"I could explain myself and confuse all of you more? Or I can tell you my plan and get us out of this place alive." Lu Xing offered.
Li looked at Long Zexi, Long Zexi finally sighed and nodded, then Li looked at Sho and gave him a nod.
Sho understood them.
Sho turned to give Stella, Yang Jin, and Kuan Bo a certain look, as though trying to get them to understand.
Both Stella and Yang Jin seemed displeased but didn't speak up their discontentment. Only Kuan Bo wouldn't look up at anyone, seemingly disappointed. Sho sighed but looked at Lu Xing, his eyes guarded, "We'll listen."
'I see...' Lu Xing smiled warily, "First off..Kuan Bo is a Class 8, subtype Enchanter."
Everyone seemed taken aback...none had ever heard of such a type before.
Not even a whisper.
"That's it! He's one of them!" Yang Jin lifted his hand to Lu Xing's neck, his hand mere inches from the flesh, his fingertips gathering the slight pressure of wind, seemingly ready to blast Lu Xing's head off.
Sho raised his hands seemingly getting ready to calm Yang Jin down, meanwhile Li, Stella, and Long Zexi stood to their spots ready to watch this unfold whichever way it did.
"Stop." Kuan Bo spoke up.
He walked up to Lu Xing, his eyes full of curiosity, and hope.
"What am I able to do? What can I do?" Kuan Bo asked firmly.
Lu Xing felt inwardly relieved, they'd taken the bait.
"Your words have power." Lu Xing explained, his left hand smacking Yang Jin's annoying hand away from his neck.
Yang Jin narrowed his eyes but stood down.
Lu Xing went up to Kuan Bo, "You hold the ability to entice others into doing your bidding with mere words."
Kuan Bo suddenly seemed perturbed, "Like mind control?"
"I wish," Lu Xing chuckled, "a Class 6 would be more likely to possess mind control." Suddenly Lu Xing was reminded of Kuan Mo, "No, you're a Class 8, and speech is your gift. Your ability is heard by your target, and resonates something within your targets mind, triggering obedience."
Suddenly Kuan Bo could feel everyone glancing at him warily.
"Don't be so scared," Lu Xing smiled, "with training, even a non-Class 6 can close themselves off to simple level manipulations."
"Who knew this kid could scare even us." Li swung an arm over Kuan Bo's shoulder and ruffled the kid's hair like a big brother.
"I'm pretty sure Stella's pretty scary herself." Sho said as though saying Kuan Bo wasn't that scary.
Stella jabbed Sho with her elbow and gave Kuan Bo a reassuring smile, Sho grasping his side in pain.
Long Zexi nodded, his eyes narrowed on Lu Xing.
Suddenly feeling reassured of their trust in him, Kuan Bo gave a half smile.
"So how do we train the kid into doing that..Enchanter shit?" Yang Jin said, he personally felt conflicted, but he definitely saw the use in it.
"It won't just be Kuan Bo, we'll need Yang Jun too." Lu Xing said.
"Why Yang Jun?" Yang Jin asked his fist ashen white from how tightly he held them.
"He's a Class 5, subtype Shadow Manipulator." Lu Xing stated, "Yang Jun, after a higher level is reached will be able to hide and transport living people within his Shadows, by using that, we can save the captured Mutants, and with Kuan Bo at his side, they should be able to get within the imprisonment camp with no issues. Now using Long Zexi's teleportation abilities, he and I should be able to go out at anytime to gather resources, it would also help Kuan Bo and Yang Jun to train their abilities going out with us on these scavenging outings-"
"-Wait just a minute! Who decided you would go with Long Zexi on these so called outings?" Yang Jin interrupted, he was now outright glowering at Lu Xing.
"Out of everyone here, I am the most knowledgeable person when it comes to training based on Class and subtypes." Lu Xing stated with confidence, 'though everything I know is based on theories from stories during that timeline..'
"He's right." Long Zexi relented feeling his head hurt, "He helped me quickly understand my ability under duress. I'm certain he still has alot more pointers for me, but if he can do the same for Kuan Bo and Yang Jun, then maybe it wouldn't be bad...plus we really need food and supplies."
Suddenly someone's stomach grumbled.
Everyone's eyes turned to the top of the stairs.
Yang Jun blushed, "I heard everyone talking and came over...sorry."
Yang Jin scolded at his younger cousin but he felt his heart ache.
They haven't had a decent meal in a long time now.
"We can all use some food." Li stated, he patted his starved belly, "What do you say Sho?"
"I think we can talk more on this after we get some food in our bellies." Sho said looking at Long Zexi apologetically. "Can you handle abit more of those jumps?" Sho asked him.
Long Zexi suddenly felt queasy.
He was about to answer when Lu Xing butted in, "He won't be able to just yet," Lu Xing had a reassuring smile on as he lifted his hand towards Long Zexi, "I've saved enough, I can probably get him through another level."
Before anyone could speak up, Lu Xing had a net of flames spread out onto Long Zexi's body.
Long Zexi wanted to recoil but stood firm, his eyes closed.
I'm back with weekly chapters, and this project is no longer on hiatus. I had to do some soul searching for this, and regained my motivation after prior events in my life. But I cherish my character Lu Xing and want to continue his story..
(*_ _)人 I truly apologize for the prior back and forth Hiatus.