
Two Sisters, Two Emotions

Chapter 7 | Two Sister, Two Emotions |


Papa was probably awestruck by my flashy entrance, if there's one thing I've learnt from my time of being the Demon Empress at school, it's that a flashy entrance carries all of the charisma. The way I just entered probably only just fills the minimum requirements for a flashy entrance that could increase my chances of persuading Papa.

"Papa, I demand that you uplift this ban and allow me to practice fighting with you!"

"C-Could you repeat that please Dear?"

Huh, why is Papa asking me to repeat myself? Was the entrance too powerful, it make him unable to hear them properly?

"I-I demand that you uplift this ban you have placed upon me!"

"My daughter."

Father stood up with a serious expression and slammed his hands on the dining table causing the table to shake so much that a couple of wine glasses and plates fell off of it, shattering all over the floor.

"I-I can't believe-"

"My sweet little Tomoe!!"

Mama was like a bolt of lightning, jumping out of her seat and instantly attaching herself to me and was rubbing her cheeks against mine, I can feel my face heating up, the feeling of her soft skin and fluffy ears was akin to being rubbed by a fluffy rabbit.

"Awww, c'mon! I was going to do that!"

I heard Papa yell from his spot at the dining table, not even a second later and he was all over me as well, doing the exact same thing that Mama was.

"G-Get off! I said lift this ban!"

"Yes, yes Tomoe~ You can fight whenever you wish~"

Papa had lifted me up into the air and was twirling around in circles.

"I-I can?!"

"Yes, yes~"


See, when I said that your entrance is everything when it comes to persuading someone, I was right.

"We're so proud of you Tomoe~"

"Y-You are? What for?"

Papa stopped spinning me around and handed me over to Mama.

"That you've learnt all by your self that an extravagant entrance is the key to winning any argument~"

"Y-You knew that that was a thing?"

How could they have known? I was the one that practically invented flashy entrances that win people over. Sometimes, back on Earth, I would win arguments just by stepping into the room.

"What are you talking about? I am the one that invented and mastered the art of kicking back doors to get what I want."

Mama was beaming at me proudly, I couldn't help but find it ironic, since I'm the one that invented door kicking.

"Umm, no you are not. I'm the one that mastered and came up with it first."

This time papa was getting in on it as well, claiming that he was the founder of the Tomoe Kuro kicking down door style. In fact I found it funny that they were even arguing over this, it just goes to show how much they care about me.

"It totally comes from me, I mastered it first so it's only natural that it would be passed on from me to her."

"Nah uh, I mastered it first remember? After I managed to win over the heart of that human princess and completely take over the human realm while using her as a catalyst."

"I think we're going to have to agree to disagree that you aren't actually the one tha-"

"Pfft... Ha ha!"

Ha ha, this is so funny to listen to, since I know that I'm the one who actually founded the style. Well, in order stop these two from creating a divide I'll have to compromise.

"What's wrong Tomoe dear? Are you feeling alright?"

"Y-Yes, he he"

"Then why are you laughing? We're having a serious discussion here."

"Well Papa, I was just thinking, couldn't we all be the creators of the style?"

Mama and Papa stopped their quarreling. Both of them seem to be thinking hard, they must be seriously considering my question.

I asked, sounding as innocent as I could make myself sound, and if you ask me, I did pretty well.

"Y-Yeah, I guess we could, why not?"

"Of course we can darling~"

In the end, all of us burst out laughing at our own stupidity, but it was mostly on my parents part. I also got what I came for, I successfully managed to get father to remove this ban preventing me from fighting or learning how to fight. Fighting huh? Reminds me of those times I got into little scuffles


Third Person POV:

"How's everything coming along Michael?"

Sitting on the roof of the Kobe port tower in the dark of night was God, he was happily observing the going on's of the Yakuza now that they have declared war on the Mafia and have been making allies of neighboring gangs from different cities all across Japan.

"Just swimmingly sir."

"Good, good. Now all we do is wait for her to initiate 'That'"

"Yes sir, she should give the signal any time now."

The reason God is sitting on a roof is because Akira is supposed to be leading an assault on the Mafia's main base. Since she is leading the assault she had to survive no matter what, but that was already more than guaranteed because the archangels had already given her divine protection, a little bit more than what Tomoe had asked for.


A loud shout could be heard in the far off distance, it could be heard everywhere, almost as if it was being amplified the further it traveled.

"That's the signal boss man, it has begun."

"Good, now all we do is watch over this battle and make sure nothing goes astray."

"Got it big man, I'll let the others know. Good luck boss."

God hung up the phone and set it down beside him, taking out a juice box from his pocket and undoing the stray, stabbing it through the little tab and taking a sip through the straw.

"This'll be entertaining to watch."


Akira's POV:


These bastards, after they murdered my sister I made sure no one would survive. Anyone who gets in my way will suffer an inevitable fate.

"Shit! It's the Yakuza! Sound the alarm!"

Two of the guards were just about to warn their buddies, but luckily our backup got to them quickly.

"Thanks for that."

Giving your thanks is just as important as keeping yourself well fed and hydrated, not only does it keep you up and running, it also brings you flavour or satisfaction.

"Anytime, we'll keep these guys silent until you get in."

"Good, we're almost in anyway."

This is the first time I've used a radio in an actual combat situation since Tomoe never let me get into these situations in the first place... I can see why she always tried to keep me out of these kinds of situation, they are definitely one pain in the ass. But I swear, every single person in this compound will die tonight, especially that bastards wife and son.

"Akira, we've managed to get the gate open!"

"Good, everyone charge!!"


This wonderful earsplitting battlecry is music to my ears, no soap opera can get better than this. Since our force is about 3 thousand strong against maybe, barely 1 thousand, it must sound completely terrifying to them.


"Let's get out of here!"

"Ah, Ah, Ah. You boys aren't going anywhere!"

Yes! This is it, the revenge that I've been seeking! This den of rats deserves to burn down! After what they did to my sister and my home, no one is making it out alive!

"Move on to the interior!"

"""Yes Ma'am!"""

The sound of swords clashing and guns being fired was drowning out the sound of screams coming from the members of the Mafia. I ran right through their front door, cutting down anyone who got in my way. Spinning and twisting, hacking and slashing, I only needed these movements to make it through, I didn't even need to get serious. The last guy in my way was frantically banging on the door, yelling at the people on the other side to let him in. I approached him with a look void of all emotions except hatred.

"P-Please, spare my life! I-I have a wife and a kid!"

"You should've stayed at home with them then."

I raised my katana up and slashed at the pathetic excuse for a man, he was begging and pleading for his life while crawling along the ground, slowly backing himself up against the door."

"P-Preash! Imsho showwy!!" (Translation: P-Please! I'm so sorry!)

"Hey Erin."

I turned around to face my friend Erin, who Tomoe and I were close to. He was the only other friend who shared my grief, no one else at school cried or wept, in fact most of them were happy to hear that she had passed away. But after this is over and done with, I'm going after them as well, the ones that belittled and made fun of her after she had passed.


I wonder why Erin is frightened, maybe this is his first time killing someone, or maybe that isn't a look of fright and is a look of disgust, he must be disgusted at the presence of these squashed, unsightly rodents.

"Isn't it funny? A dead man is somehow apologising."

I stabbed the cowering rat right through its heart, my katana penetrating the door as well as it's body.

"Shall we?"

I asked Erin, he still has that same look on his face, but it seems to have gotten worse, maybe this rate was exceptionally ugly.


"Fine, I'll go in first."

While our main force was still fighting in the courtyard, I was waltzing in through the front door of their house. The moment I opened the door I was met with the most beautiful sight that I had ever seen, if I could take a picture, frame it and hang it up on my wall I would, but unfortunately I don't have a camera so I'd probably have to paint the picture in blood.

"Oh boy, I've waited three, long years to be able to do this to you. You don't know how much goddamned trouble I've been through just to get to you, your place is really fancy you know? Wouldn't it be a pity if it was all to disappear. Just. Like. That?"

I laid my eyes upon a cowardly dog, a cowardly dog that was trembling beautifully while pointing a skinny bladed rapier at me. He was crying his eyes out, tears running down his cheeks with a face full of mucus, he looks like he's just met with the grim reaper herself.

"S-Stay away! I-I don't want t-to hurt you!"

What is this?! This is a masterpiece!! It's as if Van Gough had designed this portrait just for me!

"Oh no, oh no. I'm afraid that's not going to happen, if anything, you're the one that's going to get hurt. I'll pay you back for the amount of pain you, your mother and your father have put me through!"

"N-No, I can understand f-father, but why me and my mother?!"

"Because you are the offspring of that Bastard and that bastards wife! And your mother also happens to be My mother, who decided to run off and abandon my father to live with some westerner prick who killed my sister!! So I'm really going to enjoy venting some steam here, and you're going to be the one to bare the brunt of it. Oh but you don't have to be the only one, tell me where mother is and you can both share the pain."

I'm about to blow my top, I can't wait anymore! This guy and his mother both deserve to feel the pain that I did after mother ran away and after Tomoe was shot. They both need to experience this pain that I have been harbouring for so long now.

"Pfft, Hahaha! You really are stupid aren't you?"

"What're you saying now you brat?"

"I'm saying that you were to focused on getting into here that you didn't even realise that mother has already left for America!"

"What did you just say?"

"She went to America! So there really wasn't any point in you coming here."

This guy really thinks he has it all sorted out, doesn't he?

"Say that again, I dare you."

"You are. So stupid. You didn't even realise. Mother had left."

That's it, he's blown my top and I can't keep it in anymore.

"You're an idiot you stupid brat."


Erin's words seemed to strike fear into the boy, because Erin's words seemed to make him understand.

"Well, since your mother isn't here. You're just going to have to bare the pain for the both of you."

"N-No! Please"

No one was there to help him and no one in the room could stop me, what was about to happen to the boy was inevitable and no one was complaining, or more like they couldn't complain, because he deserved it.