them with a flick of his finger shockwaves could be heard with each thrust ,getting tired of his continuos onslaught Jordaine was then going to finally kill him

Jordaine:"Dragonic Sword Style - Demon God Dragon Withering Roar!" A huge black demonic looking eastern dragon appeared as Jordaine swung his hand it roared and flew right towards Bingmu Xintainglin

However his blade was blocked by none other than Ajani he was holding an extremely powerful holy sword

Ajani:"Jordaine calm down I'm not going to let disqualified because of some fool you don't have to kill him now there's a time and place for everything" Looking at his brother Jordaine sighed and exited his devil trigger

Jordaine:"Thanks bro I should really learn to control my anger more" said Jordaine with a teethy grin

Ajani:"No problem I'm here to keep you and Jeffery in check one of needs to have a level head" After saying that he walked out of the ring

Walking over to the quivering mess that Bingmu Xintainglin the man stunk of piss and shit he was pale white and his hair turned grey he looked liked he has seen a ghost the man was in a fetal position muttering demon over and over

Bingmu Xintainglin:"Demon he's a demon,a demon ,a demon,a demon,a demon,a demon,a demon,a demon,a demon,a demon,a demon,a demon,a demon"

Jordaine:"Oi old man leave" seeing Jordaine he scurried off franticly even left his staff Jordaine however picks it up and sees a formation on it , he won't be returning it

With everyone else they were too stunned the people in the audience were scared and as Jordaine's left with Hinata ,Xian Yue and his shadow soldiers who were in genjutsu to look normal the people started murmuring

???:"By God's that's the true strength of God realm"

???:"Such power and to think there's six of those monsters in this tournament!"

???:"What did you say I couldn't hear you over the sound of me shitting myself ?!"

Issei in the stands couldn't help but sigh he really need to catch up to these guys somehow was what he thought

Back in pheonix manor it's been two hours since the fight and some now have legitimate fear of the Gold D brothers some sects were lucky they didn't anger him or else while Jordaine was having some as repayment for him defending them in the part of the white combatants

In his room Zuisheng Ling was breathing hard with crazed yet lust full look in his eyes he was stroking his member

Zuisheng Ling:"Yes yes such power I need it ,I NEED IT I LOVE IT !!!" While a shadow was watching it was a shinobi so no one should be able to find it

Lying in his bed with Hinata and Xian Yue looking through the eyes of his shadow

Jordaine:"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" yelled the saiyan Naphalem hybrid

[Shaggy Joestar here I want to show you picture of characters from novel here's Jordaine are well me just check the paragraph comments]