
Chapter 173 Welcoming Carlos

The frozen age thing has again misled Cain. He thought that Odin was a mere boy, still in his teenage years. But if he's got nieces about to graduate university as first advancement Holy Clerics, he can't possibly be that young. In fact, he's likely been holding in that grudge against Carlos for well over a decade. 

[He should fit right in. Funny, morally questionable, loyal to the one he cares about.] Kone sends in Guild Chat. 

[Did we find a new friend?] Cixelcid asks. 

[Yeah, a Vampire Barbarian that got a Duke's daughter pregnant. Twice. Kicked from his Guild for breaking a table over the Guild master's head, and because said daughter is the Guild master's little sister.] Misha adds. 

[Well, he's brave, I'll give him that.] Cixelcid responds. 

[Aren't we collecting a lot of Vampires though? Get a cute gnome for me to cuddle.] Char adds. 

[Yeah, get the cute gnome too.] Kone chimes in and Cain tunes out the message notifications.