
Reincarnated Mafia Boss: Heroes Academy?

In a world where heroes and villains are shaped by powerful, game-like systems, Marcus Von Ricci—formerly the weak and bullied Marcus Leviathan—has embraced his dark, manipulative nature. Reincarnated with memories of his mafia past, Marcus quickly adapts to the academy's cutthroat environment, determined to rise through the ranks while maintaining the facade of a hero. With a Hero System guiding him, Marcus secretly steers himself down a selfish path, choosing power and chaos over noble ideals. He manipulates his classmates, allies, and even his lover, Sally Rosenthawn, who is unknowingly entangled in his schemes. Sally, once weak and overlooked, has become consumed by her own Villain System, drawing her deeper into darkness while remaining blindly devoted to Marcus. As the academy prepares students for a demon-infested world, Marcus and Sally's relationship becomes a twisted game of control and obsession. Marcus continues to manipulate events from the shadows, challenging top students and expanding his infamous reputation, while Sally struggles with the evil nature of her system. Unaware of her true role in Marcus's plans, she grows more powerful but also more unhinged, especially when left without his influence. The academy’s trials force them to grow stronger, with mutated monsters, rival students, and system-driven challenges testing their limits. As Marcus toys with the notion of heroism, his true goal remains dominance over those around him, while Sally’s desperation for his affection leads her further into the abyss. In this world of evolving systems and dangerous magic, Marcus and Sally must navigate their own ambitions and identities. As the line between hero and villain blurs, their bond strengthens, but so too does the darkness that threatens to consume them both. Will Marcus continue to play the hero, or will his true nature lead him and Sally down a path from which there is no return?

TurtleMaster6319 · 奇幻
26 Chs

Shadow of Reputation

As the evening settled in, Sally found herself once again in Marcus's room. The warmth from the previous day's date still lingered, and she couldn't shake the memories of their time together. The lingering affection from their outing had created an undeniable tension between them.

Sally, feeling bold and emboldened by their growing closeness, decided to test her allure. She moved closer to Marcus, who was lounging on the bed, and with a playful glint in her eye, she gently nibbled on his ear. The sensation made Marcus shiver, and he turned toward her, eyes widening in surprise at her daring move.

Before Sally could react, Marcus's surprise melted into passion. He grasped her gently but firmly, pulling her close and pressing his lips to hers in a fervent kiss. The kiss was electric, filled with the heat of their shared desire. Sally responded eagerly, her initial surprise giving way to a deep, passionate connection.

With a soft moan, Sally found herself on top of Marcus. The world outside seemed to disappear as they became lost in each other. The intensity of their emotions and the closeness of their bodies led them to make love with a fervor that matched the passion of their kiss.

The next morning, the room was a chaotic blend of scattered bedsheets and clothes. Sally lay in bed, a contented smile on her face as she daydreamed about the previous night. The warmth of their shared moments lingered in her mind, making her cheeks flush with a mixture of happiness and lingering arousal.

Unfortunately, the intensity of their night left its mark. Sally had caught a cold, a fact evidenced by the snot running down her nose and her drooling smile as she reminisced about their time together. She was naked, wrapped in bedsheets that had been carelessly strewn across the floor.

Marcus, still half-asleep, glanced over at Sally with a bemused smile. Despite the mess and the cold she had caught, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of satisfaction. Their connection had grown stronger, and he was pleased to see Sally so content.

"Looks like someone had a great night," Marcus teased gently, reaching over to touch Sally's forehead. "You're running a fever. We should get you checked out."

Sally blinked up at him, her eyes heavy with sleep and a lingering smile on her lips. "Yeah, I guess I did," she said, her voice slightly nasally. "But it was worth it."

Marcus chuckled, helping Sally get up and finding a robe for her. "Let's get you some medicine and maybe a hot drink. Then we can talk about how to deal with the aftermath of last night."

As they moved to get ready for the day, their bond felt stronger than ever. The shared experience had deepened their connection, and despite the mess and the cold, they both felt a renewed sense of closeness and affection.

* * *Escaping Narration* * *

I woke up feeling the weight of yesterday's events, the warmth of Sally's presence still lingering in my mind. She was sprawled in bed, snuggled under the disheveled sheets, her face flushed with fever. I could see her shivering slightly, even though she was buried beneath the covers. I decided it was best to let her sleep and try to recover from the cold. I had other matters to attend to, and as much as I wanted to stay, I knew I had to get up and face the day.

I slipped out of bed and into the bathroom, where I took a quick shower. The steam helped clear my mind and gave me a moment to prepare for what lay ahead. When I emerged, I grabbed some casual civilian clothes—comfortable yet stylish enough to make an impression. The clothes were simple: a fitted dark shirt and well-worn jeans that clung to my frame, accentuating my physique. I took a moment to appreciate the reflection in the mirror. The past few months had been harsh, but they'd shaped me into someone stronger, both physically and mentally.

Dressing quickly, I left the dorm, leaving Sally to her rest. The crisp morning air greeted me as I stepped outside, and I began my walk across campus. The academy was bustling with students, their chatter and laughter a stark contrast to the intensity of our training and recent events. As I made my way towards the campus center, my thoughts drifted to the new level of notoriety I was starting to gain.

That's when I saw him—a former top student, someone who had been at the top of the class before me, strutting through the campus like he owned the place. His name escaped me, but the arrogance in his stride was unmistakable. He had always been the sort who believed the academy was his playground. Seeing me walking confidently towards him, his expression twisted into a sneer.

"Well, if it isn't Marcus Leviathan," he said, his voice dripping with disdain. "I heard you've been making waves recently. Thought I'd test just how tough you really are."

I arched an eyebrow, my mind already calculating the possibilities. "Is that so? And what's the point of this little challenge? To prove something to yourself?"

His eyes narrowed, and without another word, he lunged at me. It wasn't a friendly sparring match—he came at me with a vengeance. I sidestepped his initial attack, a smirk playing on my lips as I observed his aggression. It was almost amusing how he still saw me as the weakling from before.

As he continued to attack, I let him get a few hits in, though I dodged most with ease. When it was my turn, I countered with precision, landing a series of blows that quickly turned the fight in my favor. I could feel the power of my new abilities coursing through me, and I used them to my advantage, striking back ruthlessly. The academy students gathered around, their murmurs growing louder as the fight escalated.

The teacher who had known me as weak arrived just as the fight reached its peak. Her eyes widened in shock as she witnessed my transformation from the timid student she remembered to a formidable opponent. She stepped in, pulling us apart with a firm hand.

"Enough, both of you!" she commanded, her voice carrying authority.

I paused, breathing heavily, my eyes still locked on my defeated opponent. The teacher's gaze was a mix of surprise and concern, but I could see the begrudging respect in her eyes. She looked at me, still trying to process the change in my demeanor.

"Marcus, I didn't expect this from you," she said, her tone laced with astonishment. "But this is beyond the acceptable boundaries of a sparring match. Consider this a warning."

I shrugged nonchalantly, a smirk still lingering on my lips. "Fair enough. I was just defending myself. He started it."

With that, I walked away from the scene, the crowd parting to let me through. My actions had made an impression—one that would undoubtedly spread across the academy. The top students and even some of the upper-level delinquents who had been watching from the sidelines began to take notice. Whispers of my newfound strength and ruthless tactics quickly spread, cementing my reputation as a formidable and intriguing figure in the academy.

As I returned to the dorms, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. The balance of power was shifting, and I was at the center of it. 

* * * * *

The campus buzzed with a newfound energy as I made my way back to the dorms, the aftermath of the fight lingering in the air. The whispers of my name seemed to follow me, and I could almost feel the weight of the academy's eyes on my back. My reputation was shifting, and I had to admit, I was enjoying the attention.

As I walked, my mind drifted back to Sally. She was still resting in my dorm, her feverish state a reminder of the previous night's indulgences. The memory of her flushed cheeks and the warmth of her body against mine made me smile. It was a stark contrast to the frail and malnourished appearance she had when we first met. Back then, she had been quiet, timid, and barely holding herself together. Now, despite the cold she had caught, there was a new vitality in her—a sign of the strength she was building.

The transformation was equally striking in myself. I'd come a long way from the weakling I once was. The face that had once been gaunt and lined with exhaustion was now filled out with muscle and confidence. My body, once thin and frail, had become a testament to the grueling training and relentless battles I'd endured. The scars and bruises I now bore were badges of honor, marking the path I'd traveled from vulnerability to strength.

Arriving back at the dorm, I found Sally still nestled in bed, her face a mix of flushed and pale. She looked peaceful despite the cold. I couldn't help but marvel at how much she had changed since we first met. The softness of her features had hardened with determination, and the fragility of her former self had given way to a budding strength.

I gently shook her awake, mindful of her condition. "Hey, sleeping beauty," I said softly. "How are you feeling?"

Sally stirred, her eyes blinking open as she tried to focus on me. "Marcus? Did something happen?"

"Just a little skirmish," I replied with a casual shrug. "Nothing to worry about. How's the fever?"

"It's... manageable," she said, her voice still a bit hoarse. "I was just thinking about last night. It was... intense."

"Yeah, it was," I said, sitting on the edge of the bed. "But we'll deal with that later. For now, let's get you some medicine and a hot drink. You need to get better."

As I helped her sit up, I could see the lingering effects of her illness—her nose was slightly red, and she had a faint sheen of sweat on her forehead. It was a sharp contrast to her usual vibrant self, but it also reminded me of how far we'd both come.

Once she was settled and sipping on some hot tea, I headed out to handle the aftermath of the day's events. The fight had done more than just elevate my status; it had sparked a shift in how others viewed me. The once frail and overlooked Marcus Leviathan was now a figure of interest and intimidation.

Walking through the campus, I couldn't help but notice the curious glances and murmurs of students who had witnessed the fight or heard about it. I was becoming a subject of fascination, and the upper-level delinquents who had once dismissed me were now taking an interest. Their curiosity was a sign of the changing tides—my new reputation was drawing attention from all corners of the academy.

It was clear that my display of power had made an impact. The once-persistent whispers about my weakness were now being replaced by talk of my newfound strength and ruthless tactics. I was no longer the frail, malnourished student who had once been pushed around. I was evolving into someone who commanded respect and fear, and it was just the beginning of my journey.

As I returned to my room, I was ready to embrace this new role and the challenges it would bring. My transformation was not just physical but also psychological, and I intended to use every ounce of it to my advantage. The academy was buzzing with my newfound reputation, and I was determined to make the most of it.

Sally, still recovering, would have to catch up. But for now, I was ready to face whatever the academy—and the world—had in store for me.

Character Update, Also in the comments:

Hero Status Window (Marcus Leviathan):

Name: Marcus Leviathan

Title: Warrior Disciple of Aries

Level: 10

Class: Warrior

Faction: Neutral/Chaos


Strength: 85

Endurance: 80

Agility: 75

Intelligence (Int): 70


Wind Slash (Basic Wind Attribute Spell)

Description: Unleashes a cutting wind blade.

Effect: Deals moderate wind damage.

Cooldown: 10 seconds

Ruthless Strike

Description: A powerful melee attack that increases in potency based on recent combat experience.

Effect: High damage with a chance to stun.

Cooldown: 20 seconds

Aries’s Fury

Description: Channels the chaotic energy of Aries, enhancing strength and attack speed temporarily.

Effect: +20% Strength and Agility for 30 seconds.

Cooldown: 1 hour

Feral Instincts

Description: Increases reflexes and senses during combat, allowing for quicker reaction times.

Effect: +15% to Agility and Reaction Speed.

Cooldown: 15 minutes


Infamous Reputation: Increased intimidation factor in social and combat situations.

Mafia Influence: Access to underground networks and resources.


Enchanted Gauntlets: Boost melee attack power.

Combat Boots: Increase agility and movement speed.

Villain Status Window (Sally Parker):

Name: Sally Rosenthawn

Title: Dark Sorceress

Level: 10

Class: Sorcerer

Faction: Dark Magic


Strength: 55

Endurance: 50

Agility: 60

Intelligence (Int): 90


Shadow Bolt (Dark Magic Spell)

Description: Fires a projectile of dark energy.

Effect: Deals heavy dark magic damage.

Cooldown: 15 seconds

Cursed Shield

Description: Creates a shield of dark energy that absorbs damage and inflicts curses on attackers.

Effect: Reduces damage taken by 50%, curses attackers with reduced attack power.

Cooldown: 30 seconds

Dark Manipulation

Description: Allows control over shadows and dark energies to create illusions or bind enemies.

Effect: Creates illusions or binds a single enemy for 20 seconds.

Cooldown: 1 hour

Malicious Insight

Description: Enhances perception and allows insight into opponents' weaknesses.

Effect: +20% to Intelligence and Enemy Weakness Detection.

Cooldown: 10 minutes


Dark Affinity: Increased effectiveness of dark magic spells and abilities.

Subversive Influence: Ability to manipulate and influence others through dark magic.


Cursed Robe: Increases dark magic potency and provides protection against physical attacks.

Demonic Amulet: Enhances dark energy control and spell effectiveness.

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