
Magic and... Fence?

It has almost been a week since my birthday. I may just seven years old but that means I'm getting closer to the ages of the characters in the visual novel game I played. Though I barely have any information about it, another year of living as a wandering side character in this world with little to no conflict is impressive.

Good, good. I just have to stay safe and live my life here happily.

Speaking of the visual novel, the nightmare-like dreams I had seemed to make much more sense. Most of them are my memories of my past life, according to my observations so far. I wrote a lot of it down in my journal and I could say that I'm having a good amount of progress being a detective of my past life.

According to the dreams I had, it wasn't clear what my age was when I died but my past self really enjoyed playing games, watching, and reading things I couldn't understand but felt familiar with. One of the games that I played was the setting of this world, it's mysterious how such a thing is possible.

The dream that was still fresh on my mind was about the visual novel's plot. It started around the teenage days of the heroine when she just transferred into an academy. What happened during her stay there wasn't clear at all, though my memories pointed out that the story focused mainly on romance and perhaps drama?

The romance was a bit confusing since the game had routes and choices to get the favor of the capture target. I'm not sure how that'll work now since I can't imagine letting guys talk to Helen… they can try but I doubt they'll succeed. After all, I'm already too attached to my sister; it even surprised me.

"Young Lady Alianne, it's time for breakfast," Rachel informed me after bowing. I already told her countless times to stop bowing but she'd never listened so I simply sighed. "Young Lady seems to enjoy writing in your journal."

"W-well, of course. I want to be able to read and write properly even at a young age.��� I chuckled nervously. Before she could add anything more, I closed and kept my journal to my bedside cabinet. "I almost forgot, good morning, Rachel!"

My caretaker was quiet but the small smile on her face was more than enough. A year had passed since I started to write in my journal and ask Rachel about anything I could think of. I'm glad to have her by my side, truthfully answering even if it's very suspicious for a child to be wary of the most random things.

"Let's head to the dining room now."

"As you wish, Young Lady."

When we arrived, I was met with my father and my sister already in their seats. I would usually avoid getting late as much as possible since Father would always be in a bad mood whenever it happens, but recently he's only indifferent. It's a good thing but at the same time, I couldn't help but worry if he's testing me or something.

"Big sis, good morning!" Helen gave me a sleepy smile. The way she swayed her legs made me think of how enthusiastic my sister can be even if she still seems sleepy. I smiled back before taking a seat next to her.

"Good morning, Helen and Father. I'm sorry I'm a bit late." I yawned and rubbed my right eye a bit.

"Good morning." Father monotonously spoke. If I didn't know any better, I'd think he's just being cold as usual but the slight curve at the corner of his lip said otherwise. Aah, Father really is being more affectionate it makes my heart warm.

Our breakfast ended quickly yet it was still comfortable and lively. Of course, it's rude to talk loudly while eating so we just had a few small talks. That made me feel happy though, seeing Father and Helen getting along with me felt special.

I hope Mom is proud of us… no, I'm sure of it.

I closed my eyes and smiled to myself as I asked Rachel to help me prepare for today's lessons. My teacher, Panella Plinuet, always seemed to arrive earlier than I would expect. It's a pain but I guess I should've expected it from the start.

"Good morning, Miss Plineut." I held the side of my dress before giving her a bow. "This student of yours has been waiting for you eagerly." Courtesy made me want to puke my guts out but now it comes out naturally even I'm shocked of myself.

"Good morning to you as well, Lady Alianne. Your posture, speech, and expression seem to have gotten better."

I give my teacher a polite smile, "Miss Plineut's teachings shaped me to become better day by day."

Per usual, my etiquette lessons started with a discussion. After a year of studying basic manners, aristocratic life, and other topics related to one's character, I gained more understanding of this world. Not exactly this world as a whole but I guess the world of nobility.

This includes the limitations of being born as a woman. Though this nation isn't as uptight as other countries, I still can't deny that women are seen as inferior in this era. My memories as an adult in modern life may be blurry but the glimpse I have through my dreams was drastically different from this world.

Even the speech and fashion style from my past life were nothing close to what this world has. Now that I've been aware of it, it makes me even more curious why I'm living in this place. I know that I'll never have answers to all of my questions so I'll simply try to keep searching for more possibilities instead of focusing on a conclusion I doubt I'll ever get.

My manner of speaking sounds more adult-like nowadays... or at least the voice in my head does.

"Thank you for your time and attention, Lady Alianne. I shall now take my leave."

"The lessons today are informative as always, Miss Plinuet. I hope you have a safe trip and a good day."

"Hmm, I hope you apply my teachings not only when talking to me but everyone around you as well." My teacher spoke with a stern look. "That aside, have a good day as well." I bit my lip from letting out a relieved smile.

After our final exchange of pleasantries for today, I pushed the books aside and buried my face on the table. The groan I've been suppressing for a while now soon came out and didn't bother if it was not lady-like at all. I may be used to it but I would be lying if I said that I'm completely fine.

Honestly, I'm just glad my class for today is over.

"Young Lady, your magic teacher has now reached the main gates."

...Ah great, I forgot I have another teacher to teach me magic. Surprisingly, his subject is not only magic, but he's also a smart scholar that would teach me maths and science. Magic and science only seem to clash and that's why they're usually separated but my magic teacher would only laugh at such a thing.

The sound of horses galloping and stopping was more than enough proof that he's waiting for me at the door. Sighing, I got up from my seat and walked beside Rachel.

"Good morning, Sir Benyaire Klanforn." I gave him my usual bow and business smile. "I've completed the task you asked of me yesterday."

Unlike Miss Plineut, this man was much older and wore the wise eyes of an elder. I suppose I can say he's around his late 50's but is still willing to be a busy teacher; it's admirable in a sense. "Good, so you've gained a bit more control over your magic?"

The question made me freeze but I soon nodded. The reason I'm giving it my all in magic is to save myself and others in case the plot would only lead to a bad ending, but after realizing the instability between my control over my magic and emotions, I have another reason to pay more attention to my studies.

If that random child didn't stop me in time then I would've caused a scene on my birthday. I've been training control over my magic by myself since then. This way, I would learn more about my magic and also perform better in my studies.

It was around two months ago when Father told me that it was time to hire a teacher. Magic teachers are also very important because not only do they help improve the person's ability but they are also the ones who can tell what kind of power the person possesses.

Usually, a person can only be born with a certain amount of mana. A spirit would evaluate the person's mana and consider other factors before granting them their power. Since spirits like to remain anonymous, the only way to tell if a person has been gifted is to have confirmation by a magician.

Magic is a gift from above and a person born with it is so rare that they're considered to be geniuses that'll be the future of magicians. I'm not surprised if my younger sister belongs to that category. As for me, my mana is average and the magic granted to me was "physical enhancement."

It's a common type of magic that knights usually have that's why they're accepted as warriors. The odd thing is… I'm a girl and I'm not quite sure how I'll be able to use this in the future. When I almost used my magic on those children, I raised my hand and almost ran towards them to land a punch that might throw them to the ground hard.

Such a manly power… should I use this so I could practice swordsmanship? The thought of it made me grin.

"I hope you're focused on our lesson, Young Lady Flaine. You've been smiling and mumbling to yourself for a while now." Sir Benyaire gave me a smile that I'm sure had a lot of meanings that I don't like.

"Y-yes, Sir Benyaire."

"So when was the Magic Academy of Elyron founded?"

"Err… a couple of hundred years ago?"

"...Please pay more attention." I sighed in defeat.

The lessons ended a bit earlier than I expected. But wherever, this gives me more time to enjoy my day with my sister! As I ran outside and made my way to the garden, I could only think about the amount of fun Helen and I could have. I'm tired but the sight of my sister always made me feel relaxed.

My eyes soon saw the familiar figure. "Helen," I exclaimed with a smile as I ran faster towards my sister. "Your Big sis is finally done with her lessons! Let's go inside and drink some tea together-" I stopped when I realized that something was off.

Helen would usually greet me as soon as possible but right now she wasn't even looking at me; her gaze and smile were facing the other direction. I slowly looked over her and noticed that she was talking with someone on the other side of the fence. My heart wavered for a bit when I saw the person smiling back at her timidly.

Wait, wait, wait. She's talking with a boy? Who the hell is he and how did he get here?

"Hey!" I stepped in between them and stared directly into the boy's eyes. "You do know you're trespassing our territory." He's technically outside the fence but still! "Explain yourself before I call the guards." His brown eyes looked back at me with shock. "I'm asking you a question, kid. If you don't want me to tell this to my father, Viscount Flaine, then you better tell me who you ar-"

"Big sis, calm down! I...I'm the one who approached him first." Helen hurriedly spoke as she grabbed onto my arm. "I'm sorry, if there's anyone who's going to get in trouble then it's me… I just saw him outside the garden wandering around and asking if this is the Flaine household."

What? Why'd this shady looking redhead ask such a thing? "With how things worked out… you told him that this is indeed our place, correct?"


I wanted to get angry at how reckless my sister is but she's still a kid and the adult in charge of her is at fault here. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I sighed deeply before glaring at the boy. He wore a messenger cap, plain long sleeved shirt and pants, and suspenders... is this child a commoner?

Why would a commoner be right in front of our mansion, wandering around and looking for this place?

"You." I squinted my eyes at the boy as he tried his best to avoid my gaze. "Who are you and why are you looking for us?" After this, I'll definitely run to June and scold her for not paying attention to the lady she serves!

"..." The kid was silent for a bit and covered his face with his cap. "I...I'm Vince. I came here looking for my cousin."


Helen nodded meekly. "Vince said he's Ramon's cousin... " Huh, so that's why this child seems familiar. But even so, this doesn't change the fact that he could be lying and he's a spy sent to assassinate my sister or something!

Am I overreacting? It's not my fault that I am, this whole situation is concerning!

"Helen..." I mumbled with the deepest tone I could. "Find Rachel near the patio, I'm sure she's there. Tell her to get Ramon and June to get over here, don't explain anything just say it's an order from me. As for this boy..."

The redhead kid audibly gulped.

"You're staying here with me until the adults come. If you are his cousin then that's good, but you're still suspicious. If you're not then..." I leaned closer to the fence, slipping my thin arm and grabbing his collar. "I wish you the best of luck."

"I… I can prove my innocence!"

"Good, good. But if you turn out to be guilty then I'll make sure you never get near this place ever again."

His brown eyes shook for a moment but he nodded at me with confidence.

I'll update another chapter very soon!

raveinyohousecreators' thoughts