
Chapter 347

Cain calls a copy of all his Companions into the bedroom to see if they've undergone any drastic change with the change in quality. 

Vala and Laura look the same but give off an aura of incredible power just standing around the room. If Cain didn't know better, he would think they were a form of demigod. But at Mythic Quality, and having just gained the status of awakened, the demigod level is likely still far beyond them. 

Nila looks similar, but her sailor's garb has more jewelry, while Evangeline looks precisely like she did yesterday. 

The only one with a significant visual change is Nemu, who is currently in a more human Neko form and now wears an elegant pink silk Kimono with white flowers. There are more layers underneath, and it looks pretty restrictive, but Nemu moves with effortless grace.