
◇Personal Temporal Space◇

They finally all stood in one room.

Long Zexi looked extremely uncomfortable under everyone's gaze after Li explained the risks of teleporting.

Seemingly enough the only ones not frightened was Lu Xing who'd known the risks from the start, and the two others, Li and Sho, who'd had time to digest the information.

Having found out that they were risking their lives on an unstable ability, everyone else had uneasy thoughts about the whole thing.

"You bastard!" Yang Jin shouted out as he walked up to Lu Xing, rage clearly shown on his face.

"Stop." Long Zexi suddenly stepped between them, his back toward Lu Xing.

Yang Jun also stepped in and grabbed his cousin, "Big brother Jin...please don't."

Hearing his younger cousin's rare endearment, Yang Jin simply grumbled and stepped away from the group. He stomped off, his anger still boiling under the surface. Yang Jun gave a weary smile at Long Zexi and mouthed the word 'sorry', before going after Yang Jin. The rest of the group could hear a loud slam of a door upstairs, then a softer opening and shutting of the same door happened before they continued...

"Well, that could've gone worse." Lu Xing said with half smile.

Long Zexi placed his hands on his temples and sighed...


'I hate him.' Long Zexi thought feeling more exhausted than before, his head and body still in pain.

Long Zexi stomach then gurgled...

He blushed and started staring intensely at the ground..but a sudden arm around his shoulder had him glancing up.

Lu Xing gave him a reassuring smile.

"You're not a bad person Long Zexi, and your powers aren't bad." Lu Xing explained, then he looked at everyone else one at a time until everyone was looking away from his gaze, even Li seemed uncomfortable under his gaze, "Any ability can be dangerous, but with enough practice, the wielder can make it the most convenient of abilities. We already live in a new world filled with endless dangers, let's not make the mistake of isolating the few allies we got. Okay?"

"I believe Lu Xing has a point here." Stella said her hands making ice form at the fingertips as showed everyone her ice ability once more then shrugged, "All of us are dangerous, no need to get so worked up after we were saved by Long Zexi in this gamble."

"She's..right..." Kuan Bo said blushing, he was ashamed of his earlier horrified expression when he found out about Long Zexi's ability being super unstable, "I'm an Enchanter type...and.....that probably...makes everyone uncomfortable..probably....So, I'm sorry Long Zexi."

He glanced at Long Zexi then back at his feet.

"It's okay..I was weirded out earlier too when I found out about your ability also...so I guess we're even." Suddenly Long Zexi felt a weight fall off his shoulders and gave a half smile.

"Kids right." Li added with his own comradery smile, and an arm swung over Kuan Bo's shoulders as he messed with the kid's hair, "We're all criminally dangerous, so what's one more added to our group."

Kuan Bo started shoving Li away.

"HahahaHaha...." Long Zexi broke out into laughter as the relief really made its way through him, he realized he had some great friends, tears started falling down his cheeks as he finally found an outlet to his pent-up sorrows and guilt.

Kuan Bo finally managed to get away from Li, and started fixing his hair but his eyes seemed tinged with redness as he tried holding in his own tears.

Li, Stella, and Sho all looked at one another and shared an unspoken acknowledgement amongst themselves. Stella rolled her eyes and glanced away from him. Li simply grinned as he went over and patted Long Zexi's back, though it was more like a smack.

"Damn that hurt Li!" Long Zexi exclaimed as he abruptly straightened up and wiped his unbidden tears away one handed, the other hand smacking Li away like a pest.

Sho glanced away from them and turned toward Lu Xing who he caught with an odd expression on his face as he watched everything unfold in front of him.

Lu Xing suddenly felt someone's gaze and looked up at Sho, his lips suddenly curving up into a smile.

"Their good companions." Lu Xing let out, "Li knows exactly how to reassure others, Kuan Bo's kindness softens the atmosphere, and Stella brings in rationality...and then you're their boss, huh?"

"It's some odd times we live in, isn't it?" Sho decided to hold off on his questions and decided to also watch the rumbustious youths.

"Well your not wrong." Lu Xing said under his breath and also continued to observe the groups camradery.

'That expression though..' Sho pondered, 'It was as though he'd seen a ghost.'

"Agh..stop already." Kuan Bo said as he tried helping Long Zexi shove the buffoon Li away.

'This time will be different.' Lu Xing thought with a determined look in his eyes, 'I'll make it different.'


"Damn it how could that bastard leave me alone out here!" Huan cursed out as he camped out in a building just near of where Lu Xing had last been seen.

'I drove that damn car to an alley and even waited but this bastard...' Huan frowned, 'He's really taking his time.'

The location he was camped out at had a decent view of the city, and he could even spot the fortified walls surrounding the inner Z City.

Yet the downside was...



Both these sounds were the gutteral sounds of zombies, and Huan was beginning to feel like prey.

"These fuckers just had to follow me!" Huan swore under his breath as he leaned against the wall next to the window.

The door to the room had furniture blocking anything from entering.

"Lu Xing you bastard hurry..."Huan muttered, though he knew the chances of Lu Xing showing up were rather slim.

'It's not like I don't know.' Huan thought, 'That bastard wants me dead.'

"But why?! I know I want to die...I deserve to die...but..." Huan placed his face in his hands, "why does he hate me?"

Suddenly a shadow took form from the corner of his eyes, through his fingers...

"The hell?!" Huan lifted his head away from his hands to look warily at the shadow that took on the shape of a cloaked figure.

"I finally found you. General." A raspy voice came from the hooded figure.