
Chapter 90

The next morning after breakfast Cain decides it's time to go back to the Beastkin dungeon. Dimnys plans to stay here in town and talk shop with the blacksmiths, but Kone wants to come along and see if they can get to a hundred forms of Beastkin and upgrade Nemu. Vala became a better fighter, with a doubled intensity damage increase aura. But Nemu is a bard, and none of them are sure what will happen if she evolves.

Dimnys and Ragnar are out in a hurry, off to discuss something smithy related. Dimnys has a few techniques and materials not available here, and Ragnar thinks it will be well received by the others.

Kone has developed a theory that the design of Companions is a much desire as requirement. After all, just look at the ones Cain has gotten so far. Demons and Felians, but both beautiful women. So her theory is that if she focuses hard enough during the transition to a Greatest Beastkin Companion, she can influence the process to give Nemu an even fluffier tail.